Your IP address, ISP
host of your email address are recorded whenever you enter and leave website, ##TheStrategyLab
chat room, other chat rooms, discussion
forums or any of our other
individual that post via the following will be consider a
SPAMMER and we aggressively go after the
associated with the spammer (more effective than going after
the spammer):
Post a
link to fee-based website in the open
forum or chat even if it's in response to another trader's
question (use the private message feature to respond to
prevent problems of us associating you
as a spammer or shill).
a link to a website that's being spammed at other
discussion forums where we are members.
Post a
link to a website that's on our email SPAM filter list.
if you want to share free info from a website that has
fee-based info...copy the info and then paste it while
editing out promotion info. Yet,
we do not consider it SPAM if its the mentioning of a title
of a book that's sold at websites like Amazon or
Also, do not post your affiliation links in
which you or someone else is financially compensated.
Example of a message that's not spam
- I recommend you read Roosevelt's book called
Exceptional Trading the Mind Game to better under the
psychological aspects of trading and
you can find these books at
do not post questions about a fee-based website that offers
a free-trial when you can find all your answers via
registering for that website free-trial to determine for
yourself if its suitable for your needs.
Example of spam - Has anyone heard about
XYZ or tried their free-trial?
as soon as we see your SPAM, we will delete the SPAM without
warning nor explanation and you can only discuss the
deletion with us either via private message or email.
Further, a second attempt to post the same SPAM will result
in you losing your membership to all of
our resources, IP address ban and a copy of the
spam sent directly to those that have the ability to
identify, document, monitor and prevent further spamming.
However, we usually don't allow a
second attempt.
Violators of our anti-spam
policy...we reserve the right to pursue civil remedies for
any costs associated with the investigation of a
substantiated policy violation that may have given our
website negative publicity or complaints from our members.
will notify law enforcement officials if the violation is
believed to be of criminal activity.
if you spam our resources, we will come after you along with
putting the info on our SPAM black list for upload to all
major search engines.
you have are affiliated with a service that wants to become
paid sponsors of our us and we'll discuss
with you our fee rates et cetera.
With that
said, concerning our own fee-based services, we firmly
believes that the most effective advertising is via
solicited online message responses and referral
Currently, as of
August 2017, we do not promote/advertise/mention the services of other
websites that abuse their
affiliations, partnerships, sponsorships with other
trading resources.
clients nor referral affiliates may not post
unsolicited email (spam) nor post
unsolicited message board posts (spam) to promote
our website or it's resources outside of Any poster or member that
violates this policy will have their
referral account banned/closed along with having their
membership to our forums & chat rooms and services
copies of such spam are documented and
automatically forwarded as verification of such to
the email address host, website host and to the proper
anti-spam organizations.
if you have been sent unsolicited online messages about our
website services or resources...please contact
us immediately. Be sure to send to us
their IP address info from the online message source (if
available), member ID and a copy of the unsolicited email
this, we have
freely helped hundreds of traders with their trading
without advertising our services to those traders we were
freely helping.
Unfortunately there are some
real jerks
and trolls
out there that complain later (publicly at other
forums) that we promoted our fee-base service to them when
in reality they had contacted us first after their own
personal search engine research to then specifically
requested info about our fee-based services at discussion forums where we are members
when they discover we are members at a forum outside of
our own forum.
Our response is that if you want answers to
your questions about our services...please
us via our website
These traders seem confused about the
word solicitation.
It's simple, if you don't want to know
anything about our fee-based services or free
services...don't request info about such along with
pretending you have a sincere interest in our services via
your follow-up replies in which you specifically request
more details about our services.
With that out of the way, don't be
scared away by our tough stance with those pretending
to be interested in our services for their own personal
hidden agendas because we are very proud
to say that all of our services are 100% opt-in and if you
suspect online message abuse or fraud...please contact any
of the following organizations:
Crime Complaint Center