hashtags: #tradingschools #review #thestrategylab #wrbtrader #emmettmoore #Philippines #fakenews
Yet, I will only review a reviewer after a review of TheStrategyLab regardless if their review was positive or negative. Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools.org
Emmett Moore Jr. is known to have many online identities and openly talks about such at his review blog without revealing any specific user name other than to say he pretends to be a hapless trader, with money to spend, inexperience in trading that needs help or he knows something personal about the vendor in which he then pretends to be something similar to falsely create trust when he initiates contact with the vendor.
the vendor does not contact him...he will first solicit the vendor via one of his many fake
identities but not as Emmett Moore Jr. or he
may use help with the identity of one of his minions while
probing the resources of the vendor. Regardless, there's
always a similar or familiar digital fingerprint
involving his deceptive online behavior.
is very problematic because I have been solicited by several
fake identities that fit the description of Emmett Moore Jr.
online deceptive behavior. It's
whack-a-mole game in trying to weed them out while he tries to
gain entry into your education resource but not for a
review. In contrast, he wants to harass other members,
prevent the vendor from giving proper support to other members
because the vendor is too busy managing the noise in the trade
room/chat room from the fake identity that's Emmett
Moore Jr...a
review comes later. This
toxic behavior (fake identity) allows him to create
his profile as someone that begins by
complimenting the
vendor's trading or complimenting
one of the vendor's education resource in front of other
members. Later, the fake identity will become an unhappy user
after intentionally not following the TOU (terms of use)
involving the vendor's services (usually a free resource) when the vendor
denies him access to a fee-base resource that Emmett Moore Jr.
didn't want to pay for when he asked for access or the
vendor ignored (decline) his requests for partnership. Thus,
it's just another glimpse into the toxic behavior of
Emmett Moore Jr. In
reality, the fake identity is trolling the vendor's education free
resources without
able to verify he used the resource for his review because his
goal is to use one of the fee-based resources but still not
able to verify he used it. You will know this when Emmett
Moore Jr. does not post in his review any redacted screenshots
of his timestamp trade
fill window (time of entry/exit, entry/exit price and
position size) from his broker trade
execution platform to verify his trading
correlates to key concepts
from the vendor's education resources and he identifies
incorrectly the name of the education resource in the
addition, he seems to get sexual pleasure from each review
considering in many of his reviews he writes a few prison
erotica commentaries. How
can anyone take him serious when he shows such a lack of
professionalism, lack of maturity while not having a
real disclaimer webpage ? Yet, he does have a warning
webpage. He then pretends he's doing reviews to
help his readers so that they can determine which vendor is a
con man or not a con man. It's a contradiction
to him stating the reviews are entertainment purposes
only for himself as if he's using the vendor's services too. Further,
he pretends to being financially compensated as a whistle
blower. Reality, he gets no money for creating
misinformation/disinformation as a whistle blower. In fact, he
will discover legal problems when he contacts any government
agency with misinformation/disinformation especially
considering his known three states of residencies (California,
Texas and Florida) have laws against whistle blowers that deliberately make false
claims or made in bad faith (e.g. out of spite or
for personal gain)...
With that said, he could be using the resources of the vendor he's reviewing to market/promote to members of the vendor his own automated trading systems & custom indicators that he states at his review blog that they work even though there's no verification of real money trading performance or he could be a violator of copyright protection that partners with others for the purpose to resell your copyright protected education content he did not create and without your knowledge...
As stated, he does the deception by using multiple online aliases, different personalities, impersonations (member shares log-in credentials with him), VPNs, rented IP addresses, voice-changing apps and secret affiliations with other resellers (copyright protection violators) all while he resides between California, Florida and Texas...
In fact, the Tradingschools.org does not have a contact telephone number for obvious reasons (it's not a legitimate review website) just in case it needs to shut down without notice. That's the irony because Emmett Moore Jr. typically uses a fake identity to contact a vendor by telephone... Implying
he's using throwaway (disposable) telephone numbers that can not
be linked to his review blog and making it easier for Emmett
Moore Jr. to troll vendors, harass vendors or make
threats especially when the vendor ignores his requests
regardless if it's a vendor in the financial markets or
real estate/mortgage business. Further,
he'll keep that persona for awhile while soliciting help from
other minions (e.g. Reyna, his Filipina assistant in
the Philippines) prior
to him contacting the vendor again but as Emmett Moore Jr.
although there are other minions working with him
too. Strangely,
he does not identify or detail Reyna's role with
Tradingschools.org nor does he mention her specific role in
each review for corroborating ---------- In my opinion, Emmett
Moore Jr. should use the services of a vendor as Emmett Moore
Jr. (not as a fake identity) he plans to review
especially if the vendor offers free trials or free resources.
He can then concentrate his reviews on his experience in the
free trials/resources. For example, the bulk of his reviews
are signal calling trade alert services (he prefers to call
them live trading rooms).
while using the signal
calling trade alert service, he should
then document his trades from his trade fill window
(time of entry/exit, entry/exit price and position size) of
his front-end (broker trade execution program)
along with documenting the trade alerts from the signal call
vendor to verify the ability or inability to
mimic/copy/piggyback/replicate the trades of the vendor...without
the hearsay from unverified users.
should not be a problem for Emmett Moore Jr.
considering he enjoys reviewing signal calling trade alert
services including recommending a few signal calling trade
alert services to his readers that he states can be "replicated"
because he can use his own trading results as verification of
trades replicated. Simply, he would now become a legitimate
reviewer...a reviewer with verification via his own trade
performance. Just
as importantly, he will now be able to review his trading
results with the vendor when he telephone calls the
vendor. In addition, during the telephone call, he should
forward his redacted screenshots of his trade fill windows
from his broker trade execution program and redacted
screenshots of broker statements from his broker for each day
he used the vendor's services for verification to the vendor
that he actually used the vendor's services instead of relying
on hearsay from unverified users. Later,
Emmett Moore Jr. should (could) then post the same redacted
screenshots of his trade performance in his review to verify
his ability or inability to "replicate"
the trades of the signal call vendor to the readers of his
review even when he knows his readers will not
have the same trading results as he did if they were to use
the vendor's services...without
the mickey mouse bullshit
misinformation/disinformation/false narrative games that's
common in his reviews that will eventually put an end to
his review blog. ----------
Emmett Moore Jr. intentionally does not tell vendors in his
opening conversation with the vendor that "this call will
be recorded...". That statement is commonly used today
by companies and individuals with their own business for quality
assurances, training, and to minimize/protect
themselves from litigation. Emmett
Moore Jr. use of a fake identity when he initiates
contact with a vendor is his way to avoid litigation. He
further protects himself by using the hearsay of others
that say they used the vendor's resources. The
exception seems to be when a vendor is advertising to
him...they both are salesman very similar to two dogs sniffing
each other's butt...going around in circles. Yet, if the
vendor is not a salesman, doesn't spam nor solicits
the fake identity that's really Emmett Moore Jr...his fake
identity then pursues the vendor so that he can write
a review. The review on its own will be too boring. He then creates an imaginary story line (a fiction) of using the vendor resources or an imaginary affiliation with the vendor without any verification. Simply, he's trolling and stalking the vendor so that the written review contains false info that he's hopeful will entertain his reader base. Regardless,
without that consent or notification the telephone
conversation is being recorded, it's illegal to record any telephone call...something he does not reveal to his readers that the
vendor has given consent.
A violation of
this penal code can lead to a fine of up to $2,500 and/or
imprisonment of up to one year per violation. In addition, the
violation may be subject to civil liabilities in the amount of
$5,000 per
violation although this law may seem draconian under the modern
tort law. Simply,
don't be fooled by Emmett Moore Jr. use of fake identities for
his investigative journalism to find dirt on vendors. He does
it to protect his own ass from being arrested and criminal
litigation that could result in him being sent back to prison.
in my opinion, Reyna (his
Filipina assistant in the Philippines) does
not exist because she could be used in a court of law to
testify against Emmett Moore Jr. about his fraud and illegal
recorded conversations that occurred without the vendor's
consent. Therefore,
she's just one of his faked resources, faked identities just
like his other business called Moore Marketing Associates
that Dr. Dean Handley discovered was faked as in it did not
exist. Simply, she's an illusion especially considering the legal
cases against Emmett Moore Jr. or vice versa does not
mention any details about a Reyna. The legal cases
mentions no one else from Tradingschools.org except for
Emmett Moore Jr.
he does the same in emails if his initial contact with the
vendor is via email or both...possibly by multiple
faked identities when he's targeting a vendor.
His specific interaction as Emmett Moore Jr., with TheStrategyLab, was via a telephone call and he used a throw-away telephone number. The first time he called...I answered the telephone on the 3rd ring and then said Allô. He then hung up like a prankster. The second time he called...I wasn't in my home office but he did leave a message in which I immediately called him back when I returned back to my home office but he wasn't available (he didn't answer the telephone)...I left him a message. He then called again in which he was able to talk to me although he would later lie in his written review via stating I was avoiding him. In contrast,
in the telephone call, he stated he had
been trying to reach me via email and I told him I
have not received any emails from him. Further, I said to him
that the only individuals not able to reach me by email are those
on my banned list for violation of my terms of use policy,
emails flagged and then automatically deleted for containing
malicious malware by my anti-virus/anti-spam program prior
to those emails reaching my inbox. Also,
there's a strong possibility that his emails were not
as Emmett Moore Jr. but instead as one of his faked
identities that's trolling TheStrategyLab after being banned.
Emmett Moore Jr. never joined my free WRB Analysis discussion forum to
learn or discuss WRB Analysis for his review...a forum
he could have joined as himself and not
as a fake identity. The latter (fake identity at the forum)
most likely occurred considering my ban list at the forum is
very extensive. Next,
I asked him why did he hang up on me the first time he called
me ?
More importantly, I wanted him to feel that I was the chieftain in this conversation but I needed him on the telephone long enough for me to examine his behavior (digital fingerprints) because the timing of his telephone call was very suspicious... It
alerted my military background.
Emmett Moore
Jr. politely changed the topic again and then
stated he received complaints from users while not
able to discuss his own personal experiences as a reviewer
in using any education resource @ TheStrategyLab.
I asked him
which resources did they complained about and what the
complaints were because I would love to improve my
resources ? I then told him that it seems odd that the only complaints I have received from users of WRB Analysis...
Members that have their access to the fee-based education
resources revoked for
failure to post the verification of
learning (DOKs) and verification of application (redacted
screenshots of timestamp trade fills from broker trade
execution platform) to the WRB Analysis free study guide,
advance tutorial chapter 4...will regain access when the
verification of learning/application information is posted
for current market conditions at a different designated
forum private thread location. ---------- Also, some
members were upset that I do not allow
copy/mimic/piggyback/replicate the posted trades by other
members or myself. Simply, I do not allow traders
to use my free chat room as a signal calling trade alert
room (a.k.a Live Trade Room by reviewers). This is one of
the reasons why I discontinued the live screen
share meeting because members were trying to use it
as a signal calling trade alert room.
Regardless, it was very
strange that Emmett Moore Jr. would not tell
me what the complaints were about after he stated he
received complaints and he instead focused on my free
chat room, referral program, redacted screenshots (he
knew they were posted at the website but wanted me to
send them to him) and trading accounts without
him asking me any questions about my education
resources (trading courses) involving WRB Analysis. I begin to become very
suspicious of him in our first and only
telephone conversation especially when he initiated
the conversation with a LIE
that he contacted me via email and that I failed to
respond to his emails.
I continued with the
conversation and explained to him that my trade method
involves WRB
Analysis...it's the foundation of my
trading and education resources. In addition, I talked
to him about the WRB
Analysis Free Study
(verification of learned/applied with your trade
signal strategy) as the gateway into my resources...he
was not interested because he had no
questions. I then
stated to Emmett Moore Jr., it is not a review
of TheStrategyLab if you (the reviewer) do not use any of
the vendor's resources or not able to explain the
pros & cons of the vendor's resources; more silence
from him that resulted
in me becoming a little more suspicious considering he
also was not aware of my terms of use policy that's posted at
the bottom of each webpage here at TheStrategyLab and
linked to at ALL forums here too. This is the
reason why I'm very suspicious of Emmett Moore Jr's
agenda...he does not mention the words WRB
Analysis in his review and then he categorizes
correctly that TheStrategyLab offers "trading courses"
but his written review of TheStrategyLab does not
mention a single trading course (e.g.
WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide,
Advance Tutorial Chapters,
Volatility Trading Report
or other education content).
screenshots of timestamp trade fills window from broker
trade execution program, redacted screenshots of broker
statements and free chat room logs of real-time trades for
the year 2005. It's a
reflection of his lack in research of TheStrategyLab
website and its forums. More specifically, he's
a liar. Furthermore, the timing of his telephone call occurred soon after a visit to my free chat room by Dr. Dean Handley and the ban of another user of my free chat room (I refer to him as the problematic troll) that greatly disliked Dr. Dean Handley while the banned problematic troll made threats to cause harm to my family...
The problematic troll then made further threats to harm TheStrategyLab reputation while leaving an IP address digital trail from California, Texas and Florida (Emmett Moore Jr. area of residences) that had downloaded multiple redacted screenshots of real money trades in my broker trade execution platform from TheStrategyLab website & forum. I decided to
probe Emmett Moore Jr. even more to get underneath his
skin about Dr. Dean Handley while connecting the dots of
Emmett Moore Jr. with the banned problematic troll but I
didn't want to openly tell Emmett Moore Jr. that I
suspected he was the banned problematic troll for fear he
would hang up the telephone. Regardless, our telephone conversation went south from that point without me discovering if he was able to verify he learned (understood)/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with his trade signal strategy...to verify if WRB Analysis improved the trade performance of his trade method. There are too many incomprehensible moving parts about Emmett Moore Jr. that does not add up that I was discovering in my online research during my telephone conversation with him and then confirmed when I read his written review of TheStrategyLab.
he writes in his written review that he used my affiliation program (its actually
called a referral program) without him writing any
complaints about my referral program although I strongly
suspected he was the banned problematic troll from my free
chat room because of his toxic behavior. There are
more unintelligible comments in his review of
TheStrategyLab when he puts my website in the "Trading
Courses" category but he then does not talk about
any of my trading courses (e.g. WRB
Analysis Free Study
Advance Tutorial
Chapters, Volatility Trading
Report , Fading Volatility
Breakout free trade signal
strategy)...not a single word as if
they do not exist. In addition,
Emmett Moore Jr. puts TheStrategyLab
in the "Trading
Mentors" category when
TheStrategyLab does not
offer a mentoring/coaching
program...never have but we do
maintain a list of traders that want
to be mentored/coached just in case we
decide to go into the mentoring
business. Also, he puts
TheStrategyLab in the "Worst
Live Trading Rooms" category
when he strangely admits in his review
that our free chat room (#TheStrategyLab)
is not
a signal call trade alert room along
with the fact that we do not
believe a trader can
copy/mimic/replicate another trader's
posted trades. In addition, he does not
mention that TheStrategyLab bans
any trader that violates our Terms of Use policy
by trying to use our free chat room as
a signal calling trade alert room. Arguably the
critical missing aspect from his
written review is that Emmett Moore
Jr. does not
mention the words WRB Analysis
in his review as if he does not know
the foundation of my trade
methodology...shockingly because it's
written all over the website, forum,
and the registration instructions for
any of our resources.
above explains clearly why Emmett Moore Jr. is not
the sharpest tool in the shed and/or he has a personal
vendetta after being banned...leading to his written
It is as if
he's upset he
was not able to qualify for the referral program
so that he could make income off the back of
TheStrategyLab's work especially when I banned a
problematic troll that has the same digital
fingerprints as Emmett Moore Jr. Also, he did
not post a link to my referral
program in his
written review nor did he reveal in the telephone
conversation that he joined my referral program when I
specifically asked him what resources of TheStrategyLab
did he used and what were the complaints by other members
for an accurate review after he stated on the
telephone that there were complaints. This is a scratching
my head moment because there is a difference between
an Affiliation Program versus Referral Program and then
he lied about it as if his purpose was to attack my
referral program to compensate for his inability
to identify any trading courses at TheStrategyLab.
it did not help my opinion about him as a reviewer because
he was not able to post any verification of his
trade performance (simulator or real money) while using WRB
Analysis with his trade signal strategy to gain
access to my referral program. Simply,
Emmett Moore Jr. would have bragged to his blog
readers about posting verification of his trading to gain
access to my referral program and then he would have
bragged that he actually read/understood/applied the
Analysis Free Study
him to give a professional opinion about the merits of WRB
Analysis. Similar to him bragging at his review blog about using multiple fake identities as a hapless trader and then hoping a vendor pursues him to use the vendor resources...cat and mouse game.
Later, he
then promised to share his trade method (automated trading
system & custom indicators) with his blog readers.
Therefore, he would not have opened that can of
worms by posting verification of his trade performance
because he has no real money trade performance that it
works. This is also
another digital fingerprint of the problematic
troll I banned a few months before Emmett Moore Jr.
telephone call because that banned problematic troll also
bragged unintelligibly
about his automated trading systems & custom
indicators and refused to show me redacted
screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade
execution platform after he stated his trade performance
is much better than my trade performance. In fact, he
retaliated by disrupting the free chat room, harassed
other members, dismissed other members that posted their
redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade
execution platform...sometimes asking me to do live
screen share meeting with him only along with him
telling me why he should not be required to verify
he has learned (understood)/applied the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide
merged with his trade signal strategies. The banned
problematic troll would then become very angry &
frustrated when I would say NO
to any of his requests resulting in him personally
attacking other members and making then making threats
against my family or myself.
He knew I
would have asked for his user name and link to his private
thread to determine if he posted the verification
information (DOKs and
redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade
execution platform) that would have qualified him to be
earning extra income as a member of my referral program.
Also, I
would have reminded him that there are redacted
screenshots (that's plural) of my trade
performance along with one redacted screenshot of one
trade day by a member of TheStrategyLab that uses WRB
Analysis merged with his trade signal strategy...posted at
the referral program
webpage had he told me he was reviewing my referral
program and wanted to see verification of just one
trading day. Further, I
would have asked Emmett Moore Jr. for his email
address (he did say earlier that he had been
emailing me and I did not respond) after he requested that
I send it to him a redacted screenshot of one
trading day. Next, I would have emailed him links only
to the redacted screenshots on the referral program
webpage for him to download/copy without sending
him one single redacted screenshot along with writing in
the email that one single redacted screenshot only
verifies that I traded on that specific trading
day...nothing more. Simply, I
treated Emmett Moore Jr. ridiculous request to send it
to him the exact same way I treated that problematic
troll that made threats to cause harm to my family and to
cause harm to me after I refuse to allow him to
return to my free chat room. The threats by the
problematic troll along with him trying to market his
automated trading systems & custom indicators in the
free chat room resulted in him receiving a permanent
In other words, I would have discovered another untruthful statement by him. In fact, I would have called him out for it...effectively asking him if he was an idiot, blind and the problematic troll I recently banned or all of the above. Thus, I connected the dots between the banned problematic troll and Emmett Moore Jr...ending the conversation at that point with this fraud of a reviewer. Within a few
years after his review of TheStrategyLab...Emmett Moore Jr. as a failed
self-appointed quant begins promoting/marketing his own
automated trading systems & custom indicators at his
Tradingschools.org review blog...here
and here...
promotes/markets without
any verification of real money trading performance while
he uses his review blog to attack other vendors for doing
the same under the façade of a review. He sometimes uses
hypothetical backtesting results for his automated trading
systems & custom indicators even though he has
criticized some vendors in reviews for doing the same
thing. This is
another digital fingerprint as that problematic troll I
banned months prior to Emmett Moore Jr. telephone
call because the banned problematic troll promoted his
Emini ES Trading System (automated trading system) @
Strikers Securities by using a developer name that has
changed several times since 2014...different fake
identities while not showing
any real money trade results but
expecting traders to subscribe to his trade alert signal
It was a subliminal message his review blog had run its course...the end was near. By the way,
I do want to mention that a trader or a reviewer
does not need to register/join TheStrategyLab to download
the WRB Analysis Free Study
Thus, anyone can download the study guide and then use it
anyway they want without any interaction with me but they
should only use it if they have a backtested trade signal
strategy to use with the WRB Zones that are objectively
detailed in the study guide. The point
I'm making here is that Emmett Moore Jr. of
Tradingschools.org could have downloaded and used the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide
with his trade signal strategy without me knowing
it because registration is not required. More
importantly, it would have allowed him to document the
trade performance (simulator or real money) of his
automated trading systems & custom indicators merged
with the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide
in comparison to his trading results without
WRB Analysis. He missed the opportunity to do such
for his written review of TheStrategyLab had he
been in my referral program. He could have then
posted his verification of trade performance (his
trade signal strategy merged with WRB Analysis) as
the primary support of his review about
TheStrategyLab (good or bad).
You should also note, TheStrategyLab's referral program has no association with the free chat room nor do I ask members to post their trades in the free chat room as a requirement to be in the referral program...only requirements are DOKs and verification of trade performance after you've merged your trade signal strategy with WRB Analysis. That said, I
would learn from his written reviews of other vendors, he
prefers contacting vendors by saying he was a hapless
trader with money to spend. Yet, I could not
remember any trader that contacted me with a description
like that in the year of 2016 that Emmett Moore
Jr. did his review of TheStrategyLab. It is a toxic
deceptive description that would stand apart from other
members of TheStrategyLab that have a sincere interest in
learning/applying WRB Analysis with their trade
signal strategies. In contrast,
the years prior to 2016 and after
2016...many fake identities that correlate to the toxic
deceptive behavior of Emmett Moore Jr. fake identities has
contacted TheStrategyLab. Yet, they are not able to post
verification of their trade performance before and
after they merged their trade signal
strategy with the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. In my
opinion, it is very simple, Emmett Moore Jr. is just grotesque
troll that uses his review blog for his own personal
entertainment that degrades vendors and the readers (you)
of his review blog while he's partnered with a few vendors
for a financial gain.
I typically would ask the trader to post at the forum any
verification of his/her trade performance as in redacted
screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution
platform and DOKs to minimize the opportunity for someone
to troll. In fact, to
encourage posting of the DOKs, redacted screenshots of timestamp
trade fills in broker trade execution platform, and screenshots
of quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade
journal software... I create a
private thread for the trader to verify they're learning
(understanding)/application of the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide
that they've merged with their trade signal strategy. Members
can only see their private thread for privacy and security
reasons. Thus, members can not see the private thread of
another user of WRB Analysis and the private thread section is
the most active section of TheStrategyLab.
With that
said, there were a few traders that stated they were
consistently losing or requested mentoring without
verification of their poor trade performance. However, I
denied them access to my resources because they refused to
verify their poor trade performance along with the fact
that I do not offer a coaching/mentoring
service...never have advertised that I have a
coaching/mentoring service. Therefore, it is my opinion
that the reason for Emmett Moore Jr. to avoid telling me
his username is to prevent me from discovering he was using
my resources inappropriately, not
able to verify his trade performance
or violating the terms of use policy. In
fact, his username would have allowed me to determine if he is
a banned username that had violated my terms of use policy
or just a blogger listening to gossip/hearsay
discussion from another member that had been banned for
violating my terms Yet, it
doesn't explain why he doesn't mention the words WRB
Analysis in his written review. The only plausible
explanation is that his telephone call and written review
is not a real review. In contrast, it's a personal vendetta as in payback for being banned prior to the telephone call and he's keeping his username a secret because he did something horrendous (e.g. making threats to harm my family) beyond trolling to merit the ban and to avoid being arrested when he was using one of his faked identities. At this point, Emmett Moore Jr. must have realized I was probing him and he was becoming frustrated with my questions although I was just as polite as him. Yet, I was shocked because some of the phrases he used during the telephone conversation were very similar to a problematic troll that I had banned multiple times prior to the telephone call.
Regardless, the problem with the tactic of faking his
identity prior to the telephone call and then refusing
to reveal his username for any resource he's attacking is that
he provides no corroborating proof in his written review that
he was a verified user of the vendor's resources, especially
in my (TheStrategyLab) interaction with Emmett Moore Jr. in
our only telephone conversation. Nevertheless,
my opinion about Emmett Moore Jr. as a fraud was cemented
after I compared our telephone conversation to the written
review that was full of false narratives / misinformation /
disinformation about TheStrategyLab and myself along with his
off the wall commentary that he wished he wasn't caught as a
Those off-the-wall
commentary in his written review of TheStrategyLab that
has zilch to do with the review only validates he does not care
about what he writes as lies or truth because it is entertainment
for the reader although most legal experts will say its
just his opinion and expression of free speech.
entertainment is further displayed in many reviews when he uses
prison erotica statements to degrade vendors as if Emmett
Moore Jr. is in a battle with his own social sins. Therefore,
he is just a blogger that pretends his blog represents an official
review. Most likely, he is just someone with a personal
vendetta; for whatever reason, he seems to feel cheated by the
U.S. justice system and his victims. He then continues using
fake identities as if it is an uncontrollable psychotic
behavior. Thus, he's much more than just a convicted SEC
felon. Emmett Moore Jr. is a liar, impersonator,
a hacker with psychological issues. He is just
an imbécile that uses his review blog as a cry out for
This is odd
considering in his written review of TheStrategyLab, he does not
mention the phrase WRB Analysis nor the phrase WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as
the foundation of my trade method even though its written all
over my website, forum, email communications with traders
including mentioned to those I suspect are just trolling.
Just as
important, I specifically discussed WRB Analysis and the
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
multiple times with Emmett Moore Jr. in our only telephone
conversation because he stated he's doing a review. Oddly, he
did not ask me a single question about WRB Analysis as in I did
all the talking. In fact,
there were no links and no screenshots to
anything (e.g. free chat room, redacted screenshots of trade
fills in my broker trade execution platform, daily performance
record, trading manual, referral program, chat room logs,
archive to members broker statements) in his written review even
when he writes about them as if they're important topics. His
stupidity and poor research skills is on full display when he
writes in his review about my trading manual with the incorrect price
while not mentioning it is only written in French
as Manuel de négociation, applicable only to markets of
2004 - 2005, contains redacted screenshots of trade fills in my
broker trade execution platform and contains broker statements.
Just as
strange, he doesn't write about my personal background except to say that I
live in Canada (partially correct) and to racially profile
(incorrectly) even though I mentioned to him in the telephone
conversation that I grew up for a few years in Evanston (North
Suburbs of Chicago)...including telling him that my forum
contains a trader profile section for members @
TheStrategyLab...my personal profile is listed their too to
encourage members to write a little about themselves.
The exception
in the written review, he does link to my Stocktwits, Twitter page although TheStrategyLab
social media profiles are not very active and he did
create his own spreadsheet of my monthly summary performance
record instead of linking to the daily performance record that
contains the redacted screenshots. He then
creates another fiction story in his written review that I claim
my trade method works in "all markets" after I
specifically gave him the link to the list of applicable trading instruments for my
trade signal strategy method whereas WRB Analysis (price action
analysis) is applicable for most markets with WRB, WRB Hidden
Gap intervals assuming they're are associated with KMEs...an
applicable trading instrument list that is linked in the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
didn't ask for a monthly broker statement. Instead, he must have
thought I didn't know anything about cyber-security and would
cough up my log-in credentials to a stranger on the telephone
that wants access to my trading accounts. Had Emmett Moore Jr. asked me what are the names
of the banks I use in France, Canada and the United States...I
would have refused to tell him which banks because its
not information you share with someone that has his criminal
background, criminal connections while also using fake
identities. That being
said, Emmett Moore Jr. wanting access to my trading accounts was
his dark agenda for contacting me on the telephone like some
boiler room salesman or financial data hacker because an
email would leave a trace...all while politely asking
for access but he didn't know it was about the same time I
discovered in an online research during our telephone
conversation that he was a SEC felon, liar,
and a hacker...criminal activities that he
did not disclose to me.
I then
wonder what he could have done had I idiotically ignored
all cyber-security rules to then give him access to my
financial data and money. I was a little shocked and said excusez
moi. He then politely replied "...of course, only
with your permission". I then
said...you want access to my trading accounts but only after I
refuse to send you a
redacted screenshot of
just one single day...any
trading day
even though you can easily copy or download any of the
+1000s of redacted screenshots already posted at my website and
forum ? ---------------------- Emmett Moore Jr., a stranger on the telephone in his first conversation with me while not telling me he's a SEC felon...he wants access to my trading accounts. This was his true dark agenda under the façade of a review. Reyna, if she
exists, would have mentioned these important details to him
about TheStrategyLab to remind him to include the information in
his written review considering he has referred to her as his
assistant...to prevent me from viewing him as an SEC
felon, fraud, liar, impersonator, and hacker that would
prompt a rebuttal here @ TheStrategyLab.
I have now
used the word hacker a few times in my description of
Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools.org It's an online behavior (digital fingerprint) that Emmett Moore Jr. shares with the banned problematic troll that trolled TheStrategyLab with terroristic threats to harm my family or wanting to harm me while sometimes mentioning he knows criminals in organized crime (present tense), he will give me bad publicity and there will be negative consequences. The
phrase negative consequences is also used by Emmett
Moore Jr. of Tradingschools.org as shown in the image to the
left and his reminders to readers of his review blog about his
association with organized crime...these
are phrases shared by the banned problematic troll and Emmett
Moore Jr. A
problematic troll that initially stated to me that he could make
him and I rich if I changed my free chat room into a live
trading room along with him requesting access to the email
addresses of my users of WRB Analysis. I replied...a signal
calling trade alert room ? He then
replied...YES. I then said NO (as in I'm
not interested) because I knew that social media resources like
Twitter, Stocktwits, and TweetDeck were becoming the preferred
resources by traders looking for someone to tell them what to
trade, when to buy and when to sell...for free. Also, he
sounded too much like a salesman that was interested in "trade
rooms" for financial reasons instead of a trader. Later, the
problematic troll with the above digital fingerprints becomes
angry that I banned him for violation of my terms of use policy and became agitated
that I allowed Dr. Dean Handley as a guest visitor into my free
chat room.
First, he
makes compliments about
my trading or complimenting the trading of other members
while telling them he really is only in the free chat room to
watch me trade. Later in the same trading day, he would become a very angry person whenever I declined him access to the live screen share meeting, declined him access to specific Key KME WRB Zones I was using for the trading day... Information
only for members that verified they learned (understood) the WRB
Analysis Free Study Guide and verified the application of WRB
Analysis merged with his trade signal strategy with redacted
screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution
platform or I just didn't like his digital
fingerprints as someone with a hidden agenda. Members
would then joke to me in private message after seeing the
behavior/statements of the new member...it looks like that
psycho Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde has sneaked
back into the free chat room again after being banned. Often the
problematic troll would then blow his top when I asked him if he
was psychotic or on drugs/high ? He'll then usually
respond by stating his trade methods (automated trading system
& custom indicators) were superior to my trade methods
while he refused to post verification of his trade performance.
In fact, he would only make disrupting statements in the free
chat room as soon as I would post a new trade position as if he
was intentionally trying to distract me from my open trade
position or distract me from answering another member's
questions about WRB Analysis. If that
distraction routine of his didn't work...he would then say in
private message that he will give TheStrategyLab bad
publicity and there will be negative consequences as
payback along with him making threats he knows people in
organized crime that will hurt my family. It would then result
in me banning the problematic troll from the free chat room and
forum considering other members of the free chat room begin
complaining about him too. Often the problematic troll used
faked identities (usernames) associated with dogs as if he loved
Although I
don't know the personal background involving the behavior of the
problematic troll before he interacted with
TheStrategyLab...Emmett Moore Jr. reveals a lot of things about
his personal behavior with vendors in many different reviews at
his review blog and in other online reviews at other resources about the real estate mortgage
business in which he makes similar like terroristic
threats as the problematic troll after blowing his top
with anger. The
contrast between the trading business and the real estate
mortgage business is that Emmett Moore Jr. uses fake identities
to initiate contact with vendors in the trading business whereas
he seems to use his own identity in the real estate mortgage
business. Also, it would imply that Emmett Moore Jr. must have a
real estate license...something that should be public record in
the states of California, Texas and Florida. With that
said, his initial contact with a vendor in the trading business
is via a fake identity as a hapless and desperate trader
in emails that he sends to the vendor. The email contains very
gentle & kind messages (his exact words) although I
believe he does the same in forum message posts or trade
rooms when he makes an initial contact with the vendor he's
targeting...a boiler room salesman tactic that he must have
learned when he was targeting his victims with flattery as he
stole their money.
Further, he
gives his emails a religious phrase...The Lion
and the Lamb but the emails are not religious.
Therefore, if someone sends you an email or forum
message post that writes about their personal trading background
as a hapless trader that talks about religion, faith or
The purpose
of the fake identity would have been to embed the email
with tracking links and malware to try to gain access to the
camera on your computer or mobile device to watch you in
real-time. Also, the fake identity is being used to protect
Emmett Moore Jr. from being arrested in California and to
minimize any civil liabilities had he not used a faked
identity. The name of
the hacker will be Emmett Moore Jr. hiding behind a
faked identity as if there's a religious purpose for what he
does when he's just a troll, stalker, and a hacker with a
personal vendetta after he felt he was wronged by a vendor many
years ago to prompt his creation of the Tradingschools.org
review blog. In my
opinion, the vendor that wronged Emmett Moore Jr. was
someone with automated trading systems and custom indicators or
a scalper with a signal calling trade alert room. In the Book
of Revelation...The Lion and the Lamb is a
vivid imagery that's a Christian
prophetic counter-image: A lamb with seven horns and seven eyes
(5:6). Living creatures, angels, and horses. The riders are a
dragon, a beast with ten horns and seven heads that resembled a
leopard, but had the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion
(13:1-2). The imagery
is not meant to intimidate or scare the believer; it's
meant to intimidate and challenge the images of power
we encounter all around us. That phrase
Emmett Moore Jr. uses to describe his emails is his strange
psychotic way to validate his use of fake identities, VPNs,
rented IP addresses, fake businesses (e.g. Moore Marketing
Associates), and imaginary minions (e.g. Reyna,
his Filipina assistant in the Philippines) that he imagines
are his living creatures of the Lion and the Lamb
to help his review blog to challenge vendors. He wants vendors to fear him when in fact they should just write their own review about their interaction with Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools.org and then ignore him. Simply, he thinks he's the Lion and the Lamb or what he does is under the façade of being a religious man to forgive himself or he wants GOD to forgive him of his sins for being a SEC felon, fraud, liar, impersonator and hacker. Reminder in
the telephone call, Emmett Moore Jr. was insistent that he sent
me emails and that I did not respond to his emails as
his reason for calling me via telephone while refusing to reveal
the name & email address he used to send those emails. I was very
clear to him that the only emails not able to reach my inbox
are banned email addresses, banned IP addresses or
emails with malware. In contrast, he doesn't mention this part
of our telephone conversation in his written review but he does
mention other resources that I use but doesn't reveal if he used
those other resources to contact me via one of his fake
Many of the complaints at his blog in his written review of TheStrategyLab are by individuals with the titled as guests or anonymous usernames that are complaining about a free chat room while they do not mentioned that its not a signal calling trade alert room... While
complaining that they couldn't get the same trade fill after
other members and I have posted our trade fills in the free chat
room to later verify those posted trades with redacted
screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform
and broker statements in our private thread. To be clear
again ad nauseam, you're not allowed to
copy/mimic/piggyback/replicate trades posted by other member or
myself in the free chat room. Simply, their complaints reveal
that they were in fact trying to use my free chat room as a
signal calling trade alert room along with hiding the fact that
they refused to post their own trades
in the free chat room after agreeing they would post
their own trades to gain access to the free chat room.
Therefore, the written review of TheStrategyLab looks more like gossiping and hearsay at his review blog that you would see in the chit chat thread of a discussion forum...replies by those using the titled guests or anonymous usernames as if they're hiding instead of Tradingschools.org requiring verification from them that they did in fact appropriately use the resource they're complaining about. In
addition, some of the posters at his written review complained
about the rules being complicated without these posters
disclosing that TheStrategyLab members must post DOKs (a.k.a
Demonstration of Knowledge) to verify they learned
(understand) and post redacted screenshots of trade fills
in broker trade execution platform to verify the application
of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with
their trade signal strategies...verifying their trade
performance prior to being allowed access to any of our
resources since 2014.
it's very strange that not one single poster (guest
visitor or anonymous username) to the written review
were able to verify they posted the required verification
information that they did in fact learned/applied the WRB
Analysis Free Study Guide that would have gained them access to
our resources. In fact, not one of them could post a single link
to their private thread @ TheStrategyLab that would
contain their verification information. As stated,
it's just pure gossiping and hearsay in a blog...a
strange writing pattern that Emmett Moore Jr. and the anonymous
posters all share as if they're working together or
maybe are the same identity although in my opinion the bonehead
dtchurn is not Emmett Moore Jr. considering he does post
contrary commentary to Emmett Moore Jr. in some of the written
reviews of other vendors.
in the past, any member of TheStrategyLab that refuses
to post DOKs and redacted screenshots of trade fills in their
broker trade execution platform to verify they've
learned/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...they
were banned without exception. In
hindsight, that policy was draconian that made many
members very angry if they were banned for not posting
the required verification of trade performance to continue being
allowed to use the free chat room. Today,
I've learned its much easier to manage my resources to require
the verification of learning/applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as
a qualification (prior to access) to the free chat room and
education resources of TheStrategyLab...it enables the ability
for traders to do their due diligence and it reduces the
trolling too. Simply,
verification of learning (understanding) / application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide must
now be posted prior to access...no exceptions since
2014. Although
some of the false narratives are comical (e.g. him
stating I was black while other reviewers stating I'm Korean as
if it was important to them) because of my speech and/or writing
style. Yet, there is one particular guest at his review blog
that tried to impersonate one of my members by using the
same username of my member (ItalianSharp) and then lying that he had
conversations with me that he wanted to see my redacted
screenshots. The fact,
the member he impersonated and I only had text message
conversations that he wanted me to create education videos about
the education content of WRB
Analysis in which I refused to do because of security reasons
and potential DMCA violators had I posted education videos. More
importantly, I sent the links of the written review and a link
to the reply by the fake italiansharp to the real ItalianSharp.
He stated he did not post those comments @
Tradingschools.org and he confirmed my redacted screenshots are
posted at the website & forum. Back to the
strange contrast between the telephone call by Emmett Moore Jr.
and the written review...I was the one that mentioned WRB (click on image to review DOKs verification of Understanding WRB Analysis) In
contrast, he was more interested in talking about my referral program, partnerships if any, my
redacted screenshots of trade performance, trading accounts as
if he was trying to find an angle to be financially compensated
for the review. It seemed at odds with what he stated in the
opening of the telephone conversation that he was doing a
review although he never used the phrase official
review in the telephone conversation. Instead, he decided to lie when he
stated false narratives in the written review about my
manual...never discussed in the telephone conversation,
he does not have access because he would have mentioned its in
French, contains redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills
in broker trade execution platform, contains redacted
screenshots of broker statements and redacted screenshots of
quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade
journal software of my trading in 2004 - 2005 in market
conditions for those specific years...not applicable in
today's markets. Also, he lied that he joined my referral program
(he called it affiliation program) because the
requirement for getting paid in the referral program is that
he must have posted DOKs and posted redacted
screenshots of trade fills in his broker trade execution
platform to verify his learning
(understanding)/application of the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide with his trade signal strategies for his trade
performance so that he can verify the merits of WRB
Analysis to traders that have interest/questions about his
trade performance. The
referral program is designed so that other traders can see
the trade performance of their peers that have
merged their trade signal strategies with the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide.
In our only
telephone conversation, I mentioned to Emmett Moore Jr. that
some traders solicit me for mentoring/coaching...a service that I
do not offer but may offer the service one day in the
future as only an in person mentoring/coaching in which I
would trade in front of the student's own two eyes. Those that
do not speak the languages that I speak will be mentored by
another member that speaks the same language as the student
and has verified he/she has learned/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
with the fee-base resources. Emmett Moore Jr. listed TheStrategyLab in many categories at his review blog involving resources that I do not offer. Thus, Live Futures Trading Rooms, Trading Mentors, and Worst Live Trading Rooms are incorrect categories considering I do not offer those services...never have. Strangely, he
states in his written review of TheStrategyLab that we do not
offer a Live Trading Room when he admits TheStrategyLab is not
a signal calling trade alert room (aka Live Trading Room). Therefore, it is a
red flag about his written review
to anyone with common sense to wonder why in the hell did he
put TheStrategyLab in the Live Trading Room categories
??? Why did he put TheStrategyLab in the Trading Mentors
category when a mentoring service does not exist/never existed
??? In contrast, the
"Trading Courses" category is correct. Yet, oddly, he
does not discuss any of my trading courses in his
written review (another red flag)
and he's not able to mention the words WRB
Analysis in his written review (another red
flag). In addition, he
was not able to post any screenshots of his username
in my free chat room or listed in my referral program. Also, he has no screenshot of his private
thread @ TheStrategyLab that contains his DOKs and
redacted screenshots of trade fills from his broker trade
execution platform
to verify he learned (understood)/applied WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide with his trade signal strategy (another red flag). Months later, he would remove all of those categories from his review blog without any explanation. Simply, his written review is just misinformation/disinformation and false narratives. Emmett Moore Jr.
became uncomfortable when I questioned him about emails he
said he sent me (he
was unable/unwilling to answer), questions
about the email address he used to send his emails (he was unable/unwilling to answer),
questions about which (click on image to read review of Dr. Dean Handley) Instead of answering my question...he became frustrated and then snapped...replying by asking me to send him a redacted screenshot of just one single day...any trading day (his exact words). I refused...I then told him he can instead copy any redacted screenshot that's already publicly posted at the website or forum. He then responded by asking for access to my trading accounts (he wanted my log-in credentials to my broker account)... All of this happen
after I was persistent in trying to get him to answer
questions about his business relationship with Dr. Dean
Handley. To get deeper under his skin, I praised Dr. Dean
Handley for doing proper research in reviewing my
redacted screenshots, chat room logs and reviewing the
verification of trade performance by other members of
TheStrategyLab. Next, I reminded
Emmett Moore Jr. that Dr. Dean Handley had
no problems in reviewing my redacted screenshots considering
they were posted at the forum or website within
minutes after my last trade of the trading day while Dr.
Handley was using the free chat room. In addition, I
made it very clear to Emmett Moore Jr. that Dr. Dean Handley
computed his own quantitative statistical analysis
(trade performance metrics) from the details of my real-time
trades posted in the free chat room whereas Emmett Moore Jr.
was not interested in doing the same statistical analysis of
my trade performance.
His lack of
interest showed its face again in his written review of
TheStrategyLab because he does not mention the words WRB
Analysis...the foundation of my trade method that's
mentioned everywhere here @ TheStrategyLab website,
forum, and was discussed with him on the telephone. Essentially I was laying the framework to Emmett Moore Jr. that Dr. Dean Handley did better research of TheStrategyLab and better review in comparison that resulted in a positive review. Seriously, only an idiot (e.g. Emmett Moore Jr.) would call someone on the telephone to say he wants to do a review but then refuse to discuss the education resources and/or show no interest in talking about the education resources. Yet, he wants you
to believe the illusion that it's an official review
while he does not mention in the written review that
he politely asked me for access to my trading
accounts (he wanted my log-in credentials to my broker
account) in our only telephone conversation but seemed frustrated
when I said NO while telling him his request is ridiculous. My
guess, he must have realized I was researching his background
during our telephone conversation...learning that he was a SEC
felon that stole +60 million dollars from his
victims...ruining their financial lives. As stated, TheStrategyLab is not a signal calling trade alert room, we offer no mentoring/coaching services (never have)...this is stated @ TheStrategyLab website, forum and within our terms of use policy. Further, I specifically state that I ban any trader that I suspect trying to use my free chat room to copy/mimic/piggyback/replicate trades posted by any member or myself. Emmett Moore Jr. does not mentioned this in the written review of TheStrategyLab. Further, there was
no discussion in the telephone conversation about my trading
manual (every chapter in the book is
written only in French...name of the trading manual is Manuel
de Négociation) that has not been
available since 2005 and he does not have access to it.
Later, he discusses my trading manual in his written review without
mentioning the actual name of the book (another red
flag). Hilariously, he
then refers to me as a simple man after incorrectly
identifying my ethnic background
red flag). Also, he does not
explain why he only looked at my monthly quick summary results
but did not click on the daily trade performance links
in the monthly quick summary whereas other reviewers
looked at my daily trade performance that contains the
redacted screenshots, links to timestamps chat logs, trade
instrument info, position size with WRB Analysis commentary to
calculate whatever trading metrics that's important to them. He does not
understand the purpose of the free chat room even though the purpose
is posted on the main page and again in each month of
the chat room logs in a message post titled ##TheStrategyLab
Chat Room Review that the free chat room is to be used
as a supplement trade journal to the member's professional
trade journal that calculates quantitative statistical
analysis of their trade journal and he did not
understand basic financial market slang when I used them in
the telephone conversation.
His written review
of others contains similar digital fingerprint
statements (e.g. prison erotica) as a pathetic troll
that I only refer to as the problematic
troll (residing in California...sometimes in Florida and
Texas) from the recent past that I banned multiple
times for making threats, stating he has connections to
criminals (organized crime), and impersonation of some of my
members as if he's psychotic. I am convinced Emmett Moore Jr. is that recent problematic troll that made threats to cause my family and me physical harm just prior to the telephone call under the façade of a review along with him saying he would give me bad publicity after I banned him from my free chat room and forum. A troll that was
banned for marketing his automated trading systems &
custom indicators in the free chat room without any
verification of trade performance and without posting
any real-time trades in the free chat room as required after
gaining access to the free chat room along with him stating
that his trade performance was much better than my trade
performance...a troll that has a strong dislike of Dr. Dean Handley. A troll that became very angry because I showed no interest when he stated he can make us rich if we market his automated trading systems & custom indicators to my members. The same pathetic problematic troll that I banned multiple times from the free chat room, forum and website for the above mentioned reasons...I never heard from the troll again after the written review was posted by Emmett Moore Jr. Therefore, I'm confident that the troll and Emmett Moore Jr. are the same person because their digital fingerprints are too similar in their interaction with TheStrategyLab. Beyond this quick
rebuttal about my interaction with Emmett Moore Jr. of
Tradingschools.org...below are the in-depth details of false
narratives /misinformation / disinformation that he
posted about TheStrategyLab. You will see more
redacted screenshots (many of them) that were already posted
at the website and forum prior to Emmett Moore Jr.
contacting TheStrategyLab...redacted screenshots that anyone
can download/copy whenever they want without needing
to register here at my website although Emmett Moore Jr.
believes in his opinion that they do not exist...there's no
verification of trade performance. Simply, Emmett Moore Jr refused to download/copy any redacted screenshot and instead wanted me to send them to him along with wanting access to my trading accounts while refusing to answer my questions / refusing to verify he learned/applied the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with his trade signal strategy. ----------------------
above/left redacted screenshot was taken within minutes
after I completed my last trade of the trading day. It is an
image from a larger screenshot (shown below/right or
click on the above screenshot) from my private thread
that's used for marketing purposes after I completed
my last trade for the day, for my own private trade journal
documentation, and for verification that I traded on that
specific trading day of posting real-time trades in the chat
room for those that were not in the chat room or not
allowed in the free chat room for whatever reasons. Now
back to Emmett Moore Jr. written review of TheStrategyLab...in
my opinion the written review is about his strange interest in
my referral program, free chat
room, and he gives me the impression that his initial interest
in TheStrategyLab was financial compensation after
failure to qualify for my referral program. Something happened
(e.g. he was banned) and it became a personal vendetta
that prompt his telephone call and it then resulted as a
written review.
then enters the twilight zone in the written review when he
talks about a trading
manual that he does not have access to and has not
existed / not applicable since 2005. Further,
he does not mention that the trading manual is only in
French, he does not mention the actual title of the
trading manual is Manuel de Négociation,
contains redacted broker statements, and contains redacted
screenshots of trade fills in my broker trade execution
platform that correlate with transcript copies of trades
posted by me in the free chat room in 2005. Yet, the
most obvious tongue in cheek commentary by Emmett Moore Jr. in
his written review of TheStrategyLab was his intentional
categorizing my free chat room with Live Trade Rooms
(signal calling trade alert rooms) and then specifically stating
its not a signal calling trade alert room... This is
very offensive to me considering I'm an outspoken critic of
signal calling trade alert rooms even though I do not
attack any specific signal calling trade alert service.
Simply, I am not Black...Emmett Moore Jr. and I did not have any discussion about my ethnicity (racially mixed...1/2 Lakota American and 1/2 French European) in our only telephone conversation. Here's a big hint...there are more intermarriages between French and Indigenous Americans than with any other European group. It has been that way for many generations in my family too. Also, I am
a citizen of three different countries (France, Canada and the
United States)...primary residence in Canada. I did
briefly discuss my location of residences with Emmett Moore Jr.
and told him he can read more in-depth information about me in
my forum trader profile. Yet, he
seemed to have no interest but then later writes in his written
review that I live in Canada while not mentioning I was
born in France and then raised in the United States...later I
immigrated with my spouse to the province of Canada that's
called Québec to raise our family. All of this is discussed in
my forum trader profile while he
creates a shocking false narrative of someone else from his
Next, he
then pretends he does not understand the
purpose of the free chat room
when it's written all over the website & forum that users of
the free chat room are posting their trades and price action
commentary via key concepts of WRB Analysis...a free chat room
used as a supplement trade journal from one trade to the
next trade. Critical information about their own trading that
our members can not get from their broker statements alone that
they upload later in the evening to their private threads.
A reviewer
like that is a bonehead, not the sharpest tool in the
shed and most likely someone with a personal vendetta
(retaliating with misinformation/disinformation) after being banned
for attempting to use TheStrategyLab free chat room as a
signal calling trade alert room...violation of my TOU policy. Later via
an email, I discover from a supporting minion of his review blog
that Emmett Moore Jr. is an alcoholic and drug addict. I asked
this minion if Emmett Moore Jr. writes any of his reviews while
drunk or high ? He responded that he believes
Emmett Moore Jr. is still involved with these social flaws but
he does not have any information about his state
of mind while he writes his reviews. Regardless, these are
social flaws in the past that Emmett Moore Jr. does in fact admit to having
such in September of 2016 although I strongly suspect he
still has these problems today since he has been released from
Emmett Moore Jr. clearly was lying.
Thus, the telephone call was his only attempt to reach me in
which I answered his phone call...twice. Also,
as stated above, there's a possibility that my anti-virus
program deleted his emails from the server because his emails
contained malware.
Tradingschools seems perplexed after they create so much cat and mouse games via their multiple identities. Also, on his warning webpage, he states I make sure that I record video that proves what I'm saying is the truth (his exact words). Where are those recorded videos of the fraud he's uncover or captured screenshot images ?
During the telephone conversation, he didn't reveal to me his criminal background as a SEC felon nor did he reveal to me his current online behaviors as a continuation of criminal activity (e.g. illegal telephone recordings, illegal video recordings, emails embedded with codes / malware that allows him to watch you in real-time if you open the emails) under the façade of investigative journalism.
It's a new low for the review industry although consistent with others in the review business are saying about Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools. With that said, I'll begin this review about Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools with his written review of TheStrategyLab and then backtrack to the telephone conversation with Emmett Moore Jr. that occurred prior to the written review. A telephone conversation he wrote disinformation & misinformation in his review about the conversation. To get started with his written review of TheStrategyLab, he does in fact state early that the free chat room is not a signal calling chat room. He had no choice to admit that truth because anyone can do their own fact checking via reading the archive chat logs or joining the free chat room to post their own trades. It's one of the few truthful statements in his written review although its just a prelude for a master of illusions with his categorizations that will soon follow as he placed TheStrategyLab in categories that contradicts his original truthful statement that the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room. He must have started to think while writing his review...what false narratives can I create about TheStrategyLab to compensate for not being able to put him in with Live Trading Rooms category or maybe he just said fuck it...the reader will not be sophisticated (sarcasm as you'll learn later) to catch the contradiction in the labeling of TheStrategyLab's free chat room within a category we all know is for signal calling trade alert rooms and the reader will not know that his questions to me on the telephone were clearly orientated towards the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room. Guess what...some of his readers are clients of TheStrategyLab and they immediately contacted me about the contradiction, misinformation and disinformation...false narratives (exact words they used) by Emmett Moore Jr. in his written review of TheStrategyLab. It all correlates to his behavior in the telephone call with me although I underestimated the type of manipulation he would use in his written review. Those readers are no longer reading Tradingschools review blog in protest.
One particular client of the Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 is a graduate student studying European politics in Europe after getting his undergraduate degree @ University of Chicago...now a former reader of Tradingschools. He trades part-time but is more into swing trading while using Advance WRB Analysis with his mean reversion trade signal strategy and global geo-political events. He read the written review by Emmett Moore Jr. about TheStrategyLab and saw a dangerous pattern in the false narratives written by Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools. In fact, he recommended that I read an article about Information Disorder because he felt I needed to be educated about what Emmett Moore Jr. is doing. It's a very good read and it open my eyes about Emmett Moore Jr. manipulation under the façade as his opinions.
I learned from this article that there are
three types of
information disorders called disinformation, misinformation and
malformation. Emmett
Moore Jr. is guilty of all three types of information
disorders in reference to his written review of
TheStrategyLab. I talked about one specific misinformation
above involving his categorization of TheStrategyLab but there
are several specific statements below that he wrote that falls
under the disinformation and malformation categories. I'll let
you educate yourself about which false narrative falls into
which type of information disorder.
I downloaded the research article, saved it before it disappeared and then it resurfaced later as a full article (with minor changes) via another site @ https://www.coe.int/en/web/freedom-expression/information-disorder
back to the above first false narrative (misinformation) involving his
categorization of my free chat room in
Live Trading Rooms
(signal calling trade alert rooms). Emmett Moore Jr.
Tradingschools knew the free chat room was
not a signal calling
trade alert room, he knew there's no guru trader (head trader) in the
free chat room telling members what to trade, when to buy and
when to sell. Furthermore, he knew the free chat room is advertised only as a real-time supplement trade journal for members to post their real-time trades that must correlate with their redacted screenshots posted later in their private thread to verify their trade performance. It's obvious when you see the trade posts in the free chat room within the redacted screenshots or read the same trades in the archive chat logs going all the way back to 2002...its not a signal calling trade alert room. Simply, its disingenuous of Emmett Moore Jr. in his categorization of my free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room when he placed my free chat room in his "live trading room" categories while at the same time he states in his written review its not a signal calling trade alert room. At the minimum, his categorization is intentional and it's his first contradiction within his written review of TheStrategyLab. By the way, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools is confused about the purpose of the free chat room considering its not a signal calling trade alert room. He's not capable of understanding that I and other members use the free chat room to stay focus on trading, help document trading tools being using and as real time info about issues in other countries considering members of the free chat room are located all over the world. These issues in other countries and U.S. markets are a critical foundation in WRB Analysis. They are called key market events (KMEs) that impact the markets that we trade. You can read about KMEs in tutorial chapter 2 @ WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Also, the free chat room is used to ask questions and / or share real-time info about WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to better understand the price action impacted by these key market events. This is critical information I can not get from a broker statement nor get from the broker statements being posted by members in their private thread. Also, TheStrategyLab free chat room is the longest running chat room online although its had a few name changes. The free chat room has always been free and always will remain free. ---------------------- Further, he also knew that if someone logs into the free chat room...does not post real-time trades and does not post redacted screenshots in their private thread to verify their trade performance...the trader is not allowed access to the free chat room again until they verify their trade performance. In addition, I told him I have a bad reputation because I ban traders when I catch them trying to copy / mimic / piggyback trades posted by members or myself in the free chat room...its a violation of my terms of use policy. Nothing but silence from Emmett Moore Jr. when the latter was stated to him early in the telephone conversation because I was insinuating to him that I was now suspicious about his past relationship with TheStrategyLab prior to the telephone call. A fact he does not disclose in his written review of TheStrategyLab because it would remove his ability to post most of the false narratives in his written review. Now you know the primary reason why I label Emmett Moore Jr. as a con man and a liar that obviously failed to deceive someone he views as a simple man. With that said, the error in his categorization falls under the umbrella of misinformation because he did state for fact the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room. Yet, had he not made that statement in his written review...his categorization would have fallen under the umbrella of disinformation due to it being a deliberate attempt by Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools to cause harm to the reputation of TheStrategyLab or myself via trying to make his opinions look like facts.
The pathetic aspect is that he tries very
hard to manipulate
that fact via creating an illusion to look like I
have a trade alert service that's not a good trade alert room
when he puts the free chat room in the Worst
Live Trading Room category. (click on image to review trades posted by members of TheStrategyLab) >>>
The manipulation occurs when Emmett Moore Jr. soon states there's
no live charts. All you will find inside the chat
room is a list of several people talking to each other...no
live trading whatsoever...no possible way to track
the trading of M.A. Perry. Think about this very
carefully, Emmett Moore Jr. was looking for a guru trader to
tell him what to trade, when to buy and when the sell. Thus,
he was looking to copy / mimic / piggyback / replicate my
trades but instead saw a chat room full of independent
traders posting their own trades without being
told what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. Once again, look at the chat room image above/right and compare what you see in the image to Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools exact words (All you will find inside the chat room is a list of several people talking to each other...) in the written review of TheStrategyLab to contrast Dr. Dean Handley ability to read the archive chat logs and compare my trade posts to trade fills in the redacted screenshots for the quantitative statistical analysis of my trade performance without me giving Dr. Dean Handley access to screenshots from my 3rd party professional trade journal software that I use for my quantitative statistics.
Reality, these are words by someone that attempted to use the
free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room. These are
words by someone that's angry for being
banned for trying to
use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room.
These are words by someone that's angry for being
banned for trying to
market his automated trading systems & custom indicators
to members of my free chat room...words by someone that
creates false narratives as in
Information Disorder in an effort to get revenge after I
sarcastically told him that I will not create
a spreadsheet for him to download. As I stated to Emmett Moore Jr... ---------------------- The archive chat logs has my trades (time, entry/exit price, quantity, profit/loss) that are posted in the timestamp free chat room after confirmation in the trade fill window of my broker trade execution platform or you can read the daily trade performance journal that show total dollar and total points for the trading day. In contrast, the quantitative statistical analysis via a 3rd party professional trade journal software is for my eyes only...its private info. Yet, if I
didn't state the specific quantity in the free chat room...its
shown in the redacted screenshot trade fill window of the broker
trade execution platform. Simply, those words by Emmett Moore Jr. are words of a lazy reviewer / lazy trader. I learned that during my telephone conversation with him via his reaction when I told him he can read the archive chat logs to gather whatever performance statistics from my trade posts or calculate his own stats from my trade posts. I was in no mood to be listening to demands from someone to send it to him that was starting to resemble that banned problematic troll. In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. did not realized that I document everything in my free chat room that's posted by members and myself.
Lets now dig deeper into this false narrative that's also a contradiction when Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools states there's no possible way to track the trading of M.A. Perry. His statement would fall under the disinformation category of Information Disorder because he then contradicts himself again when he posts (creates) an image of a spreadsheet of my monthly trade profits although he does not mention there's a direct link within my monthly trade journal to my daily trade performance journal. I'm not joking...he manipulates this fact via the creation of his own spreadsheet image in hopes that the reader would not do his / her own fact checking via comparing it to the reviews by others that were able to do their own quantitative statistical analysis to contradict Emmett Moore Jr. inability to track my trading. Another possibility, Emmett Moore Jr. did not realize I had a daily trade performance considering he does not mention it in his written review and he did not realize I had the daily archive chat logs auto-uploaded every night to a different storage forum. If this was true about what he did not know, it would then point to his poor research skills. Further, he does not state that the daily totals from my trades posted in the free chat room are later posted in the evening daily trade journal that includes a redacted screenshot to verify my trade performance along with a market summary by either Briefing.com, Yahoo or Bloomberg. It gets worst or comical, he does not state that many users of WRB Analysis post a daily trade journal with redacted screenshots to verify trade performance in their private thread even if they do not use the free chat room to post their trades after confirmation in their broker trade execution platform. Seriously, he could have just stated the Mr. Perry refused to give him nice looking spreadsheet of my quantitative statistical analysis so that he wouldn't need to calculate his own statistical analysis of my trade performance like Dr. Dean Handley had to do on his own (sarcasm). Had he asked for the stats...I would have then posted several daily / monthly redacted screenshots of quantitative statistical analysis from my 3rd party professional trade journal software although it does not verify trade performance. In contrast, it would verify the merits of WRB Analysis for those particular trading days.
I'm making fun of Tradingschools review blog because it only takes one bad review (poor research / poor journalism / manipulation to game the review industry) to take away their credibility and confirm bad reviews by others in the review business industry about Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools...similar to a bad trade that takes away all your profits. >>>>>
He refused to discuss just one complaint even though I told him I'm not interested in knowing whom complained. I'm interested in improving my services. His refusal to answer me was another indicator about Emmett Moore Jr. being dodgy, evasive, liar and a con man. Reality, the few fee-base clients and the few free users that complained to me about TheStrategyLab are by those that strongly disliked my terms of use policy ...complaints by traders that say they couldn't get the same fill which is another way of saying they couldn't copy / mimic / piggyback my trades nor trades by other members...revealing their real purpose in using my free chat room when they complained about not getting the same trade fill. Yet, most of the complaints began when I password protected / changed the password to the free chat room to keep out those that were banned, started kicking out traders from the free chat room that were just lurking (not posting trades nor posting verification of trade performance in their private thread), kicking out those trying to spam their automated trading systems & custom indicators to members of my free chat room and I banned members for publicly arguing with other members or myself in the free chat room via intentionally trying to distract us from trading instead of waiting for the trading day to complete. Anyways, although the ban policy began in 2010...it was not enforced until 2014 to help get rid of those trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room, to get rid of cloaked vendors trying to market their trading systems (e.g. automated trading systems) to members of my free chat room and to get rid of several trolls that were not able to verify their trade performance via redacted screenshots to show correlation to the trades they posted in the free chat room. It took a lot of work (time & energy) to get rid of these types of traders.
In fact, within a few months...about 50%
of the members of
the free chat room were banned. The timing was bad because the
trading industry had not
recovered from the global financial crisis of 2008 - 2010 and
other social media sites were becoming more popular for
traders (e.g. Twitter, Stocktwits and TradingView).
Regardless, I made a decision at that point in time I wanted
quality in my members...not quantity. Regardless
to the fact that Emmett Moore Jr. refused to tell me
what the complaints were about my website...a few members
eventually contacted me to tell me that they did in fact
complained to Emmett Moore Jr. about the following:
Hey, at least they were honest about what they complained about to Emmett Moore Jr. while Emmett Moore Jr. refused to tell me a single complaint. Just as important, I highly suspect Emmett Moore Jr. is someone that I've banned in the recent past and is the same problematic troll I banned for making threats on my family and myself considering Emmett Moore Jr. does admit in his review that he signed up for my referral program... While
he gave no proof in his review as a member of my referral
program via not posting a single DOK nor posting a single
verification image of timestamp trade fills in his broker
trade execution platform that correlates to the key concepts
from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...posted in a private
thread that he would have been assigned had he been a member
of my referral program. Today, I'm happy with only having a handful of members that are located in different countries to help give their perspective on global key events impacting the markets.
It's because if you only qualify for one category it then becomes a boring review. Therefore, he needs to fill in the empty categories via false narratives of services that are popular resources offered by vendors. Those topics attract readers to his review blog which is why the first category shown @ Tradingschools is Live Trade Rooms and vendors in that category has been a favorite punching bag since the 1990's by traders of the dot com era and Automated Trading Systems & Custom Indicators has been a favorite punching bag since the 2008 - 2010 global financial crisis. The funny story continues in his written review is that Emmett Moore Tradingschools did categorize TheStrategyLab correctly in only one category called Trading Courses out of four categories that he categorize TheStrategyLab (Live Futures Trading Rooms, Trading Courses, Mentors, Worst Live Trading Rooms). This is funny because he does not talk about the trading courses I offered. Seriously...he gets one category correct but then does not talk about the resources I do offer at the time of his review. In fact, he was not able to sneak those false narratives past several former readers of Tradingschools and clients of TheStrategyLab. They stated (I agree) that Emmett Moore Jr. was probably drunk, high or an angry banned troll when he wrote his review of TheStrategyLab. Fact check his written review to see if he discusses WRB Analysis, WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy, Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters (fee-base) or the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies (fee-base)...not one is mentioned in his written review. Just as strange, WRB Analysis was mentioned to him multiple times in the telephone conversation that its the foundation of my trading.
The trading manual book is titled as Manuel de Négociation and it is a hard cover book of only 7 copies...written in French. There are no English version and no digital version. Two copies were sold, three copies given away for free to personal friends and I have the two remaining copies on a book shelf in my home in France...gathering dust between signed copies of photography books by famous photographers. The book revealed the strategies that I used in market conditions of 2004 - 2005 and it contained basic price action analysis, several trade signal strategies, redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform, redacted broker statements and chat room logs of trade posts of the free chat room that correlate with the trade fills shown in the redacted statements for one month of trading in which I traded 16 of the 20 available trading days in that month. Days not traded were "no trading days" because I wanted a 3 day weekend for personal reasons. The most important revelation in the Manuel de Négociation was that volatility changes every year and I respond to the changes via using different WRB Zones (correlation analysis) with different trade signal strategies that's only applicable for that type of volatility. The 2 copies sold to individuals...they are friends of my personal friends in Europe. The 3 copies given away for free were to personal friends...all living in Europe. Therefore, you'll see below in my review of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools that I point to his poor research skills and poor investigative journalism. Thus, he got it wrong is an understatement although the categorization is comical. Trading Manual is not applicable in today's market conditions. More info about the Trading Manual @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/Manual.htm
Yes, the trading manual had the Basic WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Its in the trading manual as chapters 2, 3 and 4. Today, chapters 2, 3 and 4 are offered for free since 2006 as the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide because its applicable in today's market conditions although its been adapted. The free study guide contains no trade signal strategies...its a price action analysis to help you understand the price action you're trading prior to the appearance of whatever trade signals you're using...based upon chart analysis and key market events (KMEs). There has been several versions of the free study guide with over 40k of unique IP address downloads. I usually upload a new version after there has been 6k - 7k downloads...new version has corrections, new adaptations and new charts from current market conditions at the time of its release. It's self serve because I do not know what trade signal strategies are being used with WRB Analysis and there's no mentoring (its self serve). Regardless, I have not used the trade signal strategies from the trade manual since late 2005 - 2006 and the price action analysis via the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide is used in today's market conditions and embedded in all my trade signal strategies including the trade manual. In fact, the key concepts of WRB Analysis has been used by me since I developed it in the mid 80's when I was in high school while a member of my high school investment club (we primarily swing traded...positions usually held less than one month) when my old man worked as a floor trader.
He did not ask me any questions about my views but you will learn further below what Emmett Moore Jr. does not want you to know about the fraud of signal calling trade alert rooms because it will question the integrity of his reviews involving the trade alert rooms he recommends and partner with @ Tradingschools. The conversation went south as soon as I asked him questions about Dr. Dean Handley. The effort he made to try to silence me via a written review and the false narratives has backfired. These are the reasons that caused me to write this review about Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools. His stupid mistake is that I've never targeted any specific trade alert room (didn't cough up any names) nor did I say anything negative about Tradingschools (its partnership with signal calling trade alert rooms) prior to his written review of TheStrategyLab. It's funny because he brags a lot about his research skills and how much time he puts into preparing a review and I find it very suspicious that he labels his review of TheStrategyLab as an official review. Ironically, he only talks about one of my resources (free chat room) and the monthly performance record associated with the trades posted in the free chat room while not discussing my other resources nor using the name of my trade methodology WRB Analysis in his written review. Also, I will mention further below other intentional false narratives by Emmett Moore Jr. (e.g. lying that he reached out to me with no verification screenshot of an email, forum message post, chat room message, image of a note tied to a carrier pigeon...nothing) and his strange review of a trading manual (hard cover book) that has not been available since 2005 nor does he have access to the book...false narratives he created because he could not find any dirt on me.
Further below, I posted a screenshot of the threat by Emmett Moore Jr. when he worked in the mortgage business and he threaten someone name Ted although he would later apologize for writing in his complaint that Ted's nuts should be cut off and stuffed down his throat. In addition, I posted a screenshot of the threat from many screenshots of threats between 2012 - 2016 by the problematic troll involving his automated trading systems & custom indicators. In another screenshot of a threat by the problematic troll after I banned him from the free chat room for trying to market his automated trading systems & custom indicators to members of the free chat room...he specifically states angrily via email in response to the ban that my nuts should be cut off and stuffed down the throats of my children. The strange thing about the problematic troll...members and I notice that his writing skills have improved after each year. That's an odd observation considering I made a screenshot (not yet posted) of Emmett Moore Jr. at his review blog making a similar like comment that when he first started his review blog...he wrote like a 3 year old but now (a few years later)...he's writing like a 6 year old.
More specific...most of his initial messages were very flattering about my trade method, trade performance, trade journal which is very similar to the way Emmett Moore Jr. tells readers at his review blog how he initially contacts vendors via an email he calls The Lion and the Lamb (its a religious reference). Yet, I would never receive those emails because Emmett Moore Jr. was already on my banned list as the problematic troll that was banned for trying to market his automated trading systems & custom indicators in the free chat room. Reality, he never sent those emails to me probably because he was concentrating on trying to sneak back into the free chat room again via a new identity and his vengeance after being banned again. My members of the free chat room would catch his new identity just as fast as I would catch him. I would then get 5 - 10 private messages from concerned members to ban his new user name because it was obvious to them that he was the problematic troll that would eventually attack their real time trade posts, attack their redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform and attack their redacted broker statements while he never posted a single redacted screenshot of his own trade performance.
At times, I actually thought the problematic troll was psychotic / addicted to drugs / alcoholic because of how fast he went from Mr. Nice guy to the rude disrespectful troll that violated my terms of use policy. Members and I refer to him in private messaging as Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde.
The threats began in 2013...same year Emmett Moore Jr. started his review blog and he states on the warning webpage at his review blog...its the same year he got divorce. Oddly, Emmett Moore Jr. did not contact me as Emmett Moore Jr. (telephone conversation) until the month before the written review of May 2016. That's 3 years of being a problematic troll while his written review look more like an hour of research while he was having too many beers. Yet, the
terrorist threats by a problematic troll between 2013 - 2016
towards my family and myself...the writing style (digital
fingerprints) of the problematic troll has strong similarities
with Emmett Moore Jr. writing style...it still makes me nauseous
today. More importantly, it ensures
that Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools and I will
never have another
Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools puts an enormous emphasis on verification of trade performance as he should be considering he's in the review business. Unfortunately, he believes in error that if the verification is already posted prior to his review...the vendor must still interact with him and then send it to him. That creates a conflict with vendors that choose to either not interact with him (he is a SEC felon) or not post their verification info at multiple locations outside of their own backyard...giving those other online locations the views and control of the vendors verification content with no feedback about whom are viewing the content. The error grows because Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools does not look at verification of trade performance by the traders using the services of the vendor nor show proof of trade performance by those traders (good or bad) using the vendor's services. It's a missing key piece of the puzzle to help determine the merits of any service offered by the vendor.
The verification of trade performance here @ TheStrategyLab stays in my own backyard. It's my content and nobody dictates how its posted, where its posted, format its posted (e.g. blotter, snippet, broker statement or screenshot of trade fills in broker trade execution platform) nor when its posted especially by those not able to post their own verification of trade performance. By the way, in the free chat room, I use an IRC script to color code my trades on my screen whereas trades posted by other members are black text only on my screen...less distraction for me while trading. Also, members using the same IRC script...their trades on their own screen will be color coded whereas trades by others (including mine) are black text only. I designed the script this way to make it more difficult for someone trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room while at the same time putting more emphasis on your own posted trades and less emphasis (black text only) on trades posted by others in the free chat room. In contrast, older screenshots of the trades posted by users of WRB Analysis in the free chat room...almost everyone's trades were color coded via an old IRC script not designed by me...the trade script was designed by another free chat room on IRC. That trade script made it hard for me to distinguish my own trades when I reviewed my screenshots after the trading day completed.
Yet, you should have notice that verification of trade performance is posted all over TheStrategyLab's website / forum (some on this webpage) but the main review webpage to review information about the services of TheStrategyLab with a little history plus many redacted screenshots is for any trader or reviewer to review on their own...its the webpage @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/thestrategylab-reviews.htm The main review webpage will also allow you to compare the info to what's written by reviewers like Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools so that you can determine if their review is via poor research or good research. Lets put it this way, if TheStrategyLab's price action analysis called WRB Analysis is not mention nor the names of my other fee-base resources and he / she does not discuss / acknowledge the many different types of redacted screenshots with direct links to archive chat logs of the free chat room where users of WRB Analysis posted trades in real-time...its poor research by a reviewer that has a personal agenda along with hiding the facts. In fact, to disprove one of Emmett Moore Jr. calling cards in his written review of TheStrategyLab..."unable and unwilling to provide the smallest morsel of evidence"...I made sure to include many different types of redacted screenshots to verify trade performance on many webpages all over TheStrategyLab so that other traders can see that Emmett Moore Jr. is blind, deaf, dumb and a liar. Another
calling card in his written review...absolutely no live
trading...When asked for proof of trading success, the person
running the business becomes dodgy, evasive, and highly
manipulative. To be clear, I refused and then I
specifically told Emmett Moore Jr. that my +100s redacted
screenshots are already posted in my daily
performance record (a.k.a. trade journal) and the home link to
the daily performance record is on almost every webpage
@ TheStrategyLab. He doesn't
need me to point him to any redacted screenshot posted here at
my website and forum for him to review nor does he need me to
give him quantitative statistical analysis of my trading
considering my trades posted in the free chat room have position
size, price of entry/exit along with profit/loss on each trade.
Simply, he does not need to interact with me to compute whatever trading metrics that are important to him about my trading...trades posted in the free chat room that correlate with trades shown in my redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform...redacted screenshots posted within minutes after my last trade of the trading day. More importantly, these redacted screenshots are my content. Nobody dictates where they should be posted, when they should be posted, format they should be posted. I decide...not someone else especially someone that's lying in his written review that he was part of my referral program that requires DOKs and redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify trade performance via the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with his trade signal strategies.
He was strangely quiet too long without giving me an answer in which I then rephrased my question. I then asked him if he actually reviewed my daily performance record that contains a redacted screenshot for each trading day along with a direct link to the archive chat log for the trading day associated with the redacted screenshot ? He again wouldn't reply and changed the topic. Lets keep another issue in the spotlight...as Emmett Moore Jr. began the telephone conversation...he did in fact lied to me several times and made some strange statements (words usage) that's very similar to a problematic troll. Therefore, I was not the one being dodgy nor evasive. Instead, his similarities to the problematic troll made me very suspicious of him in the telephone conversation in which I began researching his review blog and probing him with several questions while he was talking. His inability to respond to my questions or giving me a shallow answer was in fact Emmett Moore Jr. the one that was dodgy and evasive. The conversation went south into the twilight zone when I then asked him about his relationship with Dr. Dean Handley. The fact that he doesn't mention my redacted screenshots, does not mention my daily trade journal, does not mention that users of WRB Analysis do in fact post their trades in the free chat room and they post verification of trade performance along with his inability to mention the name WRB Analysis in his written review...its obvious that Emmett Moore Jr. is hiding the facts (dodgy / evasive). These calling cards are contentious by a reviewer that's trying to create the illusion (false narrative) the free chat room is a signal calling trade alert room for the sole purpose to drum up readership of the review.
Thus, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools can download, copy and print any redacted screenshot that's already posted here @ TheStrategyLab without me sending any redacted screenshot to him including the few redacted screenshots, links to archive chat logs and redacted screenshots of member's broker statements (users of WRB Analysis) posted further below on this review webpage. Preferably, I would rather Emmett Moore Jr. to just post a link to any redacted screenshot, copy and repost the redacted screenshot at his blog or post a link to the archive chat logs in his review of TheStrategyLab because that would allow me to see whom is viewing my content, when they're viewing the content and how often is it viewed along with other info about the viewer while still keeping it here in my own backyard. Just as important, it will give me free advertising because I usually include advertisement of my education resources on the redacted areas in the screenshot if the redacted area is large enough. By the way, most users of WRB Analysis in the archive chat logs above...they posted broker statements, quantitative statistical of trade performance via a 3rd part professional trade journal software along with other confidential info about their trading day in their private thread. Reality, he will continue to not acknowledge my redacted screenshots as explained (why) at the main TheStrategyLab review webpage via the same reason why he created his own spreadsheet (screenshot) of my monthly trade performance instead of taking a screenshot of my monthly trade performance and then commenting about the redacted screenshots. Same reason why he does not comment about users of WRB Analysis and their broker statements. Nonetheless, I don't think he expected me to discover on my own during our telephone conversation prior to his requests...who he really was beyond being a SEC felon that stole millions (that's a big plural) from his victims (ruining their financial lives or worst) and only sentence to prison for a small duration with a very small financial restitution for his crimes whom is now using the façade of a review blog to request access to private confidential financial info from my trading accounts. Yeah, here's another fact that Emmett Moore Jr. did not mention in his written review prior to the conclusion of our telephone conversation...he actually asked me to give him access to my trading accounts. A stranger on the telephone...first time talking to this stranger...a SEC felon asking me to give him access to my trading accounts. This is not a joke. His request left me speechless and wondering if he was psychotic, high on drugs or a clever thief with a hidden agenda if he got access to my trading accounts. Warning webpage screenshot to the right >>>
Emmett Moore Jr. is ignorant or
oblivious to believe I would not write about our telephone
conversation via the way I document everything here
TheStrategyLab...the fixation I have on documentation is
something he should have been aware about
prior to calling me
had he truly researched the website & forum. In fact, the
info you see on this webpage about Emmett Moore Jr. is on the
surface...there's much more info to
contradict a lot of
misinformation / disinformation crap he states at his review
blog. His
review does not once mention that TheStrategyLab requires
users to post verification of learning (understanding)
and application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide
(the foundation of WRB Analysis) prior to
access to any of our resources since 2005. This wasn't just a
requirement for fee-based clients...it became a requirement
for free users too in 2009 as shown @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=61
Anyways, you can see the misinformation / disinformation by this fraud of a reviewer on full display when he begins talking about my "affiliation program" when I specifically call it the "referral program" @ TheStrategyLab. Emmett Moore Jr. then goes on to specifically state the following in the written review... ----------------------
You'll see that individuals must
qualify by posting their DOKs and Redacted Screenshots of
timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify their learning
(understanding)/application of the WRB Analysis
Free Study Guide with their trade signal strategy. Referral Program @
two qualification requirements are to ensure that traders
promoting my Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters and the
Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies have a
strong understanding / application of the WRB Analysis Free
Study Guide with their trade signal strategy. Simply, they did
their due diligence and can honestly give their opinion about
WRB Analysis. Regardless, an official review would
imply he used the services and then documented (with
screenshots) for verification about his use of the service
to prevent looking like, le bouffon, so that he can then
give his opinion about his personal use of the
products/services to prevent being sued in court.
if Emmett Moore Jr. was in my referral program...why doesn't
he mention the username he used in my referral program
especially after he incorrectly refers to it as
selling my trading manual while not
mentioning that the trading manual has not
been available since 2005 along with the fact that the
referral webpage does not
mention any trading manual ? Further,
his review looks more like he's a fraud that ONLY wanted to
make easy money, with no effort to know WRB Analysis, off the
back of my hard work. Somewhere along the way, he became angry
when he in fact was not
able to qualify for my referral program.
He then intentionally refused to mention the name of the
foundation of my trade methodology...WRB
Analysis in his written review as if it did not
exist. It's the exact same behavior he has about my
verification of trade performance images.
Surely its something he should write about at his review blog warning webpage or someone else should interview some of his victims and write about their story. Yet, by not writing about their story...he silences them after having raped their financial lives and then mocks them via glamorizing what he did via his comparison to the movie The Wolf on Wall Street. I'm going to be brutally blunt, Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools is clueless about the lives of his victims that he's not even able to describe the harm he's done to them beyond just writing that he stole 600 million dollars from +700 victims. Another way to view what Emmett Moore Jr. is doing...he's using his review blog also as a mute button to silence his victims. He believes in error that by just saying he stole millions...nobody will be interested in the impact his fraud had on the lives of those +700 victims and the lives of those they worked for. Hopefully, one day his victims will use social media to describe the impact of his crimes had on their lives. Read that warning webpage to the right again...very slowly this time. You'll realize he only talks about himself...not once does he say he's sorry (there's no apology) for what he did to his victims nor does he disclose if he has apologized to his victims. True redemption only begins from an apology and acknowledge the destruction (harm) you've done to those you've hurt. Thus, in my opinion, it would be a lot more interesting story to read about how Emmett Moore Jr. devastated their lives and most likely continues to do so today from the ripple effect after having their millions of dollars stolen by him. Unfortunately, instead of writing about the lives of his victims...he decides it would be best to only write about his life and the fraud he brags about from a single phone call as a stranger on the telephone that contacts you the first time. He then cold heartily refers to his behavior as a super hero that got him sent to prison but seems clueless that he uses the same tactic when he first contacts vendors either via email, telephone call or pretending to be interested in your education resources. In fact, I wouldn't doubt that he continues his fraud and illusions by purchasing vendors services as a way to gain access into your services. He then illegally resells your education content via an anonymous alias connected to California and a foreign country to bypass or hide himself from U.S. laws. In fact, he does openly admit he uses VPNs and rented IP addresses. This is interesting because I banned another troll for reposting (broadcasting) my members posted trades (including my trades) from my free chat room to other locations outside of TheStrategyLab...the troll was charging a fee to those receiving the broadcasts. A troll associated with the problematic troll that had strong similarities to Emmett Moore Jr. There are people out there that view those that steal millions of dollars from their victims, ruining the financial lives of their victims or worst...these criminals should be treated no different than those that serial rape or serial murder. Lets keep some things in perspective about the felonies by Emmett Moore Jr...some of the crimes that Emmett Moore Jr. was convicted...they are the same crimes that Bernie Madoff was convicted in his Ponzi scheme although they differ in the business of the Ponzi scheme. Bernie Madoff victims stated in court while crying about the money stolen...they told the court it was money they needed to take care of elderly loved ones, college education money for their children and grand children, some stated it was their pension plan that they needed when they retire, others stated they were forced to sell their homes / some foreclosed and many stated life has been a living hell that they can not wake up from...they are imprisoned by his crimes. I wonder if the +700 victims of Emmett Moore Jr. had similar consequences ? It seems like karma that Emmett Moore Jr. was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Napoleon Jones Jr. considering Emmett Moore Jr. has a Napoleon Complex just like Bernie Madoff. ----------------------
Emmett Moore Jr. does not understand that the vendors he writes about...they will write about him when he gets it wrong and they will not contact him unless he plans to give an apology in a follow-up review for every specific false narrative (many of which were intentional and without facts) he wrote about the vendor. Thus, a trader that's the real deal...will review him and write about him instead of contacting him. It ensures Emmett Moore Jr. will not have control and ensures that others will learn about his character as a fraud. Yet, if you do send him verification of trade performance...you'll see additional insults from him along with the BUT word in there as if it was not his poor research and it was you not initially giving in to his demands that merited a bad review. The point I'm making here, he's still trying to control the narrative about the vendor even when he gets it wrong. In contrast, some vendors see whom he really is...his heart and soul, his spirit...its not good and they do not want any association with someone with a spirit that has no honor in its feather. As a reminder, as stated above, I have posted many of my own (wrbtrader) redacted screenshots, archive chat room logs with trades that correlate to the trade fills in the redacted screenshots, real time trades and broker statements by users of WRB Analysis via the review webpage @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/thestrategylab-reviews.htm (a webpage that was initially a message post). Verification of trade performance there before Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools review of TheStrategyLab along with many redacted screenshots after the review of TheStrategyLab. In my opinion, more importantly, Emmett Moore Jr. is a failed self-learned quant (no formal education) that's unable to post verification of his trade performance via the automated trading systems & custom indicators that he states at his Trade Navigator blog and again at his Tradingschools review blog...that actually work. Also, I do not believe he has told his readers @ Tradingschools review blog about his Trade Navigator blog in which he states on his about page that he's a private trader that develops trading systems.
It's a troll that I banned for making terrorist threats towards my family and myself. A troll that tried to use my free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room along with being unable to post verification of his trade performance via the automated trading systems & custom indicators he attempted to promote to my members of the free chat room. A troll that has a strong dislike of Dr. Dean Handley and was upset with me for allowing Dr. Dean Handley into my free chat room. A troll that failed several times to convince me to change my free chat room into a signal calling trade alert room with his help...sharing the profits with him from subscription fees...threatening to give me bad publicity if I continue to refuse his offer and keeping the chat room free. A troll that ridicule my use of IRC while not knowing anything about how the IRC scripts I designed are auto managing the free chat room although he's a bonehead in using IRC himself via VPNs and rented IP addresses. A troll that talked about the superiority of Trade Navigator software in comparison to my broker trade execution platform and charting service. A troll that did not understand why many members and I used a 3rd party professional trade journal software for quantitative statistical analysis of our trade performance. A troll infuriated when I would not allow him access to the live screen share meeting nor allowing him access to new trade signal strategies I was designing...he did not qualify for access and wanted an exception as a guest visitor and sometimes saying I just want use it to look around to see what others are doing. A troll that I refuted his automated trading systems & custom indicators because he had no verification of trading performance...resulting in terrorist threats by the troll. A troll that consistently tried to find personal data about myself and family although he shared no info about his family nor himself. A troll that learned (from another member) that a family member of mine had cancer and then he quickly responded via sending me a private message...wishing her a horrible death.
A problematic troll that soon disappeared after Emmett Moore Jr. posted his
review of TheStrategyLab. I've much more images than what I've
already posted further below that documented these
similarities between the problematic troll and Emmett Moore
Jr...verification images I'll release slowly on this review
webpage or the review of trolls webpage.
The issue was never my redacted screenshots considering anyone is able to do their own fact checking via clicking on the images of redacted screenshots along with reviewing the correlated archive chat logs. He lied because he has a personal vendetta against TheStrategyLab either because Dr. Dean Handley gave me a positive review or Emmett Moore Jr. is in fact the problematic troll that I had banned for violation of my terms of use policy...maybe because of both. Further, due to Emmett Moore Jr. written review of TheStrategyLab that he wrote as if it was facts considering not once in the review does he use the words his opinions...I now question his integrity, agenda and so called facts (false narratives) in other reviews when he was not able to find any dirt on a vendor and the vendor then ignored his requests. Lets understand another fact...Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools is just a review blogger trying to drum up ways to profit from his blog as a review writer after failing to earn a living as a quant. Also, he has a Trade Navigator blog (inactive with only a few posts) that promoted his automated trading systems & custom indicators (reality was just a failure), sales rep in the mortgage business and now a review blogger...all occurring after he was released from prison...constantly looking for an easy route to big rewards. He represents no official government agency but has the illusion (napoleon complex) he does when he contacts you via labeling it as an official review. In fact, Tradingschools has a problem with the few legitimate vendors out there with verification of trade performance that does not want to talk to Emmett Moore Jr...the convicted SEC felon. The problem is exacerbated when he resorts to personal attacks and false narratives to create his own story like a fictional writer that's unable to come to grips with his own conflicts about his character when his requests are ignored. Yet, do not feel sorry for Emmett Moore Jr. because he made a choice to walk down this path and then to sleep in the bed he made. He actually does not understand that people do not want to talk to a SEC felon nor want to be promoted by him...he's like a disease. Although, I'm sure some are hiding something but not because he's the law but because he's a stranger in an email, message post or telephone call that does not disclose his criminal background in the initial contact. Also, he does not understand that if a vendor doesn't know whom he really is when he begins using their resources and then violates their terms of use policy...he gets banned.
I actually thought I was reading a message post from a 7 year old kid making threats to break something if you didn't give him a cookie for breakfast after he requested a cookie. Yet, Emmett Moore Jr. can not understand why I am unable and unwilling to send him any redacted screenshots that's already posted @ TheStrategyLab because I know the redacted screenshots are not what he really wants. In fact, you'll see in the screenshot to the right...a message post by Emmett Moore Jr. in which he states there will be negative consequences if you don't respond to him when he contacts you. It reminds me of a rape story by this woman about a celebrity. She testify that her rapist told her if she cooperates...doesn't scream...he will be gentle with her and it will quickly be over but there will be consequences if she does not cooperate. It's the same message the problematic troll gave me when I responded that I was not interested in his plan to make me lots of money by converting my free chat room into a signal calling trade alert room and wanting access to my members so that he could market his automated trading systems & custom indicators to them that he stated was superior to WRB Analysis...he too said there will be negative consequences if I do not accept his offer. This was a troll that often contacted me anonymously on IRC with kind (he used that word in his messages) comments about my monthly trade performance or sending me emails via VPNs and rented IP addresses (e.g. California, Texas, Florida, Philippines and other locations) while trying to send me a subtle messages (threats) that he knows people within the crime syndicate. I often thought he was working with others (minions) and I then discover a member of the free chat room sharing his log-in credentials with this problematic troll. He used the word moderator instead of head trader in the few signal calling trade alert rooms on IRC and he referred to those rooms as live trade rooms. The problematic troll disappeared (never bother me again) after Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools posted his review of TheStrategyLab. I do not recommend any vendor to partner / affiliation with Emmett Moore Jr. nor advertise at their website a positive review from Emmett Moore Jr. because its something you do not want on your résumé due to the fact that he's a con man (a fraud) that will eventually implode just like any fake vendor of automated trading systems & custom indicators. Simply, you do not want to be near him when it does implode nor do you want any association with him. That inactive Trade Navigator blog from 2009 - 2010 tells a big story (the original story) about his automated trading systems & custom indicators that he would again attempt to promote at his review blog is his secret agenda via two different types of blogs. Its an agenda that has no verification of trade performance (simulator nor real money) via timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform...no accolades...nothing. ---------------------- I've only interacted once with Emmett Moore Jr. via his identity as Emmett Moore Jr. early 2016 and it was via a telephone call. First time he called... I answered the telephone on the 3rd ring and then said Allô. He then hung up like a prankster. Second time he called...I wasn't in my home office but he did leave a message in which I immediately called him back when I returned back to my home office but he wasn't available (he didn't answer the phone)...I left him a message. He then called be again in which he was able to talk to me although he would later lie in his written review via stating I was avoiding him.
I immediately became suspicious of this person on the telephone because of the lies, words and phrases he used to initiate the conversation...correlated to a troubling troll that I had recently banned within several months prior to Emmett Moore Jr. calling me. I then decided to research online the background of Emmett Moore Jr. while he was talking and discover that the stranger on the telephone was a SEC felon that wrote about his criminal activities in a bragging way at his Tradingschools review blog. More alarming, I discover that Emmett Moore Jr. used similar phrases and sentence structures in his written reviews of vendors just like that problematic troll used towards me on IRC...resulting in the ban of the troll. Further, I discover that Emmett Moore Jr. writes at his review blog about recording telephone conversations without permission...that alone violates wiretapping laws and privacy laws. This may also explain why he works with those outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S. law to protect them from U.S. law which in turns minimizes the ability for them to backstab him with incriminating information while they work with him. In fact, I wouldn't be surprise if they actually do some of the reviews for Emmett Moore Jr. in which he then reviews / edit / approves the review as if he was a publication editor. Regardless, it's still published at Tradingschools review blog. Now I know who I'm really talking to on the telephone and I'm sure he senses the change in the tone of my voice. Yet, I needed a confirmation about who it really was that I was talking to on the telephone in reference to that recent past problematic troll that also refused to acknowledge redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform posted by members of the free chat room.
He asked me again to send it to him. I said NO because he can just click on the redacted screenshot for any particular trading day and then copy / download / print the redacted screenshot he's interested in reviewing. He would not reply and quickly changed the topic until I began to ask him questions about Dr. Dean Handley in which he responded via asking for access to my trading accounts (he wanted my log-in credentials to my trading accounts) instead of answering my questions. In contrast, Emmett Moore Jr. writes the following disinformation (fabrication to deceive his readers and an attempt to harm the reputation of TheStrategyLab) in his written review that I was "unable and unwilling to provide the smallest morsel of evidence". He created this particular false narrative because he realized that I discover whom he was during the telephone conversation. Yet, it was his piss poor attitude after I told him my redacted screenshots to verify trade performance are already posted that further confirmed him as that problematic troll. In a straight forward statement to him in our only phone conversation... ---------------------- Reality, I'm unwilling to send it to him via the fact that I discover who he really was (e.g. SEC felon, impersonator, fraud, liar, hacker) and that he was the problematic troll from the recent past. Also, a minor reason, its my content and it stays in my backyard but if he's truly interested...he can easily link to my redacted screenshots or copy them to repost at his review blog...something he would never do because it would contradict almost everything he had stated about TheStrategyLab. I discovered these facts during the telephone conversation while researching his background prior to his requests. Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools is a stranger on the telephone that sounds like a sales person that's about to offer me a business opportunity. It's his first time conversation (only conversation) with me but he didn't have a good first impression with me via his opening statement of lies. Yet, hiding the facts that he's a SEC felon and that he's the problematic troll that made threats...a troll that refused to post his own verification of trade performance when using my free chat room...a troll that then decided to troll TheStrategyLab.
March 2016, a few months before Emmett Moore Jr. review of TheStrategyLab...he writes at his review blog about a telephone conversation with someone name Sam. In this screenshot you will see the similarities in his request of a redacted screenshot of just a single day...any trading day to the conversation Emmett Moore Jr. had with me (M.A. Perry / wrbtrader) one to two months later in 2016 >>>>> Emmett Moore Jr. writes about recording the telephone conversation he had with Sam but he does not say if he has consent to do the recording and he surely did not ask me for consent if he did record our conversation. In fact, he writes about doing these telephone recordings in other reviews. He does this because he's trying to con his readers into believing it's OK that he uses a call recorder to give the illusion its an official interview as if he's working for a government agency and that he has proof of the conversation that a vendor is not forthcoming although he never post any audio file in his written review of the vendor for you to listen. Reality, telephone recordings violates wiretapping & privacy laws when there's no consent. Same thing involving video recordings when Emmett Moore Jr. states he screen recorded trade alert rooms. Yet, Emmett Moore Jr. has never posted any video recordings in his written review of the vendor making signal calls showing users being told what to trade, when to buy and when to sell via the signal calling trade alert room. I truly believe the primary reason that Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools does not show the video recordings of trade alert rooms is because he would also need to show verification that he or the person recording the video were in fact not able to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades of the vendors. He'll also need to verify (video recordings) that he in fact is able to highly replicate the signal calls of the vendors he highly recommends...the ones he gives 3 - 5 star ratings and partner / affiliated. He'll eventually feel cornered because the video recordings are illegal. This
will force him one day to announce day trading successful is
possible...its all a sham or
highly manipulated by the market. It's just gambling while at the same time
promoting his partnerships with day trading vendors he's
partner with at his review blog. Think about this hypocrisy
by Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools.org very carefully. In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states at his review blog under the headline that Day Trading: Its for SUCKERS. Here's the Proof @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/images/emmett-moore-jr-tradingschools-daytrading-hypocrisy.png Emmett
Moore Jr. does not believe you can be profitable at day
trading. In fact, he post links at his review blog (see above
link or image/right) about a study published in 2019
by the São Paulo School of Economics, Brazil South America. He
states that the study proves day trading is not profitable
all while his review blog recommends / partners with a handful
of signal calling day trading trade alert rooms...day trading
vendors that he states you can highly replicate their signal
calls. Further,
he wants you the reader of his review blog to believe him and
to use the services of the day trading vendors that he
recommends and partners with. Simply, he's conditioning his
readers on a subconscious level that they will not succeed at
day trading even if they use the services of the day trading vendors that he partners with and then
recommends to you while fattening his pockets with a financial
kickback that those vendors gives to him for sending
them another SUCKER.
fact, most day traders are not scalpers and scalping
is more difficult than day trading.
are critical issues to the success or failure of a
scalper that the authors of the São
Paulo School of Economics article and Emmett
Moore Jr. failed to mention as reasons why scalpers
tend to fail at trading when they do not have the proper
tools/resources that's mentioned above to succeed at scalping.
Further, it was a study about frequent day trading Brazilian Equity Futures...specifically about frequent day trading the mini-Ibovespa futures contracts.
a former institutional trader that relocated to
Chicago from Germany after he stopped trading the Eurex DAX
futures to trade the S&P 500 Emini ES futures. Therefore,
he lives close to the CME than most retail traders and he's an
automated system trader...he has all the above variables
that's needed to be a profitable scalper although he's on the
eccentric side. As
I've stated before in my review of Emmett Moore Jr., he does
not personally know a successful scalper nor a successful day
trader beyond talking to them on the telephone, email
conversations or partnered with a scalper that he
states you can highly replicate the signal calls
posted by the vendor. Yet, Emmett Moore Jr. provides no
redacted screenshots of trade fills in his broker trade
execution platform to correlate with the signal call trade
alerts by the vendor...he just wants you to believe him without
verification. In
my opinion, the above is the con and fraud that I
mentioned earlier in this review about Emmett Moore Jr. but it
doesn't explain why he easily gets confused about scalping/day
trading because he easily gets the facts mixed up especially
when he uses the phrase "I feel..." as if his feelings
are facts about trading. He will then later double down on
those feelings in hopes that the reader will view them as
facts until another reader corrects his statements that
prompts him to make an excuse for writing incorrect
information...blog behavior of an uneducated man.
don't doubt the study
by the São Paulo School of Economics but
I do not know any traders that trades Brazilian Equity
Futures and when the study uses the word "learned"...I'm
assuming its referring to mentoring as in teach how to
trade successfully. Yet, at the same time...there's no
explanation about what is mentoring, type of mentoring, and I
assume it believes that ALL day traders have been
mentored by someone. In addition, there's an assumption that ALL
day traders are trying to trade for a living when only a small
percentage of traders are day trading although as a larger
group than scalpers. As
a reminder, TheStrategyLab does not mentor/coach
(teach how to daytrade). Regardless, my issue is not
with the São Paulo
School of Economics article especially
considering there are other studies out there that came to a
different conclusion about day trading. The issue I have is
with Emmett Moore Jr. recommending/partnered with day trading
vendors and vendors that scalp while he strongly believes its
for SUCKERS. Most
likely, based upon Emmett Moore Jr. use of free speech to
attack vendors in the trading business and real estate
mortgage business...He occasionally has a temper tantrum and
will write a public negative review out of anger while
ignoring the facts for whatever reasons. Thus,
I have a strong suspicion that a scalper vendor that
Tradingschools.org was partner with had made a decision to end
the business relationship. Emmett Moore Jr. then decides to
use free speech to attack the trading industry as a
whole when in reality he's upset with a specific scalper
vendor that doesn't want to do business with him. To cover his
tracks...Emmett Moore Jr. ensures that his readers then know
that his review blog is for entertainment only and that the
blog makes him very little money. My
old man always said to me when I was growing up...free
speech is a double edge sword. Simply, be careful of
those you attack especially when you fail to apologize when
you get it wrong.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying the vendors he recommends are frauds. In contrast, I'm stating you can not replicate the vendor's signal calls due to the human cognitive decision making process (behavioral finance) unless trades are called in advance. The vendor and/or the client of the vendor are not always rational, have limits to their self-control, and are influenced by their own biases when making trade decisions...there are just too many moving parts from vendor to client. Both the vendor and the trader need to be rational and not influence by their biases to have a high percentage of "similar trade fills". To highly replicate (similar trade fills) is not possible because the signal caller and you are often influence by your biases and not rational when real money is on the line...its the reason why TheStrategyLab will never offer a signal calling trade alert service. It's the same reason why your simulator results will be better than your real money trading results. By the way, Emmett Moore Jr. attacks signal calling trade alert rooms that are using a simulator while he partners with others using a simulator...you'll learn about this hypocrisy further below.
The readers of his review blog are sucker to use the service he recommends because they believe his reviews are truthful facts and trailer park entertainment although it really just prison erotica...putting affiliation dollars in Emmett Moore Jr. wallet. The trailer park entertainment by Tradingschools is no different than a vendor using photos of fancy cars, videos of 5 star hotels on the beach / oasis, beautiful bikini girlfriends and get rich statements to fulfill your wildest dreams. Therefore, the misstep by Tradingschools was that their research did not reveal I've been outspoken about this issue involving vendors in the signal calling trade alert business since 2005. Another way to view Emmett Moore Jr's error is that he entered the review business of signal calling trade alert rooms on the coat-tail of Dr. Dean Handley with the hope of making money without first collecting redacted screenshots of his own timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform did in fact copy / mimic / replicate the trades called by a signal calling trade alert room. Thus, verifying the trade performance of the vendor is one thing...its an entire different ball game to verify the trade performance of the client using the services of the vendor. It's a critical misstep...colossal blunder in my opinion that he continues to make today via not showing redacted screenshots with timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in his broker trade execution platform did in fact replicate the timestamp signal calls in the trade alert room of those he recommends. The fact, he can not due to delays in the human cognitive decision making process when viewing visual information even if he wanted to post redacted screenshots of trade fills. The human cognitive decision making process is the primary reason why replicating someone's trades is extremely flawed. I showed proof of such back in 2005 and it resulted in putting TheStrategyLab on the radar when I challenge anyone to post redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform side by side with the timestamp trades called by the signal caller (vendor) correlating to the same trades shown in the vendor trade execution platform. Nobody shown up to prove me wrong and that offer is still open today. In fact, there's a growing number of traders doing live streaming of their trading on Twitch, Discord and Youtube Live. Power up your simulator and find someone that's profitable and then try to highly replicate the trades you see executed real time in their broker trade execution platform...you will not be able to do it except for a low percentage of trades.
For example, in the redacted screenshot to the right...look at the Long position / 3 contracts / 10:02:35 am in the trade fill window of the broker trade execution platform in comparison to the same Long position / 3 contracts / 10:02:47 am in the free chat room. There's a 12 second time difference in the timestamps and there will be another 10 seconds time difference added due to the cognitive decision making process in the brain of the trader viewing the trade. Most (not all) of the seconds in those 12 seconds occur because my mind is more focus on the decision that was just made, confirming and monitoring that decision (broker trader execution platform) instead of being focus on posting the trade in the free chat room. That's a total difference of 22 seconds for that particular trade to be register in the brain of the viewer...then trade executed in his / her own broker trade execution platform and then posted into the free chat room. Next, the viewer of the posted trade goes thru a similar cognitive decision making process prior to executing the trade in their own broker trade execution platform. In fact, I calculate 20 - 45 seconds is the norm...varying within that range from one trade to the next trade.
The cognitive biases then improves (less bias...faster decision making) after about 12 months...best correlation improvement I've seen was 3 seconds. Thus, back to that real trade example in the above redacted screenshot...12 months later...the same trade could have been executed 19 seconds instead of 22 seconds after seeing the trade being posted. Now you know why Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools will not provide verification of being able to highly replicate someone's trades and you now know why I have a negative bias against the business model of signal calling trade alert rooms. Yet, if you don't believe in this info about cognitive decision making as in its all voodoo to you...you must then not believe that different parts of your brain controls different functions in your body, the way you think and feel. You know, all that Left brain and Right brain stuff...fake news...right ? If you're college educated or currently enrolled in college and looking to go to grad school...you want to study something (get another degree) to help your trading...I highly recommend Behavioral Finance...any university @ https://www.behavioralfinance.com/behavioral-finance-educational-programs @ https://www.behavioraleconomics.com/resources/be-grad-programs/
Reality, he does not work for a government agency...illegal telephone recordings will get him, those helping him do the recordings...arrested. Thus, Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools (residing in California) needs to read the wiretapping laws and privacy laws in his home state or read this article @ https://lifehacker.com/what-you-need-to-know-when-recording-your-enemies-1795226719. Yet, if he's still confused...he only needs to remember he must have two-party consent (California Penal Code 632) from the person he's talking to on the telephone including needing consent from every person in those private trade alert rooms that he states in many reviews are video recorded. Also, you should notice in the above / right screenshot that Emmett Moore Jr. plays with words in his reviews from the trading industry. For example, instead of asking Sam or any other vendor if they're trading with real money or trading via a simulator which in my opinion would be a very straight forward (get to the point) type of question...he chooses to ask the vendor if he's trading with a live trading account. He asked me the same question and he seemed a little confused when I chuckle a little after I notice his play with words when he was asking me questions. I then responded that I trade with real money and those trades are then posted in the free chat room after confirmation in my broker trade execution platform. Trades not via real money, the IRC script can be easily changed to say <<<< paper >>>> / <<<< simulator >>>> / <<<< testing >>>> and I made sure there were no use of the slang words live trading.
By the way, there are some trading days when members of the chat room are trading via a simulator. I've designed an IRC trade posting script so that the member can notify the chat room when the trade is a simulator, testing (implies its a test to see if the script is functioning properly) or real money. To keep the IRC script simple, if the member does not post the trade as either simulator or testing...its real money trading. In fact, look closely at the trades posted in the free chat room in the attached redacted screenshot...you will see the trader RussellDaytrade using the IRC script in paper mode via <<<< paper >>>> at the end of his posted trades. The key to remember is that members of the free chat room also have a private thread at the forum...they should be posting redacted screenshots of trade fills in their broker trade execution platform...posted in their private thread even if they do not use the free chat room. Yet, it they do use the free chat room to post real time trades...to stay out of my doghouse they must also be posting verification of those posted real time trades. This was a rule enforced in 2014 and it angered many members because they knew I was cleaning house sort'uv speak to take out the trash (those trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room service).. Those that post trades...I then look in their private thread early the next morning to see if there's verification of trade performance via a redacted screenshot. If there's no verification...the member gets a polite warning and told that if the trade is not verified...trades posted in the chat room must use the designation as testing or simulator. In contrast, members that logged in and then do not post any trades nor respond to any private messages from me involving questions about their trading...they were banned. In fact, in one night in 2014...I removed the access of about 50% of the active members of the free chat room. About 10% would later return and post their redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform to regain access to the free chat room. The rest...never returned and a few of them decided they would then just troll TheStrategyLab.
Yet, by this time in the telephone conversation, I had enough info about Emmett Moore Jr. to decide not to allow him access to any of my resources @ TheStrategyLab nor discuss any of my resources with him because I knew he was that problematic troll that I banned. Live screen sharing meeting purpose is another form of journaling / documenting trading @ TheStrategyLab. It has only been available since 2010 although we've experimented with it in prior years on several different screen sharing platforms with members of the free chat room that have posted real time trades, posted screenshots (images) of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform or screenshots of timestamp trades fills in broker statement in their private thread consistently for a few months along with a few other qualifications. There's no guest visitors, no drive by curiosity seekers, no I just want to look around to see what others are showing on their screens, no free trials because its already free for active members doing the above involving the posting of DOKs to verify the learning of WRB Analysis / posting of redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in private thread to verify the application of WRB Analysis to gain access to the live screen share meeting.
The birth of live screen share meeting actually begin back in 2008 although it became consistently available in 2010. It occurred when I was simulator testing different front ends (broker trade execution platforms) because I was looking for a backup broker with a different front end trade execution platform. Several members from the free chat room then contacted me to do live screen sharing meeting with them so that they too can experience the front end via my trades because they too were looking for a backup broker. I agreed but only after they posted redacted screenshots in their private thread to verify their own trade performance while using WRB Analysis. We then made the live screen share meeting a two way sharing. Thus, I wanted to see their front end trade execution platform to see if there was another front end platform better than what I was using in my real money trading. Simply, I was able to experience many different front ends to help me to decide which trade execution platform I was going to test next. I myself begin live screen share meeting via testing front ends by Proton Trader software and Infinity AT software. A few members in the live screen share meeting eventually tested these broker trade execution platform and then later moved their brokerage accounts to those particular brokers that supported those front end platforms. To many of us...testing (simulator trading) during live screen share meeting viewed it as fun and very interesting because we are able to share real-time experience with a new front end software via the real time experience from another member beyond typing text words about it in the free chat room.
Live screen share meeting then became a tool to share with each other what we liked and did not like about a particular front-end broker trade execution platform. In fact, during those first few years of live screen share meeting, I saw 12 other front end broker trade execution platforms that I always wanted to test drive after hearing about it from a member of another trader discussion forum or from a member of another free chat room on IRC Othernet / Freenode server. Later, live screen share meeting became also a tool of documenting trade performance (real money or simulator) and trade journaling. In fact, eventually many members of the live screen share meeting stopped using the free chat room. Yet, still required to post redacted screenshots in their private thread of their primary monitor with trade fills in broker trade execution platform exactly as it looked during the live screen share meeting. Another interesting development due to the live screen share meeting...I was able to design better IRC scripts for members and myself to notify the free chat room when switching back n forth between simulator (paper) trading and real money trading including naming the simulator front end broker trade execution platform that's being tested. In fact, over the years of live screen share meeting...members were able to share their experience with Photo Trader front end, InfinityAT front end, TradeStation front end, Bloomberg Terminal front end, FutureSource front-end, Jig Saw Trading front end, CTS front end, BookMap front end, TigerTrade front end, Trading Technologies front end, TOS front end, Interactive Brokers front end and other broker trade execution platforms with members in the free chat room that were not members of the live screen share meeting. Reality, the chat room and live screen sharing meeting are a distraction from trading because most users are not comfortable in monitoring the streaming visual information of others involving many different trading instruments while trying to analyze their own streaming data and then placing trades in their broker trade execution platform...difficult to do in a group meeting. For example, DOM traders or order flow traders thought the live screen share meeting and free chat room distracted them in their trading because there were more traders using these resources that made their trade decisions via chart analysis whereas the DOM traders didn't believe in chart analysis. No gurus...its a two way street and the pressure (stress of trading in front of a live audience) is lessen via not allowing trades to be copy / mimic / piggyback by anyone in the screen share meeting nor chat room because we are not a signal calling trade alerts room. I then make many screenshots of my primary monitor with the trade execution platform and free chat room for marketing / verification purposes as shown on many webpages @ TheStrategyLab.
By the way, IRC is old and simple but I use advance IRC scripts (designed by me) to an automated admin script log that tells me whom posted trades and whom did not post trades plus an alert when someone logs into the chat room for a specific number of trading days without posting a single trade. Those on the alert list are then reminded that they agreed to post their real time trades and if they're not trading...do not log in...instead they should then just read the nightly archive chat logs. Yet, if members do log in and decided to not post any trades for whatever reasons...the member must announce prior to leaving the chat room that they had no trades today. It's a very useful alert in the admin logs especially on trading days when I'm not in the free chat room (e.g. vacation, illness or day off)...traders caught lurking too much are removed from the free chat room unless they have been posting redacted screenshots in their private thread to verify their trade performance while not posting any trades when they were using the free chat room.
Also, I use other types of IRC scripts for myself that I've designed with help from friends from Oregon State University / South Dakota State University / University of Denver / University of Chicago / Helsinki University to tell me which members have posted real time trades, which members have not posted real time trades, which members are in the free chat room & the live screen share meeting, IP address mapping and many other chat room management tools about traders that logged into the free chat room that Emmett Moore Jr. views as old / useless. Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools seemed to be caught off guard when I said I use IRC scripts to manage the free chat room when I'm not there for whatever reasons. Simply, he does not understand that no other real time collaboration software can give me similar statistical information about members and their posted trades. In fact, in his written review, he will say the free chat room is rough...its a crude experience to be quite honest. I do not understand the purpose of the chat room (his exact words).
Later, in his written review about our telephone conversation,
he stated...It was not what I was
expecting (in
bold letters...exact words)...an African American male
that sounded unsophisticated...Mr. Perry struck me as a
simple man. Essentially he's trying (failed) to
racial profile
via my voice from a telephone conversation. More
importantly, the reviewer brags at his review blog about his investigative
journalism skills. Yet, he was not able to
reveal at his blog that I post personal
redacted images online at trader forums, social media
websites of my family, friends, rowing, vacations & fun
activities with family, U.S. military/veteran status,
Illinois/Quebec/Kentucky (old)/South Dakota (old) drivers
license, U.S./France/Canada passports et cetera under the
usernames wrbtrader or NihabaAshi. How in the hell did this so-called reviewer missed my personal
redacted images that I post online unless he did not miss it
and decided to create his own fabricated story for those that
follow his bullshit narratives?
If you have not read my trader profiles here @ TheStrategyLab that has been posted long before Emmett Moore Jr. reviewed TheStrategyLab...I was born in France (south France)...French grandparents on my mother side of the family (mother is White with Blue Eyes) and Native American grandparents on my father side of the family (father 4/4 degree Lakota...that's 100%).
---------------------- In contrast, others that have never met me nor read my personal background info...they say I'm Japanese, South Korean, Haitian Canadian, Muslim via racial profiling my writing so that you'll understand the typical type of reader that's attracted to Tradingschools. I'm not joking. The more I think about that telephone conversation, he seem to not notice that when he called...I answered the telephone via saying Allô and if I had caller ID to recognize whom was calling me such as a sibling, another relative, personal friend or old college friends that I stay closely in contact...I would have answered the telephone via either Salut or Salut, Quoi de neuf ? I even explained to him why I use a Chicago telephone number for both my business and personal...so that relatives and friends can talk to me without incurring any international phone fees nor long distance phone call fees. My point, Emmett Moore Jr. did not catch on to the fact that English is not my native language which is why I said he failed at using my voice to racial profile someone (me) that grew up in south France and then spent part his high school years growing up on the northside of Chicago along with summers in South Dakota...three different cultures.
I did that to test his knowledge about price action trading considering he said it was a review about TheStrategyLab and I needed more time researching his background to keep him on the telephone a little longer while I was preparing to ask him several questions after becoming suspicious about his similarities to a problematic troll I had banned. I'm sure he must have realized I was extending the conversation. Yet, don't misunderstand...he didn't offend me because I'm not African American. In contrast, it would be offensive to any minority (African, Hispanic / Latino, Asian, Native, Arab, Middle Eastern or whatever) that's reading his review blog while he labels it as official reviews considering he makes derogatory comments about other vendors that are a minority too. Simply, there's a pattern with his derogatory jargon mixed with prison erotica even with vendors he gave a positive review but are not White. In contrast, he labels White vendors as people that's interesting to talk with, someone he enjoyed talking with or the person is intelligent / sophisticated / clever even the ones that get a bad review. To be brutally honest...essentially he's just an asshole with a chip on his shoulder because he feels like he's gotten a bad deal in life after getting a brief taste of something he admires about those that are successful. Emmett Moore Jr. could just be naive / uneducated (not a racist) and not realize that the words simple and unsophisticated via the same sentence / paragraph in description of someone's voice...those words are commonly used to racially stereotype / dismissive in describing a minority that are dumb or not intelligent especially when he used such type of description with the words African American. Strangely, in France...usually when calling someone unsophisticated...you're stating they are not artificial (not a fake). Different cultures...different interpretations. Regardless, had he made racist comments about my French / Native heritage under the façade of an official review at a public blog...he'll be hiring a team of lawyers to fight off a lawsuit.
Seriously, its written all over the forum and website that the free chat room is a trade journal of your real time trades via key concepts from WRB Analysis. For a reviewer that brags about his research skills...how did Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools missed such an understanding nor was he aware about the IRC scripts that allows me to manage the free chat room even when I'm not there unless it was an intentional false narrative via a personal vendetta ? Reality, he could not understand why someone would have a free chat room that's not a signal calling trade alert room...there's not a guru trader to tell you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. In fact, had he done proper research...he would have known the history of the free chat room involving the bans when someone is caught trying to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades posted by members of the free chat room. In fact, he doesn't mention in his review that I ban traders for trying to copy / mimic trades posted by other members or myself. More importantly, he would have known that TheStrategyLab initially was just a discussion forum for traders using WRB Analysis (free users and fee-base clients). Oddly, in reviews of other vendors...he goes into great depth about the history and prior website identities held by those he's reviewed. In contrast, he did not ask me any questions about the history of TheStrategyLab nor did he write anything except to say TheStrategyLab has been around since 2002. In reality, TheStrategyLab has been around for several years prior to 2002...only as a discussion forum before becoming a website in 2002.
I want to mention something about the minions @ Tradingschools posting negative comments about me (wrbtrader) in the months after the review (May 2016). I was hospitalized September 2016 due to a serious illness that I was extremely lucky to have survived. In fact, doctors stated I should not have survived. I spent several months in the hospital in a coma including many more months of rehab. Hospitalization in one country...rehab in another country. A close personal friend (WRB Analysis user) posted an alert message about my hospitalization (mid September / Day 3 of my coma / life support) with detailed explanation about my hospitalization on the home page of the TheStrategyLab website, homepage of the forum, private thread section of the forum and in the free chat room (logs automated uploaded to the forum). These minions crawled out of the gutter @ Tradingschools to announce that wrbtrader has abandon his website and Elitetrader...its an example about the ignorance and false narratives by these minions that reply @ Tradingschools. The apples doesn't fall far from the tree. ----------------------
The problem with dtchurn gibberish statements is that he continues with the gibberish commentary until his lie is revealed when he states...I also notice in the past year or so, the results are all positive, no more losing days. It's a problem because my trade journal has been private since July 11th 2018...he does not have access to it. Therefore, the only trade performance info (screencap with a number) he could have seen when he stated in the past year or so must have been between July 17th 2019 - July 17th 2018 and the only info available about my trading in that time duration are at the following links:
contrast, if dtchurn has visited my private trade
journal and then the comments he made about my
redacted screenshots as screencap
with number should be truthful about my redacted
screenshots (real money and simulator). It would also
imply he's seen my broker statements (not redacted),
quantitative statistical analysis via a 3rd party
professional trade journal, charts for inter-markets and
intra-market analysis, exercise routine schedule during
each trading day, black & white photographs,
photographs of my home office in France being remodeled,
documentary photographs of ice canoe training in Québec
and many other things that are private...posted in my
private trade journal that I would not post in a
public trade journal.
Now go
ask dtchurn to copy from my private trade journal any
particular trading day from the past year or so between
July 2018 - 2019 to show any of the above info I've Really, which of the below redacted screenshots are made up or none made up ? dtchurn is obviously lying about viewing my redacted screenshots between July 2018 - July 2019 from my trade journal because he didn't have access to it because its private. Therefore, if he had access...he should be able to comment about the following redacted screenshots along with being able to copy and then post the other 6 redacted screenshots for the same trading day that's not posted below: "Redacted Screenshots of February 7th Thursday 2019" (click on below verification images to review large image) There are 6 more redacted screenshots of my trade performance on February 7th Thursday 2019 for a total of 10 different redacted screenshots (only 4 posted above) for that particular trading day...dtchurn does not have access to them nor access to any other redacted screenshots after July 11th 2018 except for the redacted screenshots of other trading days that I've randomly posted @ TheStrategyLab. In a nut shell, dtchurn's behavior is classic troll...they demand to see your redacted screenshots while not able to post their redacted screenshots. Yet, if you do post your redacted screenshots...they say its fake or made up. Regardless, dtchurn has now been exposed for being a liar...screencap with number (dtchurn) and many other false narratives just like Emmett Moore Jr. On the flip side, it does imply readers of Tradingschools are viewing my redacted screenshots and viewing my archive chat logs. That's something Emmett Moore Jr. is unable and unwilling to acknowledge in his written review. Reality, dtchurn, his gibberish comments @ Tradingschools with Emmett Moore Jr. continued false narratives...looks more like a one-sided, biased back alley journalism that stems from a coordinated attack by Emmett Moore Jr. working together with another one of his minions...possibly both are Emmett Moore Jr. considering his online behavior involves fake multiple identities / impersonations. By the way, dtchurn thinks its funny (LOL) when I log into the free chat room late in the trading day just to say "no trades today". I only log in briefly to see how other traders are performing, briefly read my admin script logs considering the free chat room is automatically manage along with posting a message to explain why I wasn't trading on that particular trading day (e.g. Holidays in either France / Québec / Canada even though the U.S. markets are open, 1/2 trading days when futures close @ noon because of U.S. holiday, expected low volatility trading day, medical appointments, activity with the kids because they had a no school day, personal time such as photography day, testing new photography equipment for my business or mandatory rest day because I have to take at least one rest day per week during the trading week). Simply, I have more time off (no trading days) in comparison to most traders because I'm a citizen of two different countries while raising a family in another country. Regardless, I do not need to explain the specific reason why I didn't trade on any specific trading day...its not a signal calling trade alert room. Emmett Moore Jr. comments, dtchurn comments and other minions comments of Tradingschools are the reasons why my trade journal (daily performance record) is private since July 2018 to go along with the free chat room (password protected) and live screen share meeting (password protected)...all three resources better protected to keep out the trolls. dtchurn is just a troll or minion of Tradingschools. A private trade journal allows me to post more trade performance information and private personal info that impacted my trading day that I could not reveal in a public trade journal. In fact, since my trade journal has been private...its more like a private diary of my life as a trader...easier to maintain without the time restraints typically associated with a public trade journal. ---------------------- Back to the written review by Emmett Moore Jr...he did not write a single word about the verification info posted at the discussion forum and on various web pages @ TheStrategyLab nor acknowledge that TheStrategyLab is one of the few vendors that requires its members to post their own redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform to verify trade performance. Not every member agrees with this policy @ TheStrategyLab and some refuse to post the required verification info or have excuses about why they're unable to post anything...they are not allowed access to resources of TheStrategyLab until they do post the info. Thus, as stated by Emmett Moore Jr. himself about TheStrategyLab...he's very confused about the purpose of the free chat room...a comment all by itself that is reflective about his poor research skills and fixation on trades posted in the free chat room by members / myself in a chat room that's not a signal calling trade alert room. Seriously, if I did not have a single member verifying their trade performance while using WRB Analysis...I would no longer be a vendor and only just be a trader but I will continue posting my own trades in the free chat room after confirmation in my broker trade execution platform because I post price action commentary with those posted trades that provides a wealth of information about how I view the markets...much more useful info than redacted screenshots of trade fills in my broker trade execution platform even if there was only one other member in the free chat room. Simply, the free chat room is my trade journal with timestamps of how I viewed the price action from trade to trade...archived chat logs going back +20 years for every trading day that I've traded...making my free chat room (archive chat logs) and trade journal of my trade performance the longest running...anywhere online. By the way, I'm fully aware of the steady decline in the number of chat rooms and users of IRC due to the explosion in social networks like Twitter, Stocktwits, Tradingview and brokers / charting services creating their own type of instant messaging.
Regardless, the free chat room is a trade journal of your real time trades along with you talking about other things that impact your trade performance from one trade to the next trade that involves how you're viewing the price action for that particular trading day. You can learn more about the Internet Chat Relay (IRC) @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat Another bonehead comment by Emmett Moore Jr. is that he mentions that I have a Twitter and Stocktwits profiles. Strangely, intentional, he does not mention that the profile picture in those profiles is a redacted screenshot of trade fills in my broker trade execution platform while his calling card in the review of TheStrategyLab is that I'm unwilling and unable to provide even the smallest morsel of evidence. Yet, strangely, Emmett Moore Jr. did
ask me any questions about my professional nor personal
background...maybe because he had already read my
trader profiles here @
TheStrategyLab and other forums ?
(click on image to review trader profile at Futures.io) I think he meant to say that I refuse to send him a copy nor link to those redacted screenshots that verifies my trade performance for just one single trading day especially when I know he's a SEC felon, fraud, liar, impersonator, hacker and someone with a Napoleon Complex that he represents an authority via labeling his reviews as official. Regardless, I have social media profiles @ Twitter, Stocktwits, TradingView, Youtube, Google, Forexfactory, Futures.io , Babypips, TradersLaboratory...all with a new redacted screenshot every year. Also, there are my own profiles here at TheStrategyLab @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=850 @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/wrbtrader.htm Bravo...une fois de plus...excellent research by Emmett Moore Jr. ----------------------
Also, you'll notice he does not write in his written review that my
redacted screenshots in my online profiles on social media and
here at my website / forum are faked. He cleverly avoids going
down that road because it would reveal he actually did
review my
redacted screenshots, commented that they were fake in an
effort to discredit TheStrategyLab and that would then open
the doorway for litigation. Thus, to not talk about my
redacted screenshots...allows him to pretend that they don't
exist although he's stupid to assume his readers would not do their own fact
checking. He even ask me in the telephone conversation if there's live charts ? I responded sarcastically that I'm not a charting service and members are responsible for their own charts. Yet, I suspected he made that comment to see if I would discuss with him my private free live screen share meeting for qualified members of TheStrategyLab that has verified their trade performance along with maintaining an active trade journal @ TheStrategyLab. Later, in his written review, he writes there's no live charts (his exact words). Here's an analogy...Tradingschools review blog does not provide live charts to its readers that log in to post messages about any review. In other words, I'm showing you an example by attacking his review blog via a play with words from the perspective that Tradingschools review blog offers a signal calling trade alert service but does not have live charts when in reality I should get straight to the point and use the phrase live screen share meeting.
Now back to additional info about the telephone conversation... I also mention to him that the redacted screenshots with the chat room logs reveals one of my edges...position size management to help minimize the risk of ruin. Yep, no questions by Emmett Moore Jr. about my position size management. Yet, had he asked...I would not have shared basic info with him considering my online research about him (he didn't mention to me anything about his background)...revealed he's not someone you share any info because of his manipulative character. I then begin to connect the dots about Emmett Moore Jr, a Troll and Dr. Dean Handley...prompting me to begin questioning him about his former partnership with Dr. Dean Handley although I already connected the dots between Emmett Moore Jr. and the troll prior to the conclusion of the telephone conversation. He didn't deny their former partnership and I realized he gives his readers the illusion of being brutally honest. In reality, he's very selective about what he reveals to his readers. Thus, he is unable to write at his review blog about his failed business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley nor discussing that Dr. Dean Handley ended the business partnership after discovering Emmett Moore Jr. business Moore Marketing Associates was a fake. The conversation quickly went southward after my questions about his prior business relationship with Dr. Dean Handley. Suddenly, he politely (not rudely) asked for consent to access my trading accounts when in reality he was having a temper tantrum that I would have the audacity to question him about Dr. Dean Handley. Continuing, I then said NO to his request to access my trading accounts without revealing to him I've completed my online research about him to determine I've been talking to a con man. I then stated to him that there are hundreds of redacted screenshots from my primary monitor that has the broker trade execution platform with trades in the trade fill window / audit trail window, charting program, free chat room along with an archive chat log showing my trades are in fact the same trades posted in the free chat room to verify my trade performance for those trading days that I screen captured. The same is true for many traders using WRB Analysis that have posted their redacted screenshots here @ TheStrategyLab within the private thread section and a handful of members has posted their redacted screenshots at well known trader discussion forums without disclosing at those forums that they're users of WRB Analysis...verifying the merits of WRB Analysis. Regardless, the person viewing my redacted screenshots can copy, print or ignore them and there's no need for me to send that person anything nor insult me via saying there's no verification of trade performance especially those that do not post verification of their own trade performance. ---------------------- I did not give him a reason for denying him access to my trading accounts nor does he deserve an explanation. Yet, had he asked for a reason...I would have stated he's a stranger on the telephone, a convicted SEC felon that did not disclose his criminal background during the conversation, did not disclose his prior relationship with Dr. Dean Handley, a liar, a fraud, hides his former business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley and a con man with an illusion that that he represents a government agency when you label your reviews as official. You're no different than those robocallers (a scammer) trying to gain access to someone's private financial data when you asked for access to my trading accounts and you destroyed the financial lives of your victims similar like to what Bernie Madoff did to his victims...he would have realized then how brutally honest I can be. Yet, he continues writing in reviews at his blog about recording telephone conversations and / or video recordings of signal calling trade alert rooms (refers to them as Live Trade Rooms) and then later brags about his infamous The Lion and The Lamb emails that he embeds with codes & links that allows him to watch you in real time...more about these hacker emails further below. By the way, he most likely used that reference about his email from the bible (Book of the Prophet Isaiah)...Isaiah 11:1-10. Ironically...in the recent years, he's used comments like daytrading is a roulette, no better than gambling results, daytrading is a scam while at the same time he states he has automated trading systems & custom indicators that actually work. Assuming his words actually work implies profits...where's his redacted screenshots of trade performance to verify his trade performance and why is he still promoting other day trading vendors to his readers and is his review ranking of 4 to 5 stars just another pumping & dumping scam while he's financially compensated for sending his readers to those 4 to 5 star signal calling trade alert vendors ?
I want the main review webpage to be more about TheStrategyLab as a landing webpage for traders wanting to learn about our specific resources within our free resources and fee-base resources because the reviewers themself did a very poor job in reviewing resources of TheStrategyLab. Therefore, in this review of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools that refuses or unable to mention the words WRB Analysis in his written review of TheStrategyLab...I'm going to mention the words WRB Analysis (a price action analysis) many times because its the foundation of my trade methodology that many traders use it with their trade signal strategies. TheStrategyLab trades via price action only (no indicators) via what's called WRB Analysis. Many of the key concepts of WRB Analysis are via objective rules involving WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, contracting volatility intervals, reaction high/low, resistance / support levels, strong continuation WRB Zones, swing point WRB Zones. ..well defined without any subjectivity as you will learn from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. We do not use automated trading systems & custom indicators but some of our users do use such such in their trading (their trade signal strategies) merged key concepts from WRB Analysis. Thus, the below resources here @ TheStrategyLab were here (still are here) when Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools reviewed TheStrategyLab so that anyone can determine what services are offered along with allowing the reader of his written review to see with their own two eyes that his written review contains many false narratives and disinformation to go along with the above factual outline about my telephone conversation with Emmett Moore Jr. to determine if the reviewer actually reviewed the below listed products / services and that he obviously has a personal vendetta:
TheStrategyLab has Skype (kebec2002) but its only used when members need to talk to me in real-time when they're having problems accessing any of the above resources. Yet, the above resources will help outline my review of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools so that you can easily compare it to his written review about our interaction in a telephone conversation and the false narratives he wrote about TheStrategyLab. To start, I'm going to mention a few critically important facts that any reviewer or trader should know when interacting with TheStrategyLab. The above resources has trading courses * with their foundation as WRB Analysis even though many users of WRB Analysis are using their own trade signal strategies merged with WRB Analysis because WRB Analysis is not a trade signal...its an analysis of the price action to help improve the trade performance of their trade signal strategies via identifying key changes in volatility. In fact, most users of WRB Analysis are only using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...there have been 3 versions of the free study guide here @ TheStrategyLab with a total of about 20k unique downloads. In contrast, the fee-base clients that purchase the advance education content represents only a few hundred traders and most of those purchases were for the Advance Tutorial Chapter 4 study guide for $15.33 as in I'm not making millions off this website as some of the trolls wants you to believe.
Unfortunately, due to Emmett Moore Jr. poor research skills...he did not write anything involving the above mentioned education resources such as the fact that most users are only using the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide with their own trade signal strategies nor did he even mention the words WRB Analysis in his written review. Also, he does not mention (it was discussed with him) that verification of learning / application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) trade signal strategy are required for due diligence prior to purchasing the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies. In fact, just like he did not ask me any questions about my professional / personal background...he did not ask me any questions about my trade method . Actually, it was only I that was talking about WRB Analysis and the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide in the telephone conversation. Also, I had the impression it was the first time he heard the words WRB Analysis although he implied he was doing a review of TheStrategyLab after some complaints by unnamed individuals. I asked for verification that they were fee-base clients or free users of WRB Analysis...he had no verification...not even a screenshot nor a link to someone complaining about TheStrategyLab at his review blog prior to his telephone conversation with me.
Strangely but intentional...he categorize my free chat room with signal calling trade alert rooms via the category as live trade room while not mentioning that members use the free chat room as a trade journal to add to their broker statements or other verification info of trade performance in their private thread along with other facts commonly discussed here at the website / forum that he should have read here @ TheStrategyLab but does not mention in his written review. Just as strange, there's no verification by Emmett Moore Jr. that he actually used the free chat room considering there's a terms of use policy that all users must post their real-time trades and / or post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in their private thread if they logged into the free chat room but did not post any trades. In fact, members reply back to me via email that they agree to post their real-time trades or verification screenshots of trade performance in their private thread prior to being allowed access to the free chat room. Those traders that refuse to post the verification info after gaining access to the free chat room, they're removed from the access list for the free chat room and its been a policy since 2014. Simply, if Emmett Moore Jr. actually used the free chat room...he would have mentioned that as fact in his written review and that would then imply he has a private thread assigned to him that should have contained verification via DOKs that he understood the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide along with verification of trade performance via screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in broker trade execution platform via WRB Analysis. He did not have such @ TheStrategyLab nor does he have any valid reason for categorizing my free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room when he put it in his Live Trade Rooms category. The fact that he wrote a negative review in the way that he did without mentioning these facts...he's either a banned user of the free chat room via a secret identity or one of his minions is a banned user of the free chat room...banned for violation of my terms of use policy. Most likely banned for trying to use the free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room via trying to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades posted by other members or myself in the free chat room. By the way, if you're interested in our education resources or plan to do a review...most of the verification of trade performance by our members and myself occurs in the private section that I often refer to as verification of learning / understanding WRB Analysis via DOKs and verification of application of WRB Analysis via screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in broker trade execution platform along with some members posting screenshots of quantitative statistical analysis of their trade performance (simulator or real money) via a professional trade journal software.
I would not be surprised that these two video reviews by Dr. Dean Handley prompts Emmett Moore Jr. to begin doing his own video reviews. Therefore, this independent webpage should put the light on reviewers like Emmett Moore Jr. that have poor research skills and secret agendas while pretending they didn't know or got it wrong while believing they will not be held accountable. More importantly, on this webpage you're going to learn more about Emmett Moore Jr. and his interaction with TheStrategyLab...many facts that he did not reveal in his written review of TheStrategyLab. Thus, I don't want to clutter this webpage with talks about other trolls and other reviewers unless there's an interaction between the reviewers that relates to my review of Emmett Moore Jr. With that said, readers of this review webpage about Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools and the other review webpages have thanked me (I get on average about 5 unique positive comments per month) for being transparent about my interaction with Dr. Dean Handley (free chat room, Skype, email), Emmett Moore Jr. (telephone call), Warren Ouma (no interaction except his spam messages at my forum) and trolls. They greatly appreciate me putting a light on the review tactics, false narratives & hidden agendas by these reviewers. Many have stated they will no longer read the review blogs of these reviewers and will now use what I've outlined for due diligence of other vendors. Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools review business mainly concentrates on four types of services:
Essentially, he will often take credit that it was his review when in fact it had nothing to do with his review. Yet, it reminds me about traders posting hindsight chart analysis (cherry picking) at a discussion forum / twitter / stocktwits / tradingview to make their technical analysis look good. By the way, I've noticed many critical flaws in the review business beyond the fact that many of the reviewers have ongoing litigations (e.g. lawsuits) and / or criminal backgrounds. In addition, there's the obvious flaw that the reviewers are marketing / advertising their own products (services) either at their review blog or via 3rd party thru another website / blog...it's a conflict of interest at the least. Another obvious flaw is the double standards / hypocrisy when giving a bad review to one vendor for one thing and then giving another vendor a good review for the same thing. The double standards / hypocrisy continues when they criticize a vendor for something that they are doing too. For example, giving someone a bad review for not showing a redacted broker statement when the reviewer is not able to show a redacted broker statement (simulator or real money) when they recommend / partner with a vendor via stating they were able to replicate the signal calls by the vendor. Just as importantly, so few clients of those being recommended will verify their own trade performance via screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform involving the service they're using along with a screenshot proof of purchase. Reviewers use this fact as an advantage (excuse) to why they allow complaints under the façade as guest visitors or replies by those that are not able to verified the use of the service. Seriously, don't be naive and think that vendors should be the only one required to verify their trade performance because verification should also be applied to clients of the vendor and reviewers of the vendor especially when they are recommending a service. In contrast, if the reviewer is partner with the vendor...the verification standard must be higher and ongoing on a quarterly basis along with an audit of the financials of the partnership just like any other business. All of these critical flaws have resulted in the reviewers now posting reviews of other reviewers (questioning each others review tactics and conclusions, accusations of receiving payments for positive reviews) as they fight to keep their followers on social media. Yet, remember this, Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools, Dr. Dean Handley of Global Trade Titans and Warren Ouma of Valforex are not the only reviewers...there are many more reviewers at foreign language websites / blogs, magazine publications and social media. TheStrategyLab itself has a simple verification process...post DOKs to verify learning of WRB Analysis and post timestamp screenshots of trade fills (simulator or real money) in broker trade execution platform in private thread to verify application of WRB Analysis. Its info I use to give traders access to other resources offered by TheStrategyLab. Now after release from prison, he continues with criminal activities via the way his business partnership ended with Dr. Dean Handley. To be specific, Dr. Dean Handley and Emmett Moore Jr. use to be business partners in the review business until Dr. Dean Handley discover that Emmett Moore Jr. had a side business that was a fake called Moore Marketing Associates...fake office address (Moore Marketing Associates not a business at the address), fake employees with fake credentials. Strangely, you will not find Emmett Moore Jr. discussing this prior business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley nor discussing Moore Marketing Associates at his review blog. In addition, Dr. Dean Handley states in the Youtube video (3:14 time in the video) that Emmett Moore Jr. approached him via Moore Marketing Associates with an offer to make Dr. Dean Handley the J.D. Powers of the review industry. I find that statement very revealing in the Youtube video by Dr. Dean Handley about being solicited by Emmett Moore Jr. because it's very similar to a banned troll on IRC that approached me with an offer to make my free chat room the best signal calling trade alert room service along with him wanting to market his automated trading systems & custom indicators to members of my free chat room. I quickly banned the troll for his solicitations, abusive behavior, threats, multiple VPNs & rented IP addresses and fake identities. The troll's threats only occurred after I told him I'm not interested and explained to him why I do not like signal calling trade alert services. Another strange fact, this was also about the same time that a troll named roberk solicited me via private message @ EliteTrader.com forum...later the troll roberk changed his user name to traderob. More info about traderob (roberk) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/trolls-review.htm Oddly, Emmett Moore Jr. brags at his review blog about doing telephone recordings of several vendors that he has reviewed and he does not mention anything about having their consent to be recorded in the telephone conversation...that in itself...recording without consent...illegal telephone recordings is a violation of privacy laws & violation of wiretapping laws in the state that he resides (California)...I'm not sure if he's stupid, bonehead or both. He's not able to verify his replicated trades via video recordings although he talks about doing recordings or screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform...to show the signal call alerts and his replicating / piggyback / copy of the calls in a side by side comparison that they do in fact correlate to give merit to the services he's recommending / partner. Unfortunately, he has too many similarities to a troll that made threats towards my children and wished a horrible death upon my ex-spouse when she had cancer. Therefore, this troll is a low life (scum) individual that verifies why I manage my resources the way I do so that individuals like this troll can not access my resources beyond downloading the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Yet, if the review business was a legitimate licensed organization...his license would be revoked / fined and he'll be banned for life. Simply, the review organization would hold him responsible for his commentary not just about TheStrategyLab but his divisive commentary in reviews of others...comments that often has nothing to do with trading such as his prison erotica statements in many of his reviews in a failed effort to entertain his readers. To say he's an uneducated irresponsible writer would be an understatement. If one day he decides to sell his reviews for a fee...it will open him to other types of litigations that will require him to hire / staff a team of lawyers.
His refusal to answer a simple question implies he was lying and trying to create an illusion that he was being avoided and/or he is still using either the free chat room or forum without revealing his identity at the time of our telephone conversation. In fact, he could still be using TheStrategyLab resources via an impersonation as a trader with trade problems. Later in his written review...he states I was avoiding him even though it's obvious that's not true considering I returned his phone call when he left a message. Also, I quickly realized that he has a napoleon complex when he asked to see one redacted screenshot of any trading day to verify my trade performance. I replied via saying there are many redacted screenshots already posted and he would already know such had he visited the website / forum. He then ask me to send it to him. I said NO because he can just click on the redacted screenshot for any particular trading day and then copy / print the redacted screenshot he's interested in reviewing. He responded, disbelieving like a troll via asking for access to my trading accounts although he doesn't mention any info about redacted screenshots posted here at the website or forum in his written review. Anyways,
I made an effort to keep the telephone conversation very
simple and polite because I was busy researching his
background online while he was talking. He didn't seem
educated enough to have any in-depth conversations about price
action trading nor the markets. Just as important, he's very
bias towards automated trading systems & custom indicators
whereas I do not use automation nor custom indicators.
Instead, he decides to tell another lie in his written review via saying he
asked to see a redacted monthly broker statement. There was no redacted monthly statement request.
He just wanted access to my personal financial information at my brokers via asking for access to my trading accounts as if he thought I was naive or unsophisticated about cyber security involving my personal data and as stated above...he was not aware that I was researching his background while he was talking on the telephone. Seriously, a total stranger on the telephone, SEC felon that stole hundreds of millions dollars from his victims...ruining their financial lives, uses VPNs & rented IP addresses to mask his identity, makes illegal telephone recordings, puts malware in emails, refusing to acknowledge clients verification via real-time trades & redacted screenshots along with ignoring my own, refusing to answer my questions about his relationship to Dr. Dean Handley...suddenly ask for access to my trading accounts as if he was trying to silence my probe about his relationship with Dr. Dean Handley. I was polite and professional in saying NO to someone that behaves like he has the right to have access to my personal financial information in my trading accounts. Therefore, he could not control the telephone conversation between him & I and that resulted in false narratives in retaliation via his written review of TheStrategyLab. Telephone call ended politely and there will never be another interaction with Emmett Moore Jr. because he's a felon, fraud, liar, impersonator, troll and hacker. His reaction on the telephone reminds me of a store clerk at the GAP that became offended after I refused to answer her questions when she asked for my full name, phone number and email address while I was paying cash for a pair of jeans. The cash was sitting right there on the counter in front of her and she continue asking for my personal data. I picked up my cash and left the store.
<<< Emmett Moore Jr. intentionally creates his own spreadsheet It's a shocking manipulation because he intentionally did not want to make a screenshot of my monthly performance from my website or screenshot of my daily trade performance because it would have revealed clickable small images of redacted screenshots of trade performance similar to the redacted screenshots on this TheStrategyLab review webpage. In addition, he does not mention in his written review that the daily trade performance contains links to the archive chat logs for every trading day back to 2002...showing users of WRB Analysis posting real-time trades, real-time price action analysis and other useful trading related information. He did this because he didn't want the reader to do their own fact checking.
Review Screenshot of the actual
Monthly Trade Performance 2016 of TheStrategyLab
Next, the daily trade performance contains links to the daily archive chat logs @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewforum.php?f=151 do in fact contain redundant sentences / paragraphs that the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room and that I ban traders for trying to use the free chat room as a trade alert room to copy / mimic / piggyback / replicate posted trades by any member in the free chat room...same message in the access instructions for the free chat room. You can review my monthly trade performance (year of his written review) @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=311 with the direct link to the daily performance that contains redacted screenshots of the trade fill window from broker trade execution platform along with showing the same trades posted in the free chat room (May 2016 month of his written review) @ https://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=291 Emmett Moore Jr. not mentioning these facts are the misinformation (not disinformation) that he needed to help create the false narratives he portray about TheStrategyLab in his written review. Just as importantly, he knows I'm outspoken that you can not replicate trades posted by another trader because you can not get the same trade fills due to delays in your cognitive decision making. It's the reason why he's not able to show his trade fills in a broker trade execution platform nor that of any client with trade fills that correlate to a signal caller of a trade alert room he's partner with and then stating you can replicate their trades.
Now lets review his written review of TheStrategyLab. Emmett Moore Jr. specifically states my free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room. The contradiction is that he then categorized TheStrategyLab as having a trade alert room with a guru trader that tells its members what to trade, when to buy and when to sell via putting us in the signal calling trade alert room category in his review called "Worst Live Trading Rooms". In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. put TheStrategyLab in 4 categories: Live Futures Trading Rooms, Trading Courses, Trading Mentors and Worst Live Trading Rooms as shown in the image to the left of his written review. Only 1 of the 4 designations are factually correct...its the fact that TheStrategyLab offers trading courses. Also, I want to be clear...his reference of live futures trading rooms...he is talking about signal calling trade alert rooms with a guru trader telling you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. TheStrategyLab does not offer any signal calling trade alert services...never has and never will. Thus, false narratives involving his categorization of TheStrategyLab was what started me into writing this review (rebuttal) although there would be many other false narratives that would soon follow in his written review. Yet, the categorization disinformation may imply that he or one of his secret associates attempted to use my free chat room as a signal calling trade alert service prior to being banned. That would also explain why he was not able to reach me via email (he's on my ban list) even though he later reached me via telephone call although I only ban traders from sending me emails if they have done something egregious beyond trying to use the free chat room as a trade alert service. Regardless, I offer a free chat room for members to post their real-time trades and / or real-time WRB Analysis as a trade journal to support their broker statements or quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade journal. Most users of the free chat room post their screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform in their private thread to verified the trades they posted in the free chat room. Traders that do not post verification of their trade performance are weeded out of the free chat room. Some of these traders decided to become trolls instead of posting their real-time trades and verification of trade performance. Next, he categorize TheStrategyLab as trading mentors. TheStrategyLab does not offer a mentor service...never has. Yet, I did tell Emmett Moore Jr. that we have gotten offers to mentor and everyone of those offers were turn down but I did put those individuals on a waiting list just in case I do offer a mentor service in the future. Traders on the waiting list have all verified their trade performance via WRB Analysis. The only truth he wrote was Trading Courses. TheStrategyLab does offer 4 trading courses but one of them does not involve trade signal strategies. Instead, it only involves price action analysis and its called the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide (its free). In contrast, the other 3 trading courses are called Fading Volatility Breakout FVB trade signal strategy (its free), WRB Analysis Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 (fee-base) and Volatility Trading Report VTR (fee-base). Strangely, he preferred to write about our trading manual that has not been in existence since 2005. In fact, the foundation of my trading is WRB Analysis and its mentioned all over the website / forum...not once does he mention the words WRB Analysis in his written review of TheStrategyLab and I mentioned WRB Analysis many times in our only telephone conversation. Another fact about the telephone conversation that he didn't reveal to his readers in the written review...Emmett Moore Jr. and I never talked about the trading manual but I did mention the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to him several times in the telephone conversation including specifically asking him if he read the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...he didn't answer and quickly changed the topic. More information about our trading manual @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/Manual.htm Also, the purpose for the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and the Fading Volatility Breakout FVB trade signal strategy (both are free) are for traders to do their due diligence prior to purchasing the fee-base education content that uses WRB Analysis as its foundation. By the way, WRB Analysis Free Study Guide / Advance Tutorial Chapters requires you to have your own trade signal strategies to merge with key concepts from WRB Analysis to help improve the trade results of your trade signal strategies. In fact, most of our clients only purchase the WRB Analysis Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 because they have their own trade signal strategies regardless if they're manual trading, mechanical indicators or automated trading system. Today, these two resources are required prior to upgrading to the Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies. Continuing with his disinformation & misinformation...he doesn't mention in his review that TheStrategyLab has Live Screen Share meetings that's independent of the free chat room with different qualification rules. Live Screen Share Meeting is two way @ TheStrategyLab...I can see trades by members being executed live in their broker trade execution platform just as they can see my trades being executed live in my broker trade execution platform and then they can see the same trades by me being posted in the free chat room. Members of the live screen share meeting are verified users of WRB Analysis that have posted verification of their trading via DOKs & screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform with broker statements in their private thread. Many do not use the free chat room. Live screen sharing...that too is not a signal calling trade alert room. In addition, he refuses to acknowledge (not even a negative commentary) the real money trades shown in screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform do in fact correlate with the trades posted in the free chat room. Therefore, I have no respect for him for his trolling / impersonations / fake identities / hacker / criminal background and I strongly believe he's a psychopath. Emmett Moore Jr. gave TheStrategyLab a negative review although he admits at his review blog that he's confused about the purpose of the free chat room. The purpose of the free chat room is easy to understand. Simply, the free chat room is for users of WRB Analysis to use the chat room as their trade journal in a timestamp environment to add info to their broker statements that they post later in their private threads and/or to use the free chat room to ask real-time questions about the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Seriously, he's so focus on making false narratives about my free chat room that he forgets that TheStrategyLab has other services called WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, Fading Volatility Breakout FVB free trade strategy, live screen share meeting (free), free support forum, Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters (fee-base) and Volatility Trading Report VTR trade signal strategies (fee-base). I find that funny odd because he's in the review business.
March 8th Tuesday 2016 Continuing with his disinformation & misinformation in his review...he makes dismissive statements about the real-time trades and real-time WRB Analysis in the free chat room by members via specifically saying "all you will find is a list of several people talking to each other". He completely ignored the fact that users of WRB Analysis are posting their real-time trade positions and real-time WRB Analysis. Seriously, you can do your own fact checking about his dismissive statement (negative commentary) of TheStrategyLab as he attempts to build a false narrative after he reviews the archive chat logs for the month of his review (May 2016) and any recent months prior via April 2016, March 2016, February 2016 and January 2016. As a reminder, Emmett Moore Jr. is a convicted SEC felon that went to prison, a drug addict and a liar. This is a person that always needs to be fact checked. He's in strong contrast to other reviewers via him choosing to use divisive words & phrases, personal attacks, prison erotica statements, name calling, racial inaccuracies, gender bias even in his positive reviews via the illusion he's being factual about issues not related to trading. Simply, he's a repulsive / noxious individual that's also a troll and hacker. I refer to him as a troll because his own statements at his review blog about concealing and hiding his identity via VPNs, rented IP addresses, impersonations to gain access to vendor's services along with a few forums owners confirming a few trolls at their forums have IP addresses from the same area of California that Emmett Moore Jr. resides. Further, I have personal experience with Emmett Moore Jr. via his review of TheStrategyLab that has strong similarities with a known troll that had been harassing our members and myself. A troll that also resides in California...the troll has a strong interest in automated trading systems & custom indicators. Also, I refer to him as a hacker via his own admission at his review blog about doing telephone recordings of those he reviews but he does not have consent from the vendor to be recorded (a crime because its a violation of privacy laws & wiretapping laws in the U.S.) along with his admission that he inputs pings and codes in emails as he stated below in the image that was copied from his review of another vendor.
In fact, there was a trader that used impersonation of another member to enter the free chat room a day after the arrival of Dr. Dean Handley to the free chat room. The trader used a strange phrase towards me after I didn't listen to his warning about Dr. Dean Handley. The trader said to me that there will be negative consequences. Further, my internet research of the reviews by several reviewers reveal that Emmett Moore Jr. is the only one that uses that phrase as shown in the above image involving his hacker activities in one particular review. Those words are a digital fingerprint about Emmett Moore Jr. true character and its my own What the Fuck moment about this particular reviewer between 2016 - 2018. Read that screenshot very carefully beyond his ignorant statements that the email was gentle and kind as if any person can determine if an email will be gentle & kind prior to opening the email. Seriously, when I get an email...it has already travel thru my spam guard prior to reaching my inbox and most everybody I know uses some kind of a spam guard on their inbox. The spam guard does not determine if emails are gentle & kind. Only an ignorant person that writes fiction will write something like that. Also, nobody has ever used TheStrategyLab resources via the email address of @tradingschools.org as he states in that message post in reference to his review tactics when he does reviews. Another ignorant statement by Emmett Moore Jr...he states that However, they had no problem opening and reading my string of gentle and kind emails. All were deleted. Those are his exact words from his review blog. Fact check, a person can not determine if an email they sent someone has in fact been deleted. Yet, they can track if the email was open via setting up a "request return receipt" and track the IP address when you open that email. However, today's top spam guard will automatically delete emails with tracking codes like that before it reaches the inbox. Therefore, he can determine if his email has been "delivered" including if the email has been "bounced back" (not delivered for whatever reason) but he can not determine if an email has been deleted as he states he's able to do. In addition, he can not determine if the email he sent you has been moved to spam/trash, copied, printed, forward to someone else (e.g. to a lawyer, to law enforcement or to a friend). Anyways, Emmett Moore Jr. at his own review blog refers to his own emails he sends to those he reviews as the "The Lion" email because he states that if you do not respond (reply) to those emails...there will be a negative consequence. Seriously, he's stating you will have negative consequences if you do not open his emails that are embedded with pings, codes and links that allows him to watch you in real-time or maybe he's implying if you do not reply to his gentle & kind emails...you automatically get a negative review. In fact, I suspect the reason why he did not tell his readers that the trading manual is in French and never translated in English is because his readers would then know he never read it unless someone translated it for him. Yet, there's a chapter in the trading manual specifically about WRB Analysis...the same info you'll find in the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide but the free study guide is translated in English because its marketed here at an English website. Further, if its needed...I can easily prove in a court of law that my free chat room is not a signal calling trader alert service (never advertised as such), prove there's no mentoring program (never advertised as such) and prove he never used my trade manual that's an actual book and no longer available any where since 2005. Simply, he knows I'm not going to waste my time, energy and money to take him to court for the many false narratives he's made but it does allow me to write facts about his false narratives of TheStrategyLab / wrbtrader. Yet, if he states my redacted statements are false / fake...that's a completely different. Next, he then writes about my monthly trade performance general stats while not once discussing my daily trade performance that contain redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform that also correlate with the same trades posted in the free chat room. Further, not once did he write anything about WRB Analysis...the foundation of TheStrategyLab as if he knew nothing about it...never heard of it. Yet, he refers to himself as someone that does official reviews. In contrast, his written reviews of others...he mentions the name of the services that's being reviewed under the theme its an official review. Go ahead...reread the written review by Emmett Moore Jr. about TheStrategyLab. He only talks about my free online chat room as if its my only or primary resource. Heck, he even tells his readers that a lot of research and time goes into each review. I have to dig for facts, which takes a few weeks. Seriously, he actually stated that as shown in the image to the right that's underlined in red. It's a comment he repeats many times in reviews of other vendors. Obviously, my primary education resources mentioned above are less interesting to him that he can not even mention their names in his written review of TheStrategyLab because he's offended that he or one of his minions was banned from the free chat room for violation of my terms of use policy. Banned for not posting real time trades or not able to verify their trade performance with screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform that must be posted in their private thread if they used the free chat room.
Just as strange, Emmett Moore Jr. commonly reviews scam automated trading systems & scam custom indicators being marketed in the trading industry. In fact, he briefly had categories at his review blog called "Trading Systems" that was devoted to these scams. Another fact, he has sometimes recommended automated trading systems & custom indicators including mentioning such at his Trade Navigator blog. Wait, it now gets funny. Emmett Moore Jr. attacks Dr. Dean Handley (a reviewer) whom does not market nor advertise his own scam robotic automated trading systems / scam custom indicators...why does Valforex.com (a reviewer) that markets their own scam automated trading systems and scam custom indicators via partnerships / affiliations get a get out of jail card from Emmett Moore Jr. that's exposing scam vendors ??? Oddly, he does not review Warren Ouma of Valforex.com for the scam automated trading systems & custom indicators in the cryptocurrency markets that's being advertised at Valforex. In fact, among all the other reviewers...it was Emmett Moore Jr. stating the only comment about Valforex.com in which he states that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Seriously, Emmett Moore Jr. is in the review business and does not say a single negative comment about Valforex.com nor about the scam cryptocurrency automated trading systems that are marketed by Valforex. These con men are clearly supporting each other like a secret society that hide their activities as former prison pals via the façade as a review blog. Thus, Warren Ouma of Valforex.com has what seems like secret immunity from Emmett Moore Jr. It's a brotherhood in which Warren Ouma gets confirmation about the brotherhood when Emmett Moore Jr. publicly states only one thing...he's flatter by the plagiarism but reality is that Emmett Moore Jr. thinks its flattering when Valforex.com adds in more false narratives, disinformation & misinformation. You can read more in-depth review about the Valforex.com scam @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3676 Anyways, unlike Dr. Dean Handley that did not ask to be spoon fed with redacted screenshots from my website & forum nor did he ask me to give him access to my trading accounts...I said NO to Emmett Moore Jr. not because he wanted me to send him redacted screenshots that was already posted. Reality, I said NO to him because he initiated the telephone conversation with lies, unwilling to answer my questions about his relationship to Dr. Dean Handley, his criminal background as a SEC felon and his napoleon complex attitude that has the illusion his review blog has an official status. Yet, a more personal reason...I said NO due to his strong similarities to someone from the recent past that used many user names to sneak back into my free chat room...many of these user names had reference to a pet dog. More importantly, strong similarities to someone that made threats towards my children and myself while wishing bad things will happen to someone with cancer via vulgar profanity. Its the same troll that's located in California that bragged about his automated trading systems & custom indicators while concealing his identity (using VPNs & rented IP addresses) prior to his review as you'll learn more details about his behavior further below. Going forward, few years later after his written review of TheStrategyLab...one of his lies was that he stated I avoided him...I think its funny that Emmett Moore Jr. seems confused about when someone is avoiding him when he seems to have a complete misunderstanding of the word avoid while he's very good at it himself when others are trying to serve him with court legal documents in a lawsuit as shown @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/download/file.php?id=5961 in the case of Maverick Trading versus Emmett Moore of Tradingschools.org Product Disparagement: Advertisers frequently make their cases by comparing one product or service to a competitor’s. When that comparison is false or misleading, however, the advertising crosses the line into a type of false advertising called product disparagement. Product disparagement -- also called commercial disparagement, product defamation (trade libel or slander of goods) -- is a false statement about a product that hurts its maker. Victims of product disparagement can sue the perpetrators under both state product disparagement laws and the federal Lanham Act, the law that protects trademarks. ---------------------- Why would he make such an effort to avoid the legal system via multiple email addresses, multiple residential address locations, lying about his identity when being served with legal documents via a defamation lawsuit against him / Tradingschools.org involving product disparagement, trade libel, slander, deceptive practices if he's factual and telling the truth in his written reviews at his review blog ? Seriously, wouldn't he welcome going to court to prove he's factual and telling the truth or is he avoiding (sarcasm) that his illegal telephone recordings, malware in emails, false identities, false narratives will be revealed in court...opening the door for more litigations ? I have no respect for Emmett Moore Jr. that behaved like a sociopath prior to prison and now behaves like a psychopath after prison. ---------------------- First of all, the original review of Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools is a forum message post @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3167 prior to posting the review here at the website. The reviews / rebuttal are slightly different due to the format style of my forum. I will try to keep these reviews updated with new information sent to me by clients of TheStrategyLab. In fact, I'm not interested in someone's opinions or hearsay about Emmett Moore Jr. In contrast, I'm only interested in facts such as something written by Emmett Moore Jr. To get started, a A review blogger via the name Emmett Moore Jr. (an uneducated individual that posted a negative review of TheStrategyLab) is first documented online in 2009 at his wordpress blog...offering his services developing trading systems, custom indicators for traders and to help traders better understand Trade Navigator software. This was a very difficult time period for the markets (global financial crisis)...financial institution trading firms, quants, hedge funds and traders. All of this eventually impacts his own ability to be a profitable trader and his ability to develop profitable automated trading systems & custom indicators. Also, in other online communication with traders...he claims to be a self taught quant. I'm sure real quants will have issues with his claims and see it as just another con man with a scam that he's a quant in an effort to raise interest in his automated trading systems & custom indicators soon after getting released from prison. Others have stated that he suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect when talking about his performance as a quant. Strangely, he posts at his blog a contradiction in another review...he states that he was released from prison in 2008 while in his blog's "warning" statement page under the heading Years 2006 - 2013...he states he was released from prison in 2005. Indictment
July 24th 2003: Emmett Moore Jr. & Commercial Express
defrauded 700 victims nationwide via
telemarketing boiler rooms through a sophisticated Ponzi
scheme. Emmett Moore Jr. operated the boiler room
called "Top Broker/Market"....investigated by the San Diego
Boiler Room Task Force, FBI, IRS and the United States Postal
Inspection Service...all worked closely with the SEC &
CFTC. ---------------------- I've jumped backwards a little with the info about his current criminal background but it helps to put a light on his history as a con man, liar and fraud to contrast his glamorization of what he did to his victims...ruining their financial lives and most likely worst because there's no follow-up info about the negative impact on the lives of his victims. Going forward into 2009 via his Trade Navigator blog he claims to be a private trader but elsewhere in online communication with traders...he claims to be a quant when in reality he was just a sales rep for his wife's mortgage bank business. Seriously, it seems a bit odd to me with all the fraud and predatory lending practices by mortgage banks that help caused the financial collapse in 2008 - 2010 that he would soon work in the mortgage bank industry. All of this would imply his Trade Navigator blog was occurring about the same time when he worked for Padre Mortgage as a sales man.
In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. begin showing his online anger issues and quick temper writing habits (self incriminating) that his research skills are inadequate via an example complaint he wrote online when he was in the mortgage business after his release from prison @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/download/file.php?id=6011 <<< His false complaint shows him admitting to posting the negative review out of anger soon after an angry interaction on the telephone and without proper research into the facts. Essentially he was factually incorrect. It's a revelation not just about his poor research skills but how he tries to use online to spread false narratives about someone in reaction to his anger management issues. It makes me wonder if he purchased an automated trading system or custom indicators in the past and then lost a ton of money. Thus, he's now in the review business as a way to retaliate against the vendor industry because he blames the vendor industry for other things beyond the loss of money. Yet, the timeline of the image to the left shows something very interesting...his nasty complaint was 2013 about an incident that actually occurred in 2005 to imply he was working in the mortgage business in 2005 for Padre Mortgage. The strange aspect... that complaint he wrote about someone...I recognize the sentence structure and certain words he uses in anger involving destruction of someone's body parts (e.g. cock) because its the same writing style of a notorious IRC troll that attacked free chat rooms in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Yet, I may have known this online troll as early as 2010 when I spent my summers trading from my home in Chicago and France. The troll would attack the free chat room owners on the Othernet and Financial chat servers via making terrorist like threats after he was banned for trying to market his automated trading systems & custom indicators to members of those IRC free chat rooms. In fact, this troll was also out of California...used VPNs & rented IP addresses to sneak back into free chat rooms to continue his online terror whenever he was removed, kicked or banned from a free chat room. Sometimes he'll make comments about knowing other criminals from foreign countries like the Vietnam, Thailand and Philippines. I did notice that troll had several interests: love for dogs, interest in aviation, interest in real estate, interest in Trade Navigator, interest in live screen sharing, interest in gathering info about owners of free chat rooms as if he was researching them, strong dislike of IRC even though he seemed to be a frequent user of IRC, hatred for Dr. Dean Handley, enjoyed bashing people via stereotyping & prison erotica, he's very good at changing his online identity and has some kind'uv an attraction for court drama involving those arrested...it actually seems like he gets great pleasure out of it. Prison Erotica is defined as someone that's in prison or has been in prison that will write sexual stories as if another man is a women and will then make derogatory sexual commentary about man as if he was a woman in a sexual encounter. This person usually has experience in being dominated sexually by a alpha male...writing about it is like a type of sexual role playing and Emmett Moore Jr. of Tradingschools often makes these types of statements in his reviews. He'll often use odd words or phrases in my free chat room like referring to owners of the free chat rooms as moderators, referring to free chat rooms as a live trade rooms even if it was not a signal calling trade alert room. Often he would argue with anyone that did not use Trade Navigator or argue with someone that talked positively about another trading platform. In fact, it was how I easily spotted his new identity when he would argue with other members about the superiority of the Trade Navigator software although he would mention Ninja Trader platform sometimes as if he was unsure about it, his bragging about his quant skills and he was angry with me for not allowing his access to my live screen sharing / forum private threads. Further, the troll behaved like an impatient sales man that was desperate to get subscribers to his automated trading systems & custom indicators including bragging about the superiority of his automated trading systems in comparison to WRB Analysis. Yet, not once did I see him post a redacted screenshot of his trade performance when he marketed those automated trading systems and he ignored members of TheStrategyLab that posted redacted screenshots of trade fills in their broker trade execution platform during the trading day...sometimes criticizing their profits / screenshots (including my redacted screenshots). In addition, I notice his hypocrisy when he attacked (bashed) vendors...it was as if he didn't realize he was a vendor too when he try to market his automated trading systems nor did he realize he's held to the same verification standards. Then when the troll became angry again, he would often make threats as if he was psychotic along with stating that he will ruin your online reputation including saying you'll get negative consequences (a phrase used by a child in his/her description of a teacher giving a consequence) if you do not allow him back into your free chat room. In fact, he hated when members would ignore him or openly asked me in the free chat room to ban the guy after I completed my documentation of his behavior in my free chat room. Sometimes I thought the troll was high on drugs, drunk or manic during the trading day when he interacted with me in my free chat room because he made such an effort in concealing or changing his online identity as if it was a sadistic game to him. Yet, at the same time, he seemed oblivious or did not care about the online paper trail he's leaving behind via his own comments when he attacks others. Continuing, it was when I contacted Striker.com to notify them about his behavior in marketing his automated trading system that seem to push him over the edge with his anger & threats towards TheStrategyLab, my children, my family and myself.
Here's a screenshot out of many screenshots I've documented about this troll. Read it carefully because this troll word fingerprints are related to derogatory comments about cocks. In other screenshot verification of his threats...he will state he'll cut off my cock, remove my balls, cut off my children balls, stuff it down my spouse throat and many other terrorist like threats. Now compare it to the above screenshot of Emmett Moore Jr. making a complaint and using a similar like cock expression. This particular screenshot is not an opinion nor hearsay...its a fact of one of my first earlier encounters with this troll back in 2012 although I may have known him as early as 2010. I myself would go on to ban this troll multiple times over the next few years whenever he showed up with a new identity. Mysteriously...the troll stopped harassing me online a few months prior to Emmett Moore Jr. posting his written review of TheStrategyLab. Just as odd, I never heard from the troll again after the written review by Emmett Moore Jr. about TheStrategyLab. Another coincidence, there's more revealing info about Emmett Moore Jr. as a con man via concealing and omitting the facts even though he was caught in the past by agencies setup to catch people like him. Now he's using similar like tactics on his own readers and in the review business. Currently, he has other litigation issues via Maverick Trading Inc. v. Emmett Moore @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/download/file.php?id=5961 Lets see how fast he changes his review (opinions) about Maverick Trading Inc. Further, lets see if he admits to his readers that his opinions were incorrect with disinformation & misinformation or will he take the easy road and just say "I got it wrong" without any public apology and then quickly move into the next review. Further, I have the upmost respect for those that received a positive review but not interested in any partnership / affiliation with Emmett Moore Jr. because they know its something you do not want on your résumé due to his criminal background and unethical online behavior.
To get back on course with the review about Emmett Moore Jr. and going back to his Trade Navigator blog...the fact remains, he's a wannabe private trader (he states this in his Trade Navigator blog...the part about being a private trader). Unknown to most, he's very elusive when other traders asked for verification of his trade performance when he was telling other traders he's a successful quant while promoting his automated trading systems & custom indicators or his promotion of systems by others without any verification via screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform. Please do not misunderstand. I'm not attacking Trade Navigator software. Instead, I'm putting a light onto Emmett Moore Jr. as a failed quant of the Trade Navigator software. Next,
he traversed into the review business and is cloaking his
failure via the façade as a successful
trading system developer that makes the trading systems freely
available to his readers. Any reader of Tradingschools.org
review blog care to post their redacted screenshots of
timestamp trade fills (real money) in broker trade execution
platform to verify that the trading systems by Emmett Moore
Jr. / Tradingschools do in fact actually
work ? In fact, I know very little about the Trade Navigator software but if someone stated they're a quant at a Trade Navigator blog or later at a review blog and continues recommending Trade Navigator without mentioning any other software that a typical quant would be using...the Trade Navigator software must then have the ability to do quantitative statistical analysis...correct ? Ok, jumping back to the past to his unsuccessful Trade Navigator blog. If there's an overlap with his Trade Navigator blog and his review blog of vendors...it would reveal his hypocrisy involving him not having the ability to show redacted screenshots of real money trade performance involving the automated trading systems he promoted at the Trade Navigator blog...maybe the same automated trading systems & custom indicators he's cleverly trying to figure out a way to market to his readers at his review blog. Also, he does not mention many of the above specific info (e.g. prior business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley) at his review blog other than stating he went to prison for fraud while talking about the Ponzi scheme (something most Americans equate to murder) while at the same time he glamorize it all like he's trying to sell a Hollywood script or a cheap commercial. Fast forward, Dr. Dean Handley ends the business partnership when he discovers one of Emmett Moore Jr. side business name Moore Marketing Associates is a fake business. Unfortunately, I do not have the timeline year about Emmett Moore Jr. business partnership with Dr. Dean Handley. Regardless, Emmett Moore Jr. gets a 2nd chance in life and gets back into being a con man about being a quant and then his fake business called Moore Marketing Associates..."a washed pig returns to the mud" (2 Peter 2:22 NLT).
Yet, I do not know if Dr. Handley was aware of Emmett Moore Jr's criminal background prior to working with him or only after Emmett Moore Jr. exited their business partnership. Emmett Moore Jr. then starts his own review business as a blog that he admits is really just his opinions of those he reviews and sometimes he gets it wrong. Reality, he rarely admits that his opinions are wrong and prefers instead to just personally attack someone (e.g. culture, race, language, physical appearance) because there's nothing else about their trading that he understands nor understand their business model. Yet, the few times he comes across someone that's under investigation, criminal background, fines...he acts as if its his review that discovered the fraud. Emmett Moore Jr. then later contacts TheStrategyLab via the telephone for a review via the assumption we had a partnership with Dr. Dean Handley but lied to me when he said he's doing a review after getting complaints earlier in the year of 2016 after Dr. Dean Handley had already posted a positive review. It would be his lies early in the telephone conversation that would prompt me to research his background while he was talking to me on the telephone. Shockingly, I discover too many similarities in his word usage to a recent notorious troll from the IRC Othernet / FinancialChat server confirmed by his word usage at his Tradingschools.org review blog. It raised the hair up on the back of my neck about the threats and the review industry that's starting to resemble organized crime. No verification of their trade performance....a common theme among those that do reviews after stating they're able to copy / piggyback someone's trades or stating they can highly replicate the trades. Worst reviewers are the ones that recommends / partners with a vendor but then does not continue to use the services of the vendor to make money. ---------------------- The above involving reviewers is a common problem regardless if they give someone a positive or negative review involving signal calling trade alert services. Simply, the reviewer does not post any verification of trade performance via timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform to correlate with timestamp signal calls by the guru telling them what to trade, when to buy and when to sell in a signal calling trade alert service to verify the trade performance of the vendor (good or bad). Ironically, they ask for redacted broker statements but they're not able to show their own while promoting their own services. Think about this critical issue in the review business...why do they not post their verified poor trade performance (simulator) via their own trading from their own broker trade execution platform involving someone they're giving a bad review ? The same question applies to why they're unable to post a verified good trade performance (simulator) via their own trading from their own broker trade execution platform involving someone they're giving a good review that they're recommending to their readers especially the vendors they're partnering with ? These reviewers can not even do a recording of a live stream of themself copying / mimic / piggyback / replicating the trades in their own broker trade execution platform of the trade alerts they received from the vendor they're recommending / partner with. This issue alone undermines the entire review business...revealing the reviews are just a clever form of snake oil to earn income off the back of their readers when they send the readers to the services that's being recommended. Yet, Dr. Dean Handley's statistical analysis (although basic) did correlate closely with some of the quantitative statistical analysis of many members that use a professional trade journal software to document their trade performance and to verify the merits of WRB Analysis when they used it in their trading. By the way, TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) has never had any partnership nor affiliation with Dr. Dean Handley beyond allowing him to use our free chat room as a guest visitor to witness in real time the trade posts & price action analysis via WRB Analysis by our members including access to broker statements posted during the duration of his visit as documented in the archive chat logs. Also, my administration logs revealed that his user name & IP address did view my own verification screenshots in my daily performance record at the forum, screenshots within my trader profile and screenshots posted at the website / forum.
Yet, he did write in his positive review that he did not understand my position size management. The reason why he didn't understand it is because he never asked any questions about such nor did we have any detail discussions about such involving why I used different contract size throughout the trading day or week. In fact, TheStrategyLab has been reviewed multiple times by others. So far, not one reviewer has shown any interest nor discussed with us about risk of ruin for daytraders. After our experience with Dr. Dean Handley, we no longer allow guest visitors.
In fact, the above key concepts that I use to prevent (minimize) risk of ruin are only discussed with any fee-base client that verifies their trading (DOKs & Screenshots of Trade Fills in broker trade execution platform) via WRB Analysis. Thus, it may be the reason why Dr. Dean Handley and Emmett Moore Jr. didn't ask us any questions to explain the above key concepts although Emmett Moore Jr. seemed bored when I mention the above topics or maybe it went over his head as slang. Further, this info is intentionally not included in the education courses. Its only discussed via private message in the free chat room as an incentive to encourage users of WRB Analysis to join our free chat room. Simply, profitable trading is more than about having a profitable trade strategy...you need to have a plan (active) in place for each trade to prevent risk of ruin when an unexpected event occurs while trading. Actually, a common scenario by traders is that they believe in error that they only need to use stop loss protection for each trade to prevent risk of ruin while not knowing its a lot more than just that.
In contrast, in my conversation with Emmett Moore Jr...as soon as I mention a few of these key concepts (intraday market tendencies & position size management) in my trading to prevent (minimize) risk of ruin...he was strangely incurious or it was mumbo jumbo / slang to whatever it was that he previously had learned about daytrading as a wannabe private trader. Seriously, talking about the key aspects of TheStrategyLab to prevent (minimize) risk of ruin should be a topic any vendor would have with any reviewer or vice versa. I decided at this point to change the topic as my suspicion grew about Emmett Moore Jr. as a reviewer because he has the persona of someone trying to get rich after failing as a private trader. First of all, his first telephone call to me...he hung up the telephone like a prankster when I answered on the 3rd ring. The second time he called, I wasn't home and he left a message in English. I returned his phone call when I returned home after listening to his message. He said he was going to do a review of TheStrategyLab but immediately stated he reached out to me earlier via email and that I was avoiding him. I politely responded to Emmett Moore Jr.... We
are talking now. I'm not
avoiding you and I did not
receive any emails from you but I did receive your earlier
phone call (I have caller ID) in which you hung up as soon as
you heard my voice when I said Allô...this is
---------------------- In fact, the only emails not able to reach my inbox are emails from banned trolls. Oddly, he did not give me an explanation after I made him aware about why I did not receive his emails and it should have been obvious to him that his comments about me avoiding his emails was self incriminating for him that he must have already been banned prior to the emails. That would imply he was banned via a different identity or he never used my services beyond just looking at the website. Next, I asked him if he had tried contacting me via Skype, what email address did he use in those emails he supposedly sent me, did he try to send me a private message at the free TSL Support forum ? He would not give me an answer and I begin to think why would he avoid replying to a harmless question as such. In addition as stated above...he stated he's doing a review because he heard complaints. I asked him to be specific about what these complaints were...he would not answer and I got back on the topic of talking about Dr. Dean Handley because I notice he seemed uneasy...it made me more curious about why that name bothered him so much. In fact, his inability to respond to my simple questions after he stated I was avoiding him was my first alert and then his refusal et insaisissable to tell me what the complaints were about when I asked for verification of the complaints. It's an indicator (pun intended) to not trust this guy but I decided to continue with the telephone conversation just in case my initial interpretation about him was incorrect. Emmett Moore Jr. sounded on the telephone like a salesman with something to offer or someone trying to find an angle with me for a financial opportunity but then quickly talking about his own interpretation of TheStrategyLab via false narratives...inaccurate information and insufficient assessment when he realized I had no interest in partnerships with anyone but only after I had talked too much about my dislike of partnerships with people that had troubling backgrounds or hidden agendas. You know the saying in life...guilty by association (partnerships) with these types of individuals...not something you want on your résumé. Regardless, these false narratives seemed cemented in his head even after I corrected him several times. More, importantly, there's definitely no need for a partnership with a convicted SEC felon that defrauded his victims +600 million dollars and brags about it. What type of person would want an affiliation / partnership with someone with such a behavior along with the fact that he never mention anything about his criminal background in the telephone conversation...not even a hint.
Also, he seemed surprise to learn that I remove traders from the chat room that do not post any screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform in their private threads later that night after using our free chat room especially those that used our free chat room without posting any real time trades...the latter a commonality among the trolls. We had a handful of trolls that criticized members of TheStrategyLab that posted verification of their trading while the trolls did not do the same. These trolls were eventually removed or banned for their behavior of attacks on members that in fact had posted verification of their trade performance. Unfortunately, many of these trolls showed up at Emmett Moore Jr's blog to reply like a snake crawled out from under a rock when he posted his review of TheStrategyLab. These snake like individuals supported his disinformation & misinformation...a few of them do not know that I know whom they really are while they continue using TheStrategyLab resources. In hindsight, we have no regrets about making the bans very public via allowing them to remain in the archive chat logs although I understand it must have been very embarrassing for the troll. I do not give any warnings nor do I contact any trader prior to the person being banned. I do the bans this way as a warning to other members including a warning to the public that reads / reviews the archive chat logs that our free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room...its a violation of our terms of use policy.
In fact, I myself constantly review the archive chat logs and prior metrics in my professional trade journal to help adapt my trading when a similar like market condition returns from the past. Yet, our free chat room is not a replacement of a professional trade journal software that contains actual real metrics about your trade performance. In contrast, our free chat room should be used to support the info in your professional trade journal software and/or broker statements. Further, we do not allow guest visitors (drive by curiosity seekers) because its a doorway used by trolls or by traders that have a hidden agenda after our experience with Dr. Dean Handley and we do not care if these policies keeps our number of members very low because I'm a strong believer in quality instead of quantity. By the way, traders know about this policy prior to entry into the free chat room that if they log into our free chat room they have two choices:
Most users of our free chat room choose (2.) because they know that chat rooms are a distraction and they do not want the added pressure of posting real time trades. Thus, they prefer to post screenshots of trade fills in their broker trade execution platform or their broker statements later in the evening in their private threads when the broker send them their broker statements after the markets close. Emmett Moore Jr. does not discuss this policy of TheStrategyLab in his negative review at his blog nor does he say anything about our private thread section. Something else that's interesting. I mentioned to Emmett Moore Jr. the names of a few trolls out of many that I've banned (Robert, moo_cali & rwbill) for violation of my terms of use policy...it caused him to have a cough like response. The next odd thing I notice in the telephone conversation was his intentional use of certain trading words/phrases to manipulate the conversation. A few examples out of many...he does not use words/phrases like signal calling trade alert room, head trader nor screen sharing on the telephone nor at his review blog. These are common words/phrases used by retail & professional traders in the trading community. Thus, if you're not a newbie trader or have actually traded...you know exactly what someone is talking about when they use those words/phrases. Unfortunately, Emmett Moore Jr. will use words / phrases like live trade rooms in a very odd way. In fact, the primary category he uses at his review blog is Live Trading Rooms as shown in the image below that I took of his blog at the time of his review of TheStrategyLab. Most of his attacks are about vendors in the category Live Trading Rooms (listed first in the image to the left) and every review of a vendor in the Live Trading Rooms category are for those vendors that offer a signal calling trade alert service with a guru telling its members what to trade, when to buy and when to sell. Its the category he put TheStrategyLab into via an intentional effort to manipulate & mislead his readers into believing we offer a signal calling trade alert service along with not telling his readers that its clearly stated all over our website, forum and registration instructions for the free chat room...its not a signal calling trade alert service and we ban traders for trying to copy / mimic / piggyback the real-time trades posted by our members & TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader). Next, a few of our clients that read his review and saw the deceiving way he categorize TheStrategyLab for services we do not offer...our clients were in disbelief and contacted me about the false narratives he wrote about TheStrategyLab. Yet, I prefer they would have called him out about this disinformation along with notifying him that they will no longer read his blog due to his false narratives of TheStrategyLab. Instead, most have decided to just stop reading and posting at his blog when they realized he's still just a clever con man. Further, he's recently removed those categories on his home page but a few users of WRB Analysis that click on the individual reviews...they stated that TheStrategyLab continues to be categorize for services we do not offer...signal calling trade alert rooms via the live trading rooms and mentors. Yeah, he states these are his opinions as if he's not accountable. Reality, he wants you to believe they are facts. Regardless, this is about the problems he obviously has with people refusing to interact with him because of his criminal background, he's continuing to deceive after being released from prison, bragging about defrauding his victims of +600 million dollars that resulted in stealing their life savings & dreams, illegal telephone recordings that violates wiretapping laws (I've made screenshots of the reviews in which he specifically stated he records telephone conversations with those he reviews...vendors/traders not aware that they're being recorded)... Hacker like online activities, exact same online registrations & digital trail as known illegal reseller websites of education content by affiliates of 3rd world countries that are a front for the crime world and the dark web, partnership with websites he recommends to fatten his wallet while at the same time he tells his readers his blog exclusively relies on Google adsense advertising, his refusal to acknowledge posted real time trades & screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform or broker statements by members of TheStrategyLab and myself. There are complaints by some being reviewed by Emmett Moore Jr. that he intentionally placed them incorrectly in the categories shown in the above image when in fact they do not offer services involving those categories. To conceal his deception...he will then not mention the services that they in fact do offer. ---------------------- This guy wanted something and couldn't get it. He then decided to have a temper tantrum and write a bunch of misinformation & lies (maybe I should say disinformation instead of misinformation) like a low paid employee of a fake news website. Also, it makes me wonder if he's done this in other reviews and/or if he's committed crimes via one of those impersonations & secret identities you'll learn about later...further below in this rebuttal.
Just as importantly, members in the free chat room do the same as you can see when you review the archive chat logs so that our free chat room is transparent about which trades are via simulation trading (paper trades). <<< review paper trades >>> I added to my reply just in case I misinterpreted his use of the words "live charts" and just in case he never visited my website or it was one of his secret affiliates (he's talked about them a few times at his blog) that visited the website..."You do understand I do not offer a signal calling trade alert service and I've never had such a service including that I frequently ban traders for trying to use my free chat room as a trade alert room". Nothing but silence from Emmett Moore Jr. Yet, I would later learn from his review that he was lost in translation of the above street slang (sarcasm) or he did not understand any thing I said to him or he completely understood and decided to fabricate his own story that were more like misguided personal attacks. Seriously, later he would say at his review blog that TheStrategyLab had no live charts (not a typo error as shown in his review further below). It's as if he was really asking if there was live screen sharing or live streaming for the purpose of a member to mimic / copy / piggyback my trades or do I show my trades occurring on my charts. In fact, its a commonly asked question by naive people looking for signal calling trade alert services...Do you have live charts ? Simply, had he asked his question as someone that has a little education...he would have asked... Do you allow your members to mimic / copy / piggyback your trades and if so...do you show a live screen with your trades executing in your broker trade execution platform or show trades executing in the DOM or show trades executing in the trade fill window ? ---------------------- I would have notified him that members that log into the free chat room are require to post their real-time trades. Those members that do not post their trades while using our free chat room...they are require to post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform within their private thread. Simply, I offer no signal calling trade alert service but I do have live screen sharing for qualified members only that allow me to see their screens too after they've verified their application of WRB Analysis via screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform in their private thread. Therefore, its a group live screen share
meeting...never one on one. That means we all can see each
other's broker trade execution platform with anything else
that we use to execute our trades. Also, to ensure only qualified members of TheStrategyLab were allowed
in the live screen share meeting...members were identified
in the free chat room with a green circle
icon next to their user
name as shown in the screenshot to the right. (click on image to review broker trade execution platform with trading results)
Thus, the green circle icon next to a user name in the free chat room allowed me know which members in the free chat room were also in the live screen share meeting considering many members of the free chat room would use a different user name in comparison to their forum username or live screen share meeting user name. Unfortunately, a few trouble makers (trolls) figure out how to manipulate our mIRC software security scripts that I designed. Those particular trolls would gain access to our live screen share meeting for a few minutes until they were discovered. Today, I use a different security protocol and no longer show the green icon next to usernames of those in live screen share meeting with TheStrategyLab. In many screenshots from the group live screen sharing...you only see one screen and that screenshot has charts, trade fill window, trade execution window, DOM (market depth / price ladders info) and window of free chat room. I do not make trade decisions nor execute my trades via the DOM. My trades execute manually via what's called a "trade window" with a buy / sell button in my broker trade execution platform as shown in the upper right corner of the above screenshot. In fact, the reason why I sometimes show the DOM in live screen sharing and in my screenshots is for a member in the live screen sharing that do use the DOM in his trading even though other members in the screen share meeting aren't interested in the DOM and I myself do not make trade decisions via the DOM nor execute trades via the DOM. For example, someone in the screen sharing is trading Eurex DAX futures via the DOM but wants to see the DOM in my screen when I'm trading the Emini ER2 (now known as RTY) futures while another member of the live screen share meeting is trading Emini NQ futures and another member is trading VIX futures. Also, I show price charts in my screenshots so that I will know what the price action looked like at the time I made the screenshot of real trades in my trade fill window of my broker trade execution platform. In fact, anyone familiar with X_Trader trade execution platform will know the trades shown in my broker trade execution platform are real trades (not simulation / paper trades). Yet, I do not show screenshots of my other screens that have charts & data for correlation analysis, inter/intra market analysis and volatility analysis. In addition, I would have told him that only a handful of members from the free chat room qualified for live screen sharing. Yet, I do not post public screenshots of the member's screen from the live screen share meeting due to privacy & security reasons because they contain names, account numbers and other financial information. Also, there are recorded videos of the group live screen share meeting but they are only posted privately for those in the group live screen share meeting. Simply, if he's going to be involved in the review business...review the screenshots I publicly post at the website & forum and then ask a clear question. He would have gotten a clear / detailed answer with tons of information about TheStrategyLab as you're reading right now on this webpage. There's no need to pretend you're confused by the purpose of the free chat room as Emmett Moore Jr. stated when the free chat room has nothing to do with his question...Do you use live charts ? He then states further misinformation that my speech is street slang (he doesn't tell his readers I'm trilingual and English is not my native language). These to me are normal trading terms and I did not use them to talk down to him...I intentionally used those street slang words/phrases to determine if he has actually read the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide considering he open the telephone conversation via stating he was doing a review. Yet, he may have been writing about my language and not my street slang considering my native language is French (mother's tongue), Lakota (father's tongue) and I spent a lot of years growing up in Southeast France, Chicago and South Dakota...growing up with a tough crowd that includes being a veteran of the military. Regardless, I think my English is good enough but his lack of education could be limiting his ability to understand anyone using price action street slang or he just has problems understanding someone that's trilingual and grew up in two different countries. The good thing is that when I used traditional trading terms like supply/demand in the telephone conversation...he was all ears (more slang). That means I had his full attention. Yet, if my market street slang is just too weird for him...maybe traditional market street slang via a good English speaker in the U.K. will be more soothing for him in this Youtube video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf9rLdyZ_cM Continuing, his false narratives because he's unable to find any dirt on me to make it an interesting read for his readers...he then decides to hide the facts and that his readers would not do any fact checking. He doesn't want to admit that I post screenshots to verify my trade performance but he then makes the decision to lie. He states that I refused to give him any verification of my trading performance but he does not tell his readers what I actually stated. I stated to him that its already posted at my website and he only needs to read the archive chat logs, read the public broker statement thread, view my public screenshots in my daily performance record (not monthly) at the forum and view / read about my trading performance in trading tournaments at the old forum. Reality, he wouldn't do that because he's someone that has strong similarities to the troll from the recent past that made threats. Prison Porn Journalism I'm serious, he uses a 5 star rating system and he still makes negative / degrading comments about traders he gives 4 or 5 star ratings after he views their verification of trade performance. Sometimes he'll go further via making indirect racist comments if they are not white like him...most likely because the person has no interest in partnering up with a SEC felon. Essentially he's using his review blog to exercise his sexual experiences he had in prison or to enhance his libido because of a problem with his testosterone. I only say this because he consistently makes sexual comments in the review of those he gives high ratings (e.g. had the look of an exploited prostitute). Seriously, why fill his reviews with sexual comments like that ? In contrast, traders that already have their verification of trade performance posted at their own website and refuses to feed his desires, it takes all the pleasure away from him because he's not able to ask you to get down on your knees or bend over via sending the verification of trade performance info to him. The fact that he lied in his review that I refused to send him the info when he requested it in the telephone conversation when in fact I told him that its already posted all over the website is the initial reason why I begin to suspect he's someone (a troll) that I've banned from the past multiple times between 2010 - 2016 for harassing our members that had posted their screenshots of trade fills in their broker trade execution platform or broker statements. Just as strange, the screenshots that were there at the time of his review...he did not criticize them nor mention their existence in his review even though I told him in the telephone conversation that they're already posted. His similarities with the troll that's also a hypocrite only continues because he's not able to post any verification of his own trading for any trading day when he states in his review of those he's partner with that their signal calls are highly replicable. Thus, he does not show any timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in his broker trade execution platform that correlates to any signal calls by the head trader that he's partner with. There's no verification of his trade performance nor any verification of trade performance by any client of those that partners with him. The same is true of the automated trading systems & custom indicators that he promotes at his review blog. The one thing about Emmett Moore Jr. that I'm not sure about is if he actually used our free chat room although he said negative things about the free chat room as if he either was there or he only read the archive chat logs. If he read the archive chat logs...the chat logs state its not a signal calling trade alert room. In fact, all members prior to entry into the free chat room for the first time are given instructions with the log-in info that its not a signal calling trade alert room and they're warned that if they try to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate the real time trades posted by any member of the free chat room...you'll be banned. Maybe he did not want to post verification at his review blog that he was in the free chat room because his screenshots would show members and I posted trades in real time and usually the trades were profitable. Another reason why he will not show verification of using the free chat room is because I will be able to identify him to determine if he is the troll that I would ban and then the troll would sneak back into the free chat room (days, weeks or months later) via a new IP address (rented IP address) with a new email address...a new secret identity just to brag again about his automated trading systems & custom indicators. Regardless, I did say NO to him when he requested access to my trading accounts because at that time in the conversation I became aware on my own (he did not tell me) that he's a SEC felon...convicted of defrauding his victims of +600 million dollars that now he uses various hacker like methods to conceal his identity when he communicates with other traders. Simply, answering NO [non] gives us the option to say YES [oui] later; its the opposite when we say YES [oui] because you can no longer say NO [non] after you have said YES [oui]...that's the joke because protesting is like a national hobby for the French culture and its very similar to my other culture half (Lakota). Its like a default reply in daily conversation in France or Québec although some of my youth was growing up in South Dakota & Chicago. In fact, you learn in Chicago to not give a crook access to your trading accounts nor access to any other financial account. Something else strange that occurred in the telephone conversation with Emmett Moore Jr...he never used the word moderator in our telephone conversation. It's a word he frequently misuse in other reviews of live trade rooms (a.k.a. signal calling trade alerts rooms). Also, Emmett Moore Jr. does not like to use the term head trader that most traders commonly refer to as someone giving signal calls for someone to copy / mimic / piggyback the signal call in the trade alert room. Yet, he still put my free chat room in the Live Trade Room category while not once talking about trades by users of WRB Analysis being posted real time in the free chat room as he did in other reviews of trade rooms as if he actually heard me in the telephone conversation or read the archive chat logs that the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room. Seriously, the only category he listed correctly about TheStrategyLab was Trading Courses but strangely he does not specifically name nor make any reference to the actual trading courses that we offer...very strange. A few years later after his review of TheStrategyLab, he replaced trading courses with the words Software and Systems but I wouldn't be surprise if he gets more confused with his categories and just spend his time talking about automated trading systems & custom indicators...very popular topics to attack and while looking for partnerships considering his hidden agenda is really about fattening his wallet instead of protecting & educating the little guy. Yet, he may just try to come up with a new way to raid the wallets of his readers via offering his own fee-base services to pay for his time & energy he puts into his reviews...similar like con that he told his victims when he defrauded them of +600 million dollars many years earlier. Regardless, you can use the below links at Google or Investopedia if you do not understand the difference between a moderator and head trader or just go to any popular forum to ask what is a head trader in a online signal calling trade alert room.
Yet, maybe we should cut him a little slack...he is uneducated and admits to such at his review blog. The conversation starts to go another direction when I believe he's becoming suspicious that I'm thinking he's a troll from the past that had a fixation on my trading manual that has not been available since 2005 even though Emmett Moore Jr. and I never had a discussion about my trading manual in the telephone conversation. In fact, this trading manual was last sold in 2005, applicable only in markets for 2005, written in French and only sold a few copies in Europe (never sold to anyone outside of Europe) to personal trading friends...a few still working today as professional traders for financial institutions. Once again, Emmett Moore Jr. acts like that past troll via specifically talking about the trading manual at his review blog via similar like words that the past troll had used towards me in an email & private chat a few years before I had my telephone conversation with Emmett Moore Jr. This troll was very angry that I refuse to share with troll the details of my trading manual that contained backtest results, screenshots of timestamp trade fills in my broker trade execution platforms and an attached quantitative statistical analysis...a troll that has a fascination with automated trading systems, custom indicators, free chat rooms on the Othernet / Financial Chat servers on IRC... Bragging on IRC that his automated systems were superior to my trade methods because I didn't use any automation while he refused to provide screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform including making threats to cause me harm when I discover he was secretly partner with websites / blogs that marketed scam robotic trading systems. Sometimes he would ask me if I knew any personal dirt about other vendors as if he was taking notes. As my suspicion grew about this Emmett Moore Jr. that had too many similarities as this troll...he then tried the "I want to see screenshots for verification of your trading" tactic but only after I started asking him questions about his relationship with Dr. Dean Handley and I told him that he reminded me of a famous past troll of TheStrategyLab. Twilight Zone with Emmett Moore Jr.
Instead of answering my questions about Dr. Dean Handley beyond only confirming that they use to have a business partnership in the review business...Emmett Moore Jr. then quickly responds with a request for one screenshot of trades fills for any trading day (his exact words) to verify my trade performance. I counter via reminding him that verification is already posted all over the website & forum although in different locations and asking him why he didn't review the screenshots if this truly was a review ? He then responded via making a new request...he asked for access to my trading accounts when in reality he was trying to end the conversation via making an unreasonable request. Unfortunately for him...he forgot that he's a stranger on the telephone that hides behind false identities, impersonations, illegal telephone recordings without consent when he interacts with someone he's reviewing while unable to post verification of his own trading (simulator or real money) to show the trades he took while using the services of those he's partner with (signal calling trade alert rooms)...to verify to the readers of his review blog that they too could have highly replicated the same trades had they been in those signal calling trade alert rooms. Next, he then realized I do not share my sensitive financial data with anyone when he asked me on the telephone for access to my trading accounts via my answer of NO...you can not have access to my trading accounts. I didn't avoid his request...I said NO one more time along with reminding him that many members and I have already posted verification of trade performance for more than just one trading day @ TheStrategyLab. Strangely, he had no interest in members real time trades, no interest in members broker statements, no interest in screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator & real money) in broker trade execution platform nor any interest that members must verify their learning / application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide since 2010 to gain access to the fee-base content that they've purchased. His lack of interest is confirmed via the fact he doesn't even mention this info in his written review after I disclosed it to him.
Instead, he needs to open his eyes and review the redacted screenshots that's already posted @ TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader & users of WRB Analysis) because nothing will be sent to that con man because when a trader bow down to him...he lets the world (his readers) know that he's in charge while making negative comments about you as a person or trader after you send him the verification info that he requested. In fact, I keep seeing those numbers like neon warning lights that he defrauded his victims of +600 million dollars and then he brags about it at his blog as if he's hoping a movie producer will produce a movie about him and those he use to work with. By the way, there was no laughter at the end of his request for access to my trading accounts...he was not joking. Today, he dodges court summons, lies to investigators that tracks him down via saying he's not Emmett Moore Jr., uses multiple different home addresses and many different email addresses...the latter not surprising considering he brags at this blog about using multiple different identities like some character in a Mission Impossible movie when he contacts those he wants to review all while trying to give the illusion that he's a transparent review blogger. Oddly, the false narratives that he wrote as a negative review were about topics we had no discussions or he twisted something I've stated into misinformation & lies (e.g. coaching program). Another example, he lied again and stated in his review that I stated my trade methods are applicable in all markets. I never stated such to him, never had a conversation about such with him and never stated such to anyone else. Further, anyone can fact check him via reviewing my applicable trading instrument list that's been posted since day one of the website @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/TradingInstruments.htm It validates my initial interpretation about his deception, hidden agenda, colorful imagination...that is when I made the decision in the telephone conversation that I was not going to share any private financial information with him beyond what's already posted here at the website, forum or free chat room or on this rebuttal webpage. Someone like him with that type of persona that's very similar to a troll, from the recent past, whom has threaten to physically hurt me or threaten to harm my children because I refuse partnership...you do not share any private information (financial nor personal) with people like that because they are most likely sharing or selling your most sensitive information on the dark web even if you redacted your account number and trade transaction IDs. Reminder...these people already have other personal / private information about you prior to the telephone call. They're just trying to piece the info together so that its useful to a con man. More quick examples of disinformation by Emmett Moore Jr. before I go into great detail of a few specific examples further below because these particular examples have been echo by the same trolls elsewhere online via hiding behind a different user name. We never talked about a trading manual in the telephone conversation as stated above. It's a trading manual that only sold a few copies in France to personal friends for specific markets back in 2005...applicable only in 2005. He does not have access to the trading manual and its written in French. Yet, he proceeded to talk about the trading manual in his negative review while not mentioning any of our current services by name as if he was not aware of them. In fact, he doesn't mention the words WRB Analysis. It's the foundation of TheStrategyLab...not once is WRB Analysis mentioned in his review. Reminder, Emmett More Jr. contacted me via telephone to do a review. Oddly, he did not ask any questions nor talk about my trade method named WRB Analysis, a name that's commonly mentioned all over the website as my price action analysis (its not a trade signal) in combo with your trade signal strategies. In contrast, our Volatility Trading Report (VTR) involves correlation analysis, inter / intra market analysis, volatility analysis merged with WRB Analysis for traders that do not have their own trade signal strategies but he does mention in his review that the trade methods involves volatility analysis even though in the telephone conversation I put a lot of emphasis on correlation analysis, intermarket analysis, position size management and trade experience...topics not mentioned in his review but are topics I commonly discuss with fee-base clients. It was as if my initial questioning him about Dr. Dean Handley had caused him to forget to ask me questions about the price action analysis of TheStrategyLab, trade signal strategies of TheStrategyLab and questions about the performance of my members that have verification about their trade performance. Yet, I had to remind myself that I told him where he can go find the verification of trade performance, notified him about the verification of understanding the education content via DOKs & screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform for users of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide to qualified for access to the advance education resources since 2010. I had to remind myself he just didn't care because its a review (what he wrote) as a deceptive agenda from a con man that gets off (literally) from the power he gets when someone spoon feeds his requests. As stated above, when he does not get what he requested, he creates false narratives to satisfy that hard on he got from his requests. Monthly Summaries
You should review the image of what he posted at his blog @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/images/Emmett-Moore-Jr-TheStrategyLab-Monthly-Trade-Performance.png and then compare it to what he actually saw and doesn't want you to see @ TheStrategyLab. There's a sentence in my monthly summary in bright red that stated click on the above "April 2016" to view broker PnL statements, market summaries for each trading day as shown in the image to the left and the below link.
Looking closely at our monthly summaries, there's a direct link to the archive chat logs @ (its in bold fonts) that members and I posted our trades in real time in the free chat room along with a direct link to the daily performance record. He does not discuss this in his review of what you'll be able to see when you do your own fact checking. In
addition, within the daily
performance record, there's another direct link with video
icon to one recorded video of my broker trade execution
platform of a randomly selected trading day in each month of live
screen share meeting that shows trades being executed
in my broker trade execution platform and then being posted in
the free chat room...that link / video is visible only
to qualified / verified members of the live screen
sharing meeting.
Therefore, if you're a qualified / verified member of the live screen sharing meeting...you will see the video icon / link in the daily performance record as shown in the image to the right when I logged into the daily performance record. -----> Simply, verification of my trading performance is already posted for any qualified / verified member to see without needing to ask me to view the info nor ask me to send him / her the verification info especially when some of it is already publically posted randomly all over the website and forum just like you see on this webpage. Yet, do not waste your time to bother me about having access to my verification info until you use our WRB Analysis Free Study Guide, verify you understand WRB Analysis via DOKs so that you'll be able to know which specific trades in my redacted screenshot are using key concepts from WRB Analysis, verify your own trade performance (simulator or real money) via redacted screenshots of trade fills in your broker trade execution platform...posting it all (good or bad) here @ TheStrategyLab...just like many of our members and myself do.
Emmett Moore Jr. ignored archived chat logs of members real-time trades and my own trades (he had access just like you do) that were posted in the free chat room. He ignored members public broker statements (he had access just like you do) that were posted at the archived chat logs storage forum. Today, members and I only post our redacted broker statements in our private threads to minimize the trolling. He ignored that there are recorded video of the live screen share meeting of my trades being executed in broker trade execution platform, trades by other members executed in their broker trade execution platform in a two way sharing and then the same trades posted in the free chat room. In contrast, he posted a screenshot of his own personal spreadsheet he created that represented my monthly trade performance via beginning the discussion in the paragraph...On TheStrategyLab.com website you will find. It's a shocking manipulation because he intentionally did not want to make a screenshot of my monthly performance nor screenshot of my daily trade performance because it would have revealed clickable small images of redacted screenshots similar to the redacted screenshots on this TheStrategyLab review webpage. All of the above while he mentions several times in different ways in the review of TheStrategyLab that I am unwilling to give him the smallest morsel of evidence to verify / transparent about my trade performance. I do not need to give him anything...instead he needs to click on the damn links and stop expecting those he reviews will bow down to him (an SEC felon / con man). Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools does this because he has a personal vendetta and he's obviously a hypocrite that's not able to provide any verification of his own trade performance to show his profits when using the services of those he's partner with and recommending to his readers nor does he post any verification of trade performance to any of the automated trading systems that he designed that he states actually work. Reality, he just wanted me to send the verification info to him because he has the illusion he represents an official review instead of him clicking on the links / redacted screenshots. Go ahead...take a closer look at the images above. There's a link within each monthly performance that would have taken him directly to the public daily performance of each trading day. Also, there are screenshots all over the website, forum and direct links to the broker statements & archive chat logs of real time trades posted by users of WRB Analysis although there's 10x more verification information posted in the private threads. None of this verification info is mentioned in the review by Emmett Moore Jr. to go along with him not telling (hiding) his readers that he requested access to my trading accounts after I refused to send the info directly to him after I begin the notice his strong similarities to a recent troll that had made threats. Seriously, its already posted and link to from the monthly summaries...he only needed to click on the links. Now go compare the above information up to this point to the below screenshot of the actual review written by Emmett Moore Jr. to see the misinformation and lies with your own two eyes...you'll see how a con man that's a SEC felon that defrauded his victims of +600 million dollars, writes as a backyard journalist while behaving like a hacker with his VPNs / rented IP addresses / impersonations / recorded telephone conversations without consent / secret associates along with him putting pings / hidden spyware codes in emails he sends to traders...all of which he openly admits in a bragging manner. This is not someone you share any private information with especially when it involves your trading accounts and financial information.
Why not mention the verification screenshots in his review, why not mention members broker statements, why not mention members real time trade posts that's been archived since 2002, why not mention that users of WRB Analysis post DOKs to verify their understanding of the key concepts, why create lies about a trading manual that has not been sold or used since 2005, why lie about me dodging him when in fact I returned his phone call and accused him of being a troll that's banned which is why he's unable to contact me via email... Why ask for a screenshot of any trading day while he naively believe it will verify my trading, why lie to say I refused to send him screenshots when in fact I told him its already posted at the website & forum, why lie and say he signed up for my referral program, why categorize my website with mentors & live trade rooms (signal calling trade alert rooms) when he knows I do not offer those services, why not discuss (review) the key concepts from the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide that's the foundation of my trade methods and why lie about my race or culture ??? This is not a review...its something that's pathetic, a little entertaining (it did make me laugh) but unable to rise to the level of bad journalism. Reality, he's just trolling with a strange fixation on his former business partner Dr. Dean Handley. I'll now be specific about a few problematic things out of many that he discussed in his review. The comical statement by him in his review is that he was so impressed by my monthly trade performance that he signed up for my referral program (he refer to it in his review as an affiliation program)...slip of the tongue by him about his real purpose and interest in TheStrategyLab. Strangely, Emmett Moore Jr. is not in my referral program, never has been in my referral program and you can not just sign up for it as he stated in the review. In contrast, you have to qualify for access to it and you can only use your trade performance via your application of WRB Analysis to promote TheStrategyLab to other traders. You're only able to do that via screenshots of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform, screenshots of quantitative statistical analysis via a professional trade journal software that you posted in your private thread along with DOKs...learning/application of WRB Analysis. Now back to the monthly summaries he posted in his review of TheStrategyLab trade performance. He stated that if you read my monthly summaries...you would dream of making 100k each and every month. I think he thought his readers would not do more fact checking on their own to verify what he stated about their expectations after reading the monthly summaries while knowing I am well capitalized and the typical reader at his blog are not well capitalized. Also, his readers will see that I make no guarantees nor do I give them any illusions about what their profit potential will be if they use WRB Analysis. Heck, I too can make crazy assumptions with no supporting facts that his readers can not afford to use the services of those he's partner with and that they just read his blog for entertainment purposes only. Seriously, his readers would just go to my monthly summaries to see that I only had 2 months over 100k profits in 2016 (the year he posted his review), 4 months over 100k profits in 2015, no months over 100k in profits in 2014, only 1 month over 100k profits in 2013 and not one month in 2012 - 2010 with profits over 100k. He continues with the lie via saying I claim to have earned several more million dollars prior to 2010. My point, you will not dream of making 100k each and every month because I myself do not make that type of profits each and every month nor is such written in my monthly summaries nor have I ever said that to anyone. People that lie the way he does to entertain his readers for amusement are very manipulating via trying to get you to believe their illusion when there were no facts to support the illusion as real. Emmett Moore Jr. is one of those individuals that only looks at the result (incorrectly because of his own fantasies) and ignores the process (the work) to get to the results which is why people like him try to find short cuts to profits. That's why he ignores those links within the monthly performance that would have taken him to the daily performance that contains screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform, trades posted real-time in the chat room, WRB Analysis discussions, price action discussions by users of WRB Analysis. It's the reason why he did not post those links nor talk about them in his review about the daily performance...he's manipulating his readers to do the same in hopes that they'll not do their own basic math and will just sign up with those he's partner with. Once again, click on the image of his review to see his manipulation statements like We dream of profiting 100k profits each and every month in the section titled The land of fairies and unicorn even though I'm not able to do such each and every month. Another lie that made me laugh...he states to his readers that I have promotional materials. I do not have any promotional materials unless he's referring to the website itself as a promotional material (I'm guilty in using my website as a promotion of WRB Analysis) or maybe he's referring to the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide as a promotional material of WRB Analysis ? Reality, the promotional material would be his own screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform to verify his application of WRB Analysis to whomever he's talking to after they solicit him for information about his trade performance...this is the theme of my referral program. There's other lies such as the statement in which he talks about my so called coaching program...its another example of disinformation and poor journalism skills by Emmett Moore Jr. Coaching Program
That's when I explained to him that most of these traders that request mentoring do not speak English/Lakota/French (the languages that I speak) or they have too much trouble understanding my English. Many of them have only a basic understanding of price action trading via the fact they don't understand basic terminology such as lower low or higher high or most recent high/low breakout, contracting volatility even after there's many chart examples shown to them by other members and myself along with the fact they are afraid to write in their own private thread (the latter suspicious). A solution to the language barrier is to hire mentors that speak the native language of the student to encourage traders to be more open about their trading. Just as important, the mentor must have verified their trading performance and verified the merits of WRB Analysis in current market conditions (not conditions from years earlier) before any exchange of payment. Not an easy qualification for a mentor. I then explained to him that I have a list of traders that have offered to pay between 8k to 12k to be mentored if/when I start a mentoring program. Further, I told them to contact me again in a few years to see if I've started a mentoring program and have hired traders to do the mentoring...hiring only traders that have verified their trading of using WRB Analysis via live screen sharing meeting, posting of the same trades in the free chat room along with screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution program...info explained @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/trader-mentor.htm I will repeat, there currently is no mentoring program to teach someone how to trade profitably, I've never had a mentoring program. I tell free users and free-base clients that there's no mentoring. Yet, the one thing I do know and very outspoken about...you can not successfully teach someone how to trade via online communication...its something that must be performed in person...side by side between the mentor/student via simulator trading and then real money trading for many months to a year in different market conditions. Mentoring must first begin via the mentor's trading account prior to the student's trading account...traversing from simulator trading to real money trading. This will also expose the flaws with the expectations via simulator trading as they prepare for trading with real money. Think about that carefully, wouldn't you want to see verification via simulator trading or real money trading of the trade performance of the automated trading systems, custom indicators that he's trying to get his readers to drink or verification of trade performance by the students that were mentored by his partners ? Here's something else, the car wreck Emmett Moore Jr. created in the fog via using his high beam lights...he states just below the monthly summaries in the section titled Track Record of M.A. Perry that once a person purchases the manual, they might be given the opportunity to sell the coaching program for $12,000 per person. It's simple, he's a manipulative con man that knows how to bend, twist the truth to fit his own personal hidden agenda...a SEC felon that defrauded his victims +600 million dollar and his review confirms to me about why I should never trust such a character that post misinformation & lies...reason why he'll never be allowed access to my services as he continues to deceive his readers under the façade of a review blog. Continuing, he does not mention in his negative review about my criticism of online mentors, criticism of signal calling trade alerts rooms (he refers to them as live trade rooms), criticism of partnerships for dollars and then questioning him about his relationship to recent trolls I've banned after his slip of the tongue when he stated I ignored his emails (I don't get emails from trolls on my banned list). He's on a roll now as he continues to salt over my statements and policies when he states we offer no live trade room when in fact we offer no signal calling trade alert service for him or his secret associates to mimic/copy trades by our members and that he was not able to gain access to our live screen sharing meeting. Heck, he doesn't even mention that we ban traders for trying to use TheStrategyLab as a signal calling trade alert service and that we do not believe in partnerships. As a vendor or trader...you do not need to team up with this charlatan named Emmett Moore Jr. because he's a convicted SEC felon, addict, brags at his blog about recording telephone calls (illegal...violation of wiretapping laws), uses VPNs & rented IP addresses to hide his online activities, does impersonations, manipulative in his reviews and many other things. Shame on those that accepts such a partnership as part of their business model. Yet, I do have sympathy for the few that accepts such a partnership with this type of individual out of fear...the same sympathy I have for his victims after he defrauded them of +600 million dollars...destroying the lives of many and stealing their hopes & dreams. That's a partnership or affiliation you do not want on your resume...nothing good comes out of a financial relationship with those that have criminal backgrounds and online hacker habits like that. Further, never share any personal, financial or trading related information with these types of individuals.
I then asked him more questions about Dr. Dean Handley...Emmett Moore Jr. became more uncomfortable. He didn't want to respond to my questions or quickly try to change the topic as if he was exercising his right to privacy. He then counter my questioning via requesting access to my trading accounts but only after I had been correcting him about misinformation & lies he had been telling me earlier in the conversation while he maintained a calm voice but creepy and very monotone like a smooth sales person on the telephone. I'm not joking...he really asked me to give him access to my trading accounts. I refuse to give him access to my trading accounts and told him that he can easily click on the many links or images at the website, forum or posted in the archive chat logs about verification of TheStrategyLab trade performance along with seeing such with some of the users of our trade methods via similar like verification information. We show the trade performance of some users that have poor trading performance while most have good trade performances. Regardless, I then realize that the conversation wasn't getting anywhere but not a waste of my time because it put a light on these individuals. Emmett Moore Jr. has an online behavior like a hacker (he admits to putting pings & codes in emails he sends to people) while bragging about his associates in other countries (e.g. Reyna from the Philippines) doing secret recordings and trying to replicate your trades on a simulator in Trade Navigator...countries that have the largest labor for hire to hack, steal, identity theft and other criminal activities in the financial industry...these facts he did not mention to me while trying hard to dodge my discussions about Dr. Dean Handley. They are important facts along with the fact that Emmett Moore Jr. used similar like sentences in our telephone conversation with me and then again in his negative review of TheStrategyLab as that specific troll I banned in the recent past prior to the telephone conversation under the façade of a review...a troll that talked about his associates from other countries, a troll that used Trade Navigator, a troll that recommended a few times that I should use TeamViewer instead of IRC and many other similarities that's discussed further below between the troll and Emmett Moore Jr. Emmett Moore Jr. wraps up his review of TheStrategyLab via writing that some may mistaken me for an exotic dancer and stuff money down my G-string underwear. Symbolic about how he views women and it reminds me via of another phrase used by the below troll that used to harass the few female members of TheStrategyLab. Regardless, he can try...I'm not interested which is something I'm sure a few big boys made him do along with other things he did with them when he was in prison when one plays the role of a man and the other plays the role of the woman...impersonations. The Troll I believe this troll was a quiet member of my earlier chat rooms on IRC Othernet server although I'm not sure which specific chat room (e.g. QCharts software, FutureSource software, EminiFutures, FuturesTrades) because he made comments that he first met me in my chat room. Also, he didn't like the fact that I had a live screen sharing meeting room that he was not allowed to access without him posting the verification info to gain access...often recommending I should be using TeamViewer. He refused to post the info after many requests and then he would remind me about him being a quant with successful automated trading systems & custom indicators that's superior to my manual price action trade methods. Later, he then began attacking members of the chat room and anyone he discover or heard was able to qualify for the live screen sharing meeting. His negativity and clever put downs got old very fast plus members started complaining about him. It resulted in the first ban on this troll. I would later become more aggressive with my bans on this troll (he'll find a way to return) via removing his ability to contact me online prior to Emmett Moore Jr. calling me via telephone...he too had an interest in my referral program, partnerships, talked negative about IRC, talked negative about me but only after I discussed my dislike of partnerships, his strong dislike of Dr. Dean Handley, his strong interest in automated trading systems & custom indicators. Further coincidence, the troll and Emmett Moore Jr...they both resided in California and offered strategy development services under the façade to automate your trade strategy so that they can gain access to your hard work via the illusion to bring you more clients due to the automation.
His personality went to the darkside when I banned him again when he started making threats to cause me physical harm, threats to ruin TheStrategyLab and threats on my family...validating why I will never share any personal or financial information with this troll beyond what's already posted at the website/forum. Trolling is one thing but the stalking like behavior and threats is something more sinister. This is someone that's very disturb...possible mental illness...eventually I told him I thought he was a wacko along with telling him that it seems like he's trying to control my business model (e.g. suggesting I increase my fees, suggesting I start a mentoring business, suggesting I automate my trade strategies for the purpose to bring in more clients). This troll became more angry and outraged...he had a Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde like reaction. He would go from a calm, intelligent writer to a drunken street thug making threats, could not write a proper sentence and talking about his affiliations with people in the criminal world in an effort to scare me until I reminded him about my military background. My last words to him was that I thought he was mentally ill and should see a professional. Yet, his impersonations of other members to try to regain access to the free chat room was just spine-chilling that someone would put so much time & effort into such an effort to access something he did not like. The same free chat room that he would make negative comments about members posting broker statements and posting screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform along with him attacking members real time posted trades. He is a classic hypocrite because he was never able to post verification of his own trading via ignoring my private messages in which I requested him to post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform or leave the free chat room especially when he was bragging that he was a great quant that made thousands in the market before the opening bell. That troll was not able to see how ironic it was that he contacted me to become a partner with me while he bashed & attacked others for being a vendor along with trying to gather personal/private information about other vendors that has nothing to do with the vendor's business nor trading (e.g. he talked negative about their ethnicity, country, language, spouse appearance, children appearance, the home they resided in, the car they drove etc). He once sent me an unsolicited edited image of some vendor's wife...laughing that he put a dog's face on her body and then attacked the vendor for sleeping with such an ugly human being...he did all of this during the trading day !!! I was constantly banning this troll that would sneak back into my free chat room via different IP addresses, different user names...often impersonating another member, harassing members that he suspected were females and his constant arguing with a member that posted broker statements or screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform while the troll never posted any verification of his own trade performance after bragging about his trade performance. It was like a game of whack a mole with this unprofessional character. He immediately disappeared (never contacted me again) after Emmett Moore Jr. posted his negative review of TheStrategyLab...that's another strange coincidence. By the way, that statement whack a mole was a statement commonly used by the troll in his private conversations with me about other vendors prior to the first time I banned him...its one of many similar like phrases/statements used by Emmett Moore Jr. in several reviews at his blog. ---------------------- Now back to the review blogger Emmett Moore Jr....during the telephone conversation...he did not ask any questions about my personal background, no questions about my trading background, no questions about my trade methodology but he had a hacker like attitude with a creepy voice when he requested access to my trading accounts. The lack of questions by him about my trade methodology involving WRB Analysis made me more suspicious about this person doing a review. Seriously, who reviews a trader and does not ask any questions about the trade methodology ? Yet, after he mentioned one more time to show him a screenshot for any trading day to verified my trading even though he's foolish to believe that "one trading day" will verify someone's trading...I said to him again that there are many screenshots of real money trade fills in broker trade execution platform for many different trading days posted all over my website/forum along with the archive chat logs of the same trades posted real time in the free chat room to verify my trading...something he should have already seen. Reality of the telephone conversation...it went sour with this review blogger after I mentioned the name of Dr. Dean Handley and when I asked him if we've talked before because I was suspicious of his connection to that past problematic troll. Later he would say in his review of TheStrategyLab that its complete nonsense and unable and unwilling to provide the smallest morsel of evidence when in reality he's unwilling to click on the links and/or view the images already provided for anyone to review. The review blogger Emmett Moore Jr. was not interested in the fact that fee-base clients and free users of TheStrategyLab trade methods do post DOKs that verifies they understand the education content or maybe he was confused about why I have a verification of learning/application of WRB Analysis or he saw no value in it. Regardless, I post/store archive chat logs of members real time trade posts in the free chat room, screenshots of members broker statements, screenshots of members timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform, members quantitative statistical analysis via a 3rd party professional trade journal software and members backtest results to verify the merits of WRB Analysis. In addition, some clients post their verification at other forums outside of TheStrategyLab such as the user name HiddenGap (merged Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters with his trade signal...simulator trading) at ForexFactory.com @ https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=409801 The point I'm making about TheStrategyLab verification is that its posted all over the website, forum, old forums and free chat room without one designated location because of all the changes to the site over the years...this website has been around since 2002. Initially, TheStrategyLab was a forum before I added the website and free chat room to the forum. Yet, I have created a recent message post at the forum that contains links to many locations to make it easier for any trader to research/review the trade performance of TheStrategyLab and its users of WRB Analysis (except the private threads) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=383 Today, I put more emphasis to fee-base clients that they must verify their learning/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide (foundation of WRB Analysis) prior to purchase of our fee-base education content and/or again prior to being given access to our most advance strategies after they gain access to the private forum that stores the fee-base education content. Now go ask the review blogger if those he's partner with and/or recommending to use their services have done the same about the trade performance of their clients that are using their services ? Shouldn't the readers of the review blog be just as interested in verified trading performance by the clients of the vendor that was reviewed ? First of all, the review blogger should be showing verification of his trades via screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform while using the services of those he recommends/partner...signal calling trade alert rooms, mentors, automated trading systems and custom indicators to prevent looking like an obvious hypocrite. More importantly, the review blogger knows what we know about signal calling trade alert services...you can not highly replicate daytrading signal calls (trade alerts) and we proven such via our own screenshots of real money trade fills in our broker trade execution platform in which we then posted the same trades (as fast as possible via an auto script) after confirmation in the broker trade execution platform even though our free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room nor has it ever been advertised as a trade alert room for others to mimic/copy/piggyback our members real time trade posts. Seriously, look at the below screenshot (image) of real money screenshot of timestamp trade fills in our broker trade execution platform on the left in the below image versus the same trades posted real time in our free chat room on the right in the below image...look closely at the difference in the timestamps in the below image and then imagine what your trade fills will be like if you were to try to mimic/copy the trades after you see it posted in our free chat room. That time difference in timestamps will occur in the signal calling trade alert rooms that the review blogger is partner with/recommending to his readers...this is why the review blogger does not use those services with his real money nor will his secret affiliates do the same while ironically expecting his readers to use those services with their real money. Reminder...I use an auto IRC script to post my trades as fast as possible in the free chat room after confirmation in my broker trade execution platform...there's an obvious time difference of the trades in the broker trade execution platform versus the posted trades in the free chat room...as shown in the below image.