It's a known fact (has
been proven) that when we listen to music while working, we
accomplish more work and release more stress along with having a more
positive outlook on our jobs and life.
Music is an
aid for positive change in our moods,
emotional and psychological states...healing power of mind, body and
spirit that's faster in comparison of such without music.
This is very critical
especially if you want to reduce fear, anxiety, distress and
depression while trading.
Also, music has physical
benefits such as helping to lower our blood pressure while trading
which is important for traders that are over 30 years of age.
I strongly recommend integrating music into
your trading (slowly at first) if you currently are not listening to
As for myself, I listen to music for
about 30 minutes prior to the open, during slow price action (mainly
mid-afternoon) trading periods and for about one hour after my
trading day is complete to help bring the emotional aspects of
trading back to equilibrium. In addition, it helps me accomplish
more work and and get it done faster on those days I need to
study/research/analysis after the market closes.
that on the below link to see my current music
favorites (music and video) stored on YouTube.
Further, due to the fact that I
trade at home from my home office, I use iPods
to keep from disturbing the spouse and kids with headphones for one
ear only to allow me to hear what's going on with my office
surroundings via the other ear.