Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
Forum Trader Profile (wrbtrader): wrbtrader (more info about me): Reviews: +1 708 572-4885
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri) (24/7) (24/7)
Skype: kebec2002
Price Action Trading
(click on image to view wrbtrader's daily broker PnL statement of price action trading) Archive chat log for image to the left
@ Image to the left in this message post represents what many users in the private chat rooms were able to see via
screen sharing...I took a quick screenshot while in
screen sharing for marketing purposes, for my own private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not shown for security reasons) and for
verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for those that were
not in the chat room or
not allowed in the
screen sharing for whatever reason with others that were allowed.
I have many images like this of different trading days distributed on different webpages here at my forum and at my website just in case someone says they didn't see any verification. Your use of our free or fee-base price action analysis or price action strategies implies you've read & agreed to our
disclaimer statement @ --------------------------
Simple definition: Price action trading is a trader that does
not use technical indicators or technical studies for trade decisions based upon price action analysis.
The above is a
simple definition of price action only trading. Unfortunately, there's a growing number of traders the past few years that use one technical indicator with a commonly known price action method and then believe in error that it's price action trading under the facade they're using the indicator only as a "visual aid or to help put the price action within a framework". In fact, it doesn't matter what type of technical indicator it is (e.g. cci, stoc, macd, moving average et cetera)...if it's on your chart to help you make trade can not call yourself a price action trader until you've completely remove all technical indicators or technical studies from your trading. In addition, arguably, some pure price action traders consider the use of volume as an indicator while others do not. Regardless, I'm not going to play the technical indicator or volume bashing game because they are distractions that serious price action only traders should not be involved with.
Therefore, just be careful of those traders, authors, vendors that say they are price action traders while they show a technical indicator on their charts (e.g. cci, stoc, macd, moving average et cetera) because learning such a method will continue making you dependent upon technical indicators via the belief you can improve the price action method by making changes to the indicator whenever you fail to reach your performance goals.
There are primarily three
basic groups of traders that are
price action trading.

Traders that use charts...sometimes this is refer to as chart reading of price patterns or key price areas
without indicators 
Traders that use time & sales/bid & ask screens...sometimes this is refer to as tape reading involving order flow
without charts 
Traders that use both of the above as in charts and time & sales/bid & ask screens
without indicators Further, for each of the above types of traders...there are
hundreds of different types of price action trade methods. In addition, if you're using charts as a price action're using technical analysis even though you're not using technical indicators. In contrast, price action traders that are tape readers do not consider themselves to be using technical analysis.
With that said, the methods of are
price action trading (no indicators nor studies) involving chart analysis. Also, there's no volume analysis within our price action trade methods because our price action clients can easily see the
volume in the price action itself after learning
WRB Analysis because it identifies and exploits the following to produce key price areas to look for price continuation/reversal signals:

Key changes in supply/demand (supply demand analysis)

Key changes in volatility (volatility analysis)
WRB Analysis is the foundation of our price action trade signal methods and it provides a critical part of the
market context prior to the appearance of our trade signals. In fact, after identifying the about key price areas...we call these areas
WRB Zones that convert into support/resistance zones when the price action enters the zone. However, we're not going to use this webpage to teach WRB Analysis. Thus, if you're curious to learn more about WRB Analysis via studying tutorial chapters 1, 2 and can download the
free study guide at the below link.
WRB Analysis Tutorials (click on image to view TheStrategyLab's daily broker PnL statement of price action trading) Archive chat log for image to the left
@ This is a discretionary market analysis via rule-based price action patterns involving 3 basic tutorial chapters and 9 advance tutorial chapters that provides the understanding of the price action prior to the appearance of any trade strategy (entry signals) you may be using. More importantly, the WRB Analysis gives the context (understanding of the price action) that allows it to be merged with any other trade signal method regardless if you're using bar charts, candlestick charts, tick charts or volume base charts. In fact, most of our clients use WRB Analysis to improve the performance of other well known methods their using after realizing they were still missing a piece of the puzzle.

All stocks, futures, exchange traded funds and forex currencies
Trade Strategies The FVB, DCM, AJCTR, APAOR, STR or VTR strategies are an objective (rule based) price action trading strategies that identifies imbalances as entry signals, stop/loss management, profit targets and exit signals. The below trading instruments are most commonly traded by clients using our trade signal strategies.

CME Emini Futures EMD, ES and NQ

CME Emini RTY Futures (formerly ICE TF)

CBOT mini-sized Dow Futures YM

Eurex Index Derivatives (futures) DAX and DJ Euro Stoxx50

Eurex Fixed Income Derivatives (futures) BUND, BOBL and Schatz

Euronext Futures FTSE-100 and CAC-40

CME Futures EuroFX 6E and EC

Treasury Futures T-Notes ZT, ZN, ZF and T-Bonds ZB

Forex Currencies GbpUsd, EurUsd, EurYen and UsdCad

Exchange Traded Funds BGU, FAS, FAZ, TNA, DIA, IWM, QQQ, SPY, OIH, XLE, GLD and VXX

NYMEX Energy Futures Light Crude Oil CL, Brent Crude BRN, e-miNY QM and Natural Gas NG

COMEX Metal Futures Gold GC, mini-Gold YG, Copper HG and Silver SI


Hang Seng Index Futures HSI and mini-Hang Seng MHI
We understand that most traders want to become profitable traders on their own or via free information while learning
price action trading. However, eventually you're going to need to sit down an determine the cost of your losses and then
compare them to the cost of our fee-base education information. Just as important, our
price action trading services will save you time & energy (months or years) of trying to piece together a method on your own via the trial -n- error route. Therefore, our WRB Analysis Tutorials will jump start your trade signal strategies and prepare you for our
price action trade signal strategies if you decide to purchase the FVB advance, AJCTR, APAOR, STR or VTR trade signal strategies at a later date.
To get started, each advance tutorial chapter is
$26.33 although there's a
current discount for tutorial chapter 4 for those that want to pay per chapter. Advance tutorial chapter
4 cost (with discount)
$15.33 dollars. In contrast, advance tutorial chapters 4 - 12 cost
$273 dollars.
Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapter 4 - Your payment of
$15.33 will give you access
only to advance tutorial chapters 4. The advance tutorial chapter 4 will strengthen your understanding of price actions involving WRB Hidden GAPs that identify when key market participants are buying or selling their positions resulting as
volatility breakouts...producing swing points and strong continuation price actions. Further, the
advance tutorial chapter 4
does not involve key market events to give market context. In contrast, it involves
advance price action analysis to give market context.

Access to the private WRB forum

Basic Tutorial Chapters 1 – 3

FVB Basic Trade Signal Strategy

Advance Tutorial Chapter 4

Advance WRB Analysis Trade Management File

Your own private thread for you to get support in merging WRB Analysis into your current trade methodology
If you cannot see the above payment image for purchasing the Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapter here.
Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12 - Your payment of
$237 will give you access to different types of WRB Zones that are suitable for different types of price actions that will allow you to adapt more easily when market conditions changes. In addition, you'll have more choices of WRB Zones to determine which is compatible with your trade method or trading style in comparison to other types of WRB Zones you'll learn.

Access to the private WRB forum

Basic Tutorial Chapters 1 – 3

FVB Advance Trade Signal Strategy in combo with FVB Basic Trade Signal Strategy

Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - 12.

DCM Analysis and Trade Signal Strategy

Bonus Trade Signal Strategies associated with tutorial chapters 11 & 12 (via request only after posting DOKs and broker statement with trade explanation)

Advance WRB Analysis Trade Management File

Your own private thread for you to get support in merging WRB Analysis into your current trade methodology
The new
DCM Analysis/Trade Signal Strategy helps trading in price actions like the
current low volatility market conditions and helps prevent trading against the trend (up or down). In addition, the DCM is currently being used by me actively in the free
##TheStrategyLab chat room and about 50% of my trades are via the DCM Analysis/Trade Signal Strategy or variations that are new methods. Simply, you can watch in
real-time how I use WRB Analysis merged with a trade signal strategy to help you determine the merits of purchasing the advance tutorial chapters 4 - 12. Chat room log-in instructions
@ viewforum.php?f=164 (objective details of the strategy only discussed with fee-base clients that have purchased the advance tutorial chapters 4 - 12 package).
Note: I only share new trade methods with members that have posted DOKs, brokerage statements and quantitative statistical analysis via any of the recommended professional trade journal software. I do this is part of my vetting process to ensure those learning any new designed strategy or adapted old strategies when market conditions change...they are properly prepared and have verified to me they are learning the trade methods.
Yet, this is
not mentoring because successful mentoring can only be done in person. Instead, I'm only sharing my trade methods but I'm
not teaching how to trade. The latter is very personal involving all factors like at home trade environment, trade experiences, trade skills & adapting in stressful trading conditions and many other variables.
If you cannot see the above payment image for purchasing the WRB Analysis Advance Tutorial Chapters 4 - here.
Also, there's an excellent way of supplementing your trading income and/or to make residual income with very little effort as you continue improving your trading. Simply, join our
referral program @
Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of
WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Price Action Only Trading (no indicators)

@ and Phone: +1.708.572.4885
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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