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Quotation Left Analysis of wide range body or bar (WRB) is the most efficient way to exploit changes in supply/demand or changes in volatility for profits. Quotation Right

Title of Webpagewrbtrader review

hashtags: #wrbtrader #thestrategylab #review #priceaction

wrbtrader Price Action Trading Profit Loss Statement(click on image to review trading results)

Archive chat log @

My real name is M.A. Perry and I'm the owner of this website called and I've only had two online user names: wrbtrader (since early 2010) & NihabaAshi (martial arts and Japanese Candlestick term until late 2009).

wrbtrader user name was decided upon by personal friends after I banned several trolls whom had decided to retaliate by spreading misinformation & disinformation that I was Muslim or Japanese. By the way, I'm Catholic and there's more information further below concerning my personal history & background.

I publicly announced the user name change from NihabaAshi to wrbtrader at several online forums that I was a member of at the time of the user name change with the approval of the forum owners prior to the change. I've never used any other online user name nor have I used any VPNs nor rented IP addresses to hide my identity or hide my online presence.

Verification of Trade Performance @ and

TheStrategyLab Member Quotation----------------------

The above redacted screenshot and other screenshots all over the website & forum...represents what some users in the private price action chat room were able to see via live screen share meeting in real-time as the trades occurred and then posted real-time in the free price action chat room by the user name wrbtrader (former user name NihabaAshi).

The above redacted screenshot and every redacted screenshots @ TheStrategyLab are then posted within minutes in my public trade journal after I've completed my last trade of the trading day. Today, these types of redacted screenshots are only posted in my private trade journal although the chat room logs will always remain public. 

I use the wrbtrader user name at all resources of TheStrategyLab and at other social media (e.g. Twitter, Stocktwits, TradingView, Youtube, Google, forums, chat rooms). The photo in most of my social media trader profiles are different screenshots of my broker PnL statements with timestamp trade fills...updated once per year. 


Now back to the above redacted screenshot...I document my price action trading with images like this every trading day (several different times per day) in combo with my daily brokerage statements so that I know what my monitors looked like on a specific trading day because I use different templates in my chart configurations and my broker PnL statement screen configurations as volatility changes throughout the trading day.

It's a redacted screenshot of my primary monitor and the other monitors are not shown for security & privacy reasons due to the fact that they contain chart configurations for correlation analysis, inter/intra market analysis, key kme wrb zones from my multiple monitor setup. Simply, the information on my other monitors are critical to my trading and I do not share the data (charts) that I have on my other monitors. - wrbtrader review

TheStrategyLab Review wrbtrader Price Action Trading Profit Loss Statement(click on image to review trading results)

Archive Chat Log @ November 1st Thursday 2018

Trading Background of wrbtrader: This redacted screenshot of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platform along with the same trades that were then posted in the free chat room...

They do not verify the merits of WRB Analysis. In contrast, this redacted screenshot along with many others of different trading days that are posted all over the website and forum represent that I do in fact trade.

I have +25 years price action trading experience with most of it as a full time retail trader. I'm the sole owner of although I do get an occasional help from other traders which is why you may see me use the word "we" sometimes at my website and forum. My first public experience in the trading business was as a moderator for a QCharts chat room and then as a moderator for FutureSource Workstation chat room...primary job was to keep the peace between members and to ban spammers / trolls.. Both chat rooms were not supported by the charting software but we did have a few customer service reps from the companies as members that were able to help with support of their software.

It was during this time period with the customer service reps that I started experimenting with "live screen sharing" with members of the chat room and the customer service reps for real-time useful instructions on how to better use their trading software. After I closed those chat rooms I got involved with a chat room named #EminiFutures.

The chat room name changed a few times until a few guys using my price action analysis called WRB Analysis to study the markets with their trade signal strategies asked me to help them moderate their chat room because they were bothered by persistent spammers of automated trading systems / custom indicators / signal calling trade trade alert rooms and persistent trolls trying to use their chat room to argue with other members about anything related to trading the markets.

Oddly, these spammers & trolls openly stated they hated IRC free chat rooms but they continue using it.

Emini Futures Chat Room(click on image to review trading results)

Archive chat log @

I agreed to moderate a public free chat room and the first thing I did was make each member register for access to the free chat room. I then changed the free chat room from public access to private access. Next, I begin to attract more futures traders with the hope that the stock traders would eventually move on their own to other chat rooms specific for stock traders as the conversation slowly changed to more futures talk and less talk about stocks. In fact, stock traders did move to other chat rooms after I posted a list of chat rooms for stock traders that were free and not involved in any signal calling trade alerts.

I then changed the name to #FuturesTrades but soon afterwards the spammers showed up again to market their automated trading systems & custom indicators. Also, we had forum owners showing up in your chat room trying to encourage our chat room members to join their forum because the forum had a chat room...that's how popular our chat room was in the beginning. It caught the eye of several popular forums.

Yet, the forum owners could not moderate (keep the peace between their chat room members) their chat room well enough and they eventually closed their chat rooms to just focus on being a forum. A good decision for them because it allowed them to attract more sponsors. 

We then moved our free chat room from the Othernet server to the Freenode server and currently on the Libera server for a fresh start and to attract Futures traders specifically using WRB Analysis. By the way, the only reason why I changed IRC servers for my free chat room was due to the fact that both Othernet and Freenode had crashed. Soon afterwards...we changed the free chat room name from #FuturesTrades to #TheStrategyLab.

In addition, the free chat room became specific for only users of WRB Analysis while we kicked / banned the last few trolls trying to defend their automated trading systems & custom indicators that had no verification of trade performance. Our motto statement to these trolls between 2008 - 2011 were not a morsel of evidence of trade performance. It was a statement we only used in private message with those we banned for not verifying their trade performance when they used our free chat room.  

We then decided to shake out the last few trouble makers in our free chat room because they consistently would log in via different IP addresses, used rented email addresses and they targeted (harassed) many of our members that posted verification of trade performance...real-time trade posts, brokerage statements, redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform and some members did live screen sharing of their broker trade execution platform specifically with me while the trolls were not allowed access to the live screen sharing because they could not post verification of their own trade performance.

We lost about 50% - 60% of our members mainly due to the fact our qualification rules for access to our free chat room also identified whom were trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room for the purpose to copy / mimic / piggyback trades posted by other members...a violation of our terms of use policy. Next, we lost another 20% due to the nature of several new online social media resources...twitter, stocktwits and tradingview.

Yet, the anger by the trolls started when I begin permanent bans of members that attempted to use the live screen sharing or the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert service...mimicking / copying / piggybacking real-time trades by other members without their permission. Yeah, I got a very bad reputation from 2005 - 2009 due to the bans...I just don't like lazy traders nor am I interested in babysitting traders that think they are entitled to something off the backs of my hard working members that were freely sharing their real-time price action analysis and real-time trades.

Privacy & cyber security is critically important to me...I'm a single parent with kids to protect although my spouse and I are co-parenting. You'll find more information about me at the below links for you to review that are important to me.  

wrbtrader (more info about me) @ 

TSL Support Forum Profile @ 

M.A. Perry (wrbtrader) Daily Price Action Trading Forum via WRB Analysis @  

TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading Archive Chat Logs / Clients Old Broker Statements @ 

Reviews, Accolades & Testimonials @ 

TheStrategyLab Reviews @ 

Review of Emmett Moore Jr Tradingschools by TheStrategyLab @

Review of Trolls by TheStrategyLab @

Rebuttal to Emmett Moore via Review @ (failed quant, troll, impersonator, hacker using his review blog to gain free access to automated trading systems and illegal access to live trading rooms...does not represent any official government agency) that was banned prior to Tradingschools review of M.A. Perry)

Where did wrbtrader go @ and @ (wrbtrader elitetrader)

TheStrategyLab: Valforex - The Manipulative Review Scam @ (Valforex scam website that does fake reviews. Reality, they just market scam robotic forex/cryptocurrency trading systems while secretly partner with other review websites). Their scam automated trading systems and custom indicator codes will never be reviewed by

About Us (wrbtrader & TheStrategyLab) @

I'm slow to update the many webpages at my website but its mainly due to the fact that I'm extremely busy as a single parent raising two very active children and being happily involved in their sport events. In fact, as mentioned above, I'm a private person...that's mainly due to protection of my family and the dislike of the downside of the internet via creeps (online trolls) out there trying the use the information on the internet to personally stalk me, harassment or cause harm.

Privacy put into place after an encounter with an online troll that trespassed onto my home property without my permission and then entered my backyard where my children & their friends were playing on the trampoline. This violation of my privacy was more than just was frightening...teaching me that I have a responsibility to my children to keep our personal life private because we don't know who is reading the info and how it will be used.  

wrbtrader review - M.A. Perry  -  TheStrategyLab

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry (a.k.a. wrbtrader
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis or wide range bar analysis)
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wrbtrader @ TradingView@    wrbtrader @ Twitch@

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Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)

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  TheStrategyLab Review - Trader Recommendation"In all fairness...I give credit to these results to Niha and what I have learned from him."

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  TheStrategyLab Review - Trader Recommendation"Your material is exceptional, its REVOLUTIONARY, seriously."

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