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wrbtrader Price Action Live Screen Sharing(click on screenshot to review trading results)

Archive Chat Log @

Verification of Price Action Trade Performance @

TheStrategyLab Reviews @

Image on the above/left represents what many users in the private chat room were able to see via live screen sharing...

I took a quick screenshot for marketing purposes within minutes after I completed my last trade for the day. The redacted screenshots are for my own private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not shown) and for verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for those that were not in the chat room or not allowed in the live screen sharing for whatever reason with others that were allowed.

In addition, I use these redacted screenshots as verification of which members were in the free chat room on that specific trading day just in case I no longer have access to the archived chat room text logs.

  • In fact, I have many images like this of different trading days (not every trading day)...distributed on different webpages and at forum pages along with the archived chat room logs here @ TheStrategyLab. These are redacted screenshots of live screen sharing of my main monitor with my broker trade execution platform in front of members of TheStrategyLab just in case someone says they didn't see any verification.

This redacted screenshot was then placed in my public chat room log, daily performance record for that particular trading day although I have a private trade journal with other redacted screenshots from my other two monitors (not shown above)...complete trade fill window, complete audit trail window, broker statement, charts of Key WRB Zones, quantitative statistical analysis from professional trade journal software, public archive chat logs of members real time trades, private chat log conversations with other members using WRB Analysis and other private financial data), my exercise / nutrition stats for the same trading day because I have a fixation on documentation of my trading day, and admin logs about redacted screenshots posted by users of WRB is my personal diary.

Serious, do you know any other vendor that documents real time trades and redacted screenshots of his trade performance and the same by the members vendor's services ?

In fact, today, a trader can not gain access to my free chat room until they've posted the verification of understanding the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and posted redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform...a policy (verification requirement) I've strictly enforced since 2014.   

Thus, many of our members that uses WRB Analysis post their redacted screenshots of trade performance, some post real-time trades, some use a 3rd part professional trade journal software for their quantitative statistical analysis of their trade performance...all posted in their private trade journal / private threads. I strongly believe TheStrategyLab is the only vendor that ask users of its services to verify their trade performance.


(click on image to review redacted broker trade execution platform with trading results)

Archive Chat Log @

My name is M.A. Perry, retail trader (trading via my own money), educator and vendor that uses the alias wrbtrader (formerly known as NihabaAshi) at many trader social networks. The name of my trade method is called WRB Analysis.

I reside in Canada, province of Québec. I have +25 years trading experience with most of it as a full time trader. I'm the sole owner of although I do get an occasional help from other traders which is why you may see me use the word "we" sometimes at my website. I'm a discretionary trader that uses a rule base objective trade method. I use several different trade strategies that are specifically designed for different types of market conditions.

Rules of my trade methods are well defined and very strict although there's aspects of my trading that's involved in my consistent profits that most traders underestimate their importance. Those aspects involves behavior finance, trader psychology, cognitive decision making and trading experience. These aspects are important in my trading due to the fact I do not use automation nor am I involved in any algorithm trading.

Trading to me is part art, part psychology and part science.

Definition of a Discretionary Trader (rule base or intuition) - Anyone not using automation  

TheStrategyLab is primary an education website and a research/development website for market analysis and trade strategies. Hence the phrase "Lab" in the name TheStrategyLab. Simply, I'm constantly researching, designing and testing price action concepts whenever market conditions change or when I think a component of my trade method can be improved. I then use these price action concepts in my own trading prior to helping others use them in their trading.

TheStrategyLab Review Part Science Part Psychology Part ArtMy trading performance involves part science, part psychology, part art and those using TheStrategyLab trade methodology only have access to the part science aspect that consist of many different trade strategies. To be up front, I do not believe you can be a profitable trader via technical analysis (science) alone and nothing else.

Just as importantly, the part psychology and part art can not be taught in an online trading can only be learned via experience and high self awareness of yourself as a trader. 

Reality, most traders should be learning on their own. This does not imply that you should stare at charts all day and something magical will pop out for you. Instead, it implies you should be using any free resource you can find to develop their own trading plan. Yet, it does not imply that just because its free...its going to help your trading. That's why most of my services are free and any trader can contact me to get free support with any of their trading problems.

Further, when you ask questions about problems in your trading...I will not mention our fee-base services to you nor will TheStrategyLab share with anyone any information you have shared with us. Hopefully, my WRB Analysis price action concepts, views about behavior finance, trader psychology, cognitive decision making and trade experience will help you develop your own approach to trading that results in consistent profits as it has for TheStrategyLab.

If you then exhaust the free resources involving self-learning...that's when you should consider fee-base resources

We make no guarantees and no promises you'll be profitable. In contrast, trading is difficult and only a small percentage of traders will be consistently profitable and even a smaller percentage of traders will be able to trade for a living. fact, if we meet a trader we believe is not suitable for trading...we'll be direct and tell the trader that trading is something they should not be doing.

There are two types of traders that mainly contact us and want to use WRB Analysis. I refer to them as trader A and trader B.

Trader A is a trader that uses price action concepts of WRB Analysis to improve the performance of his/her own trade strategies.

Trader B is a trader that does not have a trade strategy and then uses WRB Analysis to design his/her own trade strategies or uses our trade strategies that's already embedded with WRB Analysis.

Most users of WRB Analysis are price action only traders. Yet, we do have some users of WRB Analysis that are using traditional indicators or their own proprietary trading systems. TheStrategyLab does not use indicators and we do not use programs or codes to trade. We help traders to embed WRB Analysis with their trade methods regardless if their price action only traders or traders using indicators or proprietary trading systems after the trader explains to us the problematic areas in their trading. Traders that use our resources but does not communicate with us will most likely have difficulties in using WRB Analysis.   

TheStrategyLab does not offer a signal calling trade room service...never has and never will but we have a free chat room for any trader to use and talk to other traders about the markets, discuss their trading problems or discuss WRB Analysis. The largest group of WRB Analysis users in the free chat room are using WRB Analysis merged with their own trade signal strategies. The next largest group of WRB Analysis users in the free chat room are designing their own trade signal strategies via using price action concepts from WRB Analysis. My responsibility in the free chat room is to moderate (keep the peace between members). I do this very well via using my past experience as a moderator at a popular trading forum. Thus, I make a big effort in keeping out spammers, trolls, keeping out traders not using WRB Analysis, keeping out traders trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade room and keeping out drive-by curiosity seekers.

Unfortunately, a few of these types of traders sneak into the chat room and cause problems for other members. I then ban those types of trouble makers and some of them decides to retaliate via posting negative commentary about TheStrategyLab.

TheStrategyLab does not offer a mentoring (coaching) program...never has. Thus, we do not teach you how to trade. Yet, due to many requests for a mentoring program, I've decided to maintain a waiting list. If/when there is a mentoring (coaching) program, I will use the business model discussed @  

wrbtrader Price Action Trading Profit Loss Statement

(click on image to view trading results) 

Archive Chat Log @

To gain access to the free chat room, a trader must learn the WRB Analysis free study guide (see link below). This requirement helps ensure users of the chat room understands any WRB Analysis conversation in the chat room (e.g. WRB interval, WRB Hidden GAP interval, WRB Zone, Key WRB Zones, R area of Zone, S area of Zone, first WRB Hidden GAP interval, reaction high/low, volatility spike, contracting volatility, key market event).

This process also ensures that members are not disturbing other members in the middle of their trades with questions like what's a WRB Hidden GAP interval. The free chat room is used as a supplemental trade journal of market analysis and real-time trades. There are no guru traders in the room telling other traders what to trade, when to buy or when to sell and that's because its not a signal calling trading room nor is there any mentoring (teach how to trade) anywhere @ TheStrategyLab.

In contrast, I do freely share my WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, sell my WRB Analysis Advance Tutorial Chapters and Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies for a fee. Yet, these resources do not involve any mentoring. Thus, they are self-serve although I do require users to post verification of their understanding and application of the resources.

WRB Analysis free study guide @ (registration not required to download the free study guide)

Instructions to gain access to the free chat room @ (you're required to understand the WRB Analysis free study guide to gain access to the free chat room) 

Archive Chat Logs @ (registration not required to read the chat log...archived since 2002) 

Also, I do not need to generate income via allowing sponsors to post advertisements at my website nor do I need to use Google adsense or any other like services for income. In addition, I do get several offers per month by websites that want to pay me a generous monthly fee to advertise their products at my website. I've always stated in my replies I'm not interested. I do have affiliation accounts with Amazon because I'm a big fan of their services but I've never made a penny via the affiliation although I do have several Amazon affiliation links posted at my website. Its possible the links are no longer valid but I'm too lazy to post updated links.

My main source of income are trading, photography business in a European country that I'm a part owner although I'm no longer involved in the management of the company. Yet, I do still give a generous financial support to the company and employees. As for this TheStrategyLab website, as stated, I'm the sole owner. It generates about $3,200 dollars per year since since 2009 (prior years more clients but the fee per client was LESS). Another reason why I get very little interest is that I do not market myself outside of my own resources. Instead, as a trader/vendor, my marketing is in house via selling access to my rule base advance methods called Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters and the Volatility Trading Report (VTR). In addition, I have a referral program that use to be popular until 2010 when I notified all traders in my referral program about my new referral rules that essentially prevented them from looking for new clients at discussion forums I'm a member (e.g.

I myself do not spam, do not use multiple aliases, do not bait traders into conversations about my trade methodology and I do not defend my website when someone talks bad about me. The reason why I do not defend my website is because to do such is to give attention to those (mostly trolls) what they want...attention seeking. It's simple...ignore the trolls. In addition, I've always been upfront with forum owners about my vendor status the first day I arrived at their forum and all of them are OK with my status just as long as I do not advertise at their forum. Simply, there's no deceit, no secret advertising, no hidden agendas...we post like any other forum user and we prefer to talk about "trader psychology" and "behavior finance" topics at forums. In contrast, at my own forum, I help traders with their due diligence via offering free access to many services and that includes free access to my WRB Analysis study guide so that they can use it to determine the merits of WRB Analysis prior to purchase of any of my advance services. Registration not required and you can download it @  

There are three big misconceptions about my website.

Many come to my website because they're looking to be mentored after someone misled them with information (good or bad) about my website. As stated, my resources do not teach someone how to trade although I often get asked to offer services that teach how to trade. Instead, to teach how to trade, I strongly believe such can only be done in person and in front of the student eyes while trading from the mentor's own trading account in live trades. I also believe a mentor should give a full refund if the mentor is not profitable during the mentoring session. Mentor/Student relationships is a two way street. Thus, its the mentor's responsibility to ensure the trader has an adequate at home trading environment, properly capitalized, test the student on issues involving proper risk management, monitors the student live real-time trades in a chat room and many other things prior to in person mentor and prior to any payments. Regardless to my beliefs about the business model of mentoring, I do understand many are upset at my opinions about mentoring and some have actually harassed me for such views because it greatly contrast their own beliefs.

Most users of my website are free users and many have stated my WRB Analysis free study guide and other free content is very helpful to their trading. In fact, I document a lot of these conversations with traders that find WRB Analysis useful to testimonials. Next, I give support in understanding and applying the WRB Analysis especially for those traders that are using the price action concepts from WRB Analysis to design their own trade methods.

Most of our services are geared to helping users with their trade signal strategies or help them design their own trade signal strategies via traders using concepts from WRB Analysis. Unfortunately, most of the trolls out there that are bashing TheStrategyLab are those using their own personal trade signal strategies or are traders that were banned from your resources because they were harassing other users that are outperforming them. Some of our clients post brokerage statements and/or performance metrics in their private threads. This is private information that we do not share with any one because it involves our clients custom (proprietary) trade signal strategies.

Many think I'm living the multi-millionaire lifestyle. I pay a lot of taxes in my country. I financially support another business with employees that has nothing to do with trading, a lot of my income is absorbed in the support of my family and a sick love one. This is the reality of my trading life that the naive and jealous do not want to talk about. Further, they do not want to talk about the costs involved in treating trading like a business, private health/medical insurances for traders like me that trade for a living, long term financial cost of taking care of a sick love one and many other realities of life. The only thing they care about is that you had a 400k year and you must be a multi-millionaire by now and living the lifestyle of a millionaire. 

These are misinformation told by a few trying to get others to believe this is my persona...a persona I've never projected about myself. If you want a more accurate persona about me and my beliefs...go to forums like and read my message posts involving the realities of trading. Simply, a multi-millionaire lifestyle is not my reality. I often talk about the financial burdens in life as a trader. In fact, some traders get personal with me and I do tell them to keep their jobs because it has health/medical benefits and that they should only trade before work, after work, leave of absence or on vacation that's setup for trading.

All new traders in today's markets of global financial uncertainty need to be financially stable while learning how to trade on their own and it helps with the psychological aspects of trading via having a job that provides security for them and their family. Simply, do not quit your job. Instead, make changes in your schedule so that you can trade when you're not working at your job.

In fact, if you hang out at the forums I hang out at like, you know who those traders are that have views about trading that contrast me. They are in plain view and many of them I've debated about in topics involving technical analysis (I don't believe such works by itself), debates about psychology (many have deep psychological problems), debates about their hypocritical views about the markets while living a different lifestyle, debated, and debated with those about topics not related to trading (e.g. politics, healthcare)...the latter creates the most trolling by these individuals.

wrbtrader Price Action Trading Profit Loss Statement(click on image to view trading results)

Archive Chat Log @

As of 2010, all fee base clients are require to post DOKs to verify they understand the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and post redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform with brief explanation of the trades via key concepts from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to verify the understanding/application of WRB Analysis prior to purchase of any of our fee-based education content.

If they did not see an improvement in their trading via the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide prior to purchase or they purchase our education content without posting the verification of understanding/application information...they are not given access to the fee base resources and they are then immediately refunded. This is part of a vetting process to weed out potential clients that refuse to do the work required to give them a chance for success. I may later add other requirements in the vetting process if the current requirements are not suitable to weed out lazy traders not willing to put in the screen time with WRB Analysis.

I then explain to them that they can purchase my advance trade methods at a later date whenever they are confident they understand the WRB Analysis free study guide and only when they see an improvement in their trading via the WRB Analysis free study guide. Thus, process itself is another reason why I only get a few clients every three months. In contrast, if someone lies in the questionnaire process, they are not eligible for any refund. Also, you will not find anonymous testimonials at my website because I show the actual conversations (unedited).

I'm from a family of traders although I'm the only retail trader in the family. Therefore, those I hang out with that are traders, they are mainly professional traders working for a firm or private traders that begin their trading career working on Wall Street, London financial district or Hong Kong financial district. I'm very cautious about my online interaction and I put an enormous effort in maintaining my privacy and security of my family. This is the primary reason why I'm vague about details involving myself when interacting with strangers, people with a criminal background, drive-by curiosity seekers and with anyone that does not have a sincere interest to get to know me. Anyone that uses today's social media should understand my caution. In contrast, if someone takes the time to consistently interact with me online along with showing a sincere interest, I do meet with people in person and allow them access to my trading environment.

I have a free chat room for anyone to use that wants to learn about WRB Analysis. More information about the free chat room @ 

Further, in the free chat room, I post my live trades in real-time (entry to exit) every trading day along with market commentaries from one trade to the next trade since November of 2002 in the free chat room. In addition, I've been posting my broker profit/loss blotter since September 26th 2006 to show that there are real traders making a living at trading along with allowing in person meetings (appointment only) to let traders watch me trade in front of their own two eyes. Yet, I'm realistic and know that in today's market conditions, its best for traders to first begin as a part-time trader with a secure job to support them until market conditions change when they have shown consistent profits to verify they are ready for full time trading.

Once again, I'm a discretionary trader that uses a rule base trade method. Rules are well defined and very strict. Thus, I don't use automation nor am I involved in any algorithm trading although I enjoy discussions about algorithms in the financial markets.  

With that said, I'm not a guest speaker on financial networks, authoring books, magazine articles, giving hindsight seminars nor managing funds...all of which I have not done. Yet, TheStrategyLab is mentioned in several books, magazine articles, blogs in several different languages. I'm very proud that we've helped many traders around the world while only having one negative review. I have a strong belief that profitable trading involves more than just trade signals and you can see this in my discussions at forums like although I do not discuss my trade methods at these forums.

In fact, you can read anything I've stated at the below resources but do not contact me at the below resources to ask me questions about my website because I'm not a sponsor at those online locations. Therefore, if you have questions about my website, you can contact me via email or at my own forum @

wrbtrader @ Twitter (I primarily communicate via private message)

wrbtrader @ Stocktwits (I primarily communicate via private message)

wrbtrader @ ForexFactory

wrbtrader @

wrbtrader @ TradingView

wrbtrader @ (I'm mainly inactive at the forum)

wrbtrader @ (I'm very active and I mainly discuss psychology of trading or debate with traders that are hypocrites in their own personal use of technical analysis. It's a forum that I have close personal friends that I use to trade with in an office...they were the ones that invited me to join along with an invitation from an assistant manager of the forum name Joe that use to visit my free chat room)

wrbtrader @ (I'm mainly inactive at the forum)

NihabaAshi @ (My old user name that I changed to wrbtrader with the approval of the forum owner Baron...most traders change user names without notification to the owner or most denied )

All the above listed forums, the forum owners are aware of my vendor status because I notified them myself. They know I do not market or promote myself at the forum and they know that I have no interests in being a sponsor of their forum due to the fact I do not want to advertise my services at their forum. They also know I'm very professional and that I only discuss topics that are not specific to any of my services.

The above information may seem vague or different in comparison to other vendors but it's intentionally vague due to some website visitors not having good intentions. Therefore, if you want more detailed information about any of the above information...please send me an email with telephone number to request a phone conversation and I will determine from the conversation and your background if I want to continue to get to know you.

In addition, please read the disclaimer statement very carefully and by being on this website you agree to the terms it explains. If you don't agree with our disclaimer statement, it's strongly recommended you do not use any resources of

Further, strongly believes that constant R&D (research and development) is required to remain profitable, avoid drawdown periods and our website helps us to accomplish these goals for ourselves and our clients (hence the name TheStrategyLab).

Thus, we provide you with strategies and resource tools that not only improves your entry/exit technique but also maximizes your profits while minimizing your losses for current market environments. 

Our clients and website visitors are professional traders (hedge funds, banks, institutional, prop traders, advisors et cetera), ex-professional traders, ex-floor traders and home-based retail traders.

The profitable strategies our clients use for many different trading instruments involves WRB Analysis via the combining of the following methodologies.

Primary Methodology:

Volatility Analysis  

Correlation Analysis

Position Size Management  

Intermarket Analysis  

Intramarket Analysis

Support/Resistance Zone Analysis

Secondary Methodology:

Japanese Candlestick Analysis 

With that said, my best strategies (primary and secondary) are via the following fee-based resources:

Trading Strategies

To read commonly asked questions about your strategies or here.

Also, to see the complete list of trading instruments that's applicable for trading via your here.

We as active traders at have earned our varsity letter in the market game and are aware of what occurs on many trading websites and do not excuse such practices because they are linked together to the failures of most that seek financial success via online information.

Simply, at our website you will not see the following:

Pop up advertisements when you enter and exit our website

Hyping and bashing

Pressure selling tactics and get rich selling tactics 

Magic trading formulas nor black box systems

Trading strategies with ambiguous and subjective rules 

Trading strategies not applicable to current market conditions

Bait-n-switch tactics

Bias promotion of one trading tool/website and not their competitors

Further, has revenue-sharing relationships with the following organizations only because we use their services ourselves and are satisfied with their products along with carefully reviewing their sites to ensure they follow our own website standards that's good for our clients and visitors:





In addition, the revenue generated via our relationship with the above organizations is used to maintain, its resources and to help generate residual income on non-trading days. To sum it up, we make our living via our own merits....actively trading. Our other income revenue is via marketing of our strategies, trading reports, referral program...revenue that represents only a small portion of our total income in comparison to my trading profits and photography business. Also, if you have any questions about active trading...please contact us.

Last of all, as you explore our website and message board...we look forward to empowering you via optimizing your active trading and profits.

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry (a.k.a. wrbtrader
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis or wide range bar analysis)
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Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)


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