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Do you
want to improve the performance of your
entry signals, exit signals, profit targets and
know when a big price move is about to occur
along with a better understanding of the
price action (market context) you're
trading via learning more about price action
volatility analysis (no technical indicators).
Of course you do and that's
why we want to give you a free
copy of our WRB Analysis Tutorial
chapters 1, 2 and 3 study guide so that
you can improve your trading
performance and for you to use the free
study guide for your due diligence to
help you determine the merits of the Advance
Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 prior
to purchase.
to Payment:
You must
have download our WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
(tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3)...read, learn and
understand the free study guide.
the free study guide @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=718
must post DOKs (demonstration
of knowledge)
at our free support forum for the free study
guide to verify understanding
tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3 of the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide. In addition, you must post
redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in
broker trade execution platform to verify
application of tutorial chapter 2 of the
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Do not post your
verification without the Key Market
Events (KME) because it's a critical component
of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
There are examples of DOKs from prior clients @
https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=61 and there are
examples of redacted screenshots to verify
application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
at the TSL Support Forum...registration not
required to view these examples of verification
screenshots but registration is required for you
to post your verification of learning
(understanding)/application of the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide...no exception.
addition, use our free support forum to ask
questions about the WRB Analysis Free Study
Guide, free chat room or fee-base education
content. Also, we can create a private
thread for you to post your questions,
post your DOKs and post your redacted
screenshots of trade fills in broker trade
execution platform for traders that only want to
post their verification of learning/application
in private.
You're required
to have a trade signal strategy (entry to exit)
to use with the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to
determine the merits of WRB Analysis. Yet, if
you do not have a trade signal strategy...please
contact us for access to one of our trade signal
strategies called the Fading Volatility BreakOut
(FVB) trade strategy so that we can send you the
qualification instructions to access the trade
You're required
to have posted verification of
learning/application for the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide and the Advance WRB Analysis
Tutorial Chapter 4 at the free TSL Support Forum
prior to
purchasing the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial
Chapters 4 - 12 package...no exceptions.
if you purchase our free base education content
before you post
the verification of learning/application
documentation...we will refund your purchase
because you reveal to us you're not able
to follow instructions. Further, it implies you
will not follow the price action
instructions of our fee-base education content.
you will not understand our fee-base
education content if you're unable to verify
you've learned/applied WRB Analysis Free Study
Guide or the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial
Chapter 4 if you're planning to purchase the
Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12
Once again, you're required
to do the above to verify to TheStrategyLab
that you've completed your due diligence and
it will allow us to know you a little better as
a trader before
we allow you access our fee-base education
Learning Route: WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
---> Advance Tutorial Chapter 4 --->
Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 package.
In fact, if
you purchase our fee-base education content without
interacting with us via posting your DOKs to
verify you've downloaded, read and learned
(understand) the basic tutorial chapters 1 , 2
and 3...we will ask you to do the above to verify
your understanding of the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide.
If you do not post the verification
information (DOKs and redacted screenshots to
verify you've learned/applied the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide)...we will refund your payment (no
- Also,
the refund will be in full minus the currency rate difference
used by PayPal on the date of purchase versus
the currency rate on the date of refund.
WRB Analysis
is applicable to bar charts, candlestick charts,
continuous tick charts and other types of charts.
You can use WRB Analysis for day trading, swing
trading or position trading...it is a trading
course that is an introduction into understanding
the price action you're trading...it does not
teach how to trade.