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 Post subject: ##TheStrategyLab Chat Room Review
 Post Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:28 pm 
Trader / Forum Admin

Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:02 am
Posts: 3326
Location: Canada

TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
Free Chat Room: http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=164
M.A. Perry a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): http://www.thestrategylab.com/wrbtrader.htm & http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6
CME Group Trade Against A Pro Futures Challenge: http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=360&t=4038
TheStrategyLab Reviews: http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3167 & http://www.thestrategylab.com/thestrategylab-reviews.htm & http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3676
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Telephone: +1 224 307-4434
wrbanalysis@gmail.com (24/7)
Stocktwits @ http://stocktwits.com/wrbtrader (24/7)
Twitter @ http://twitter.com/wrbtrader (24/7)
Twitter Search Hashtags: #wrbtrader, #thestrategylab, #PriceAction, #ES_F, #YM_F, #NQ_F, #volatility, #emini, #futures, #fomc, #VIX, #wrbanalysis, #SPY, #SP500, #MicroEmini, #trading, #markets, #daytrading, #swingtrading, #twitch
TradingView @ https://www.tradingview.com/u/wrbtrader (24/7)
Twitch @ http://thestrategylab.com/images/twitch-wrbtrader-price-action-trader.png


Archive chat log for image to the left @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/033007FuturesTrades.htm

The redacted screenshot (above/left) in this message post represents what many users in the private chat rooms were able to see via screen sharing of trade fills occurring in my broker trade execution platform. I took a quick screenshot while still in screen sharing for marketing purposes, for my own private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not shown for security reasons), and for verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for those that were not in the chat room or not allowed in the screen sharing for whatever reason.

I document my trading with images like this every trading day (several different times per day) in combo with my daily brokerage statements so that I know what my monitors looked like on a specific trading day because I use different templates in my chart configurations and my broker profit/loss statement screens that correlate to different types of market conditions.

TheStrategyLab chat room is free and has never been available for a fee. Thus, the only way to access TheStrategyLab chat room is via joining the free TSL Support Forum and then posting the required info to qualify for access.

Image Registration instructions for the free chat room @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=164&t=1862

Unfortunately, there are trolls out there trying to sell access to our free chat room for a fee via the theme of price action trading (no indicators) even though they have no connections to TheStrategyLab. These trolls is associated with someone out of California, Texas, Florida, and/or the Philippines...most likely minions of one troll but all working together online to try to bypass our qualification instructions for access to the free chat room.

In addition, there is another group of trolls that pretend they're using WRB Analysis when in reality they're using Wide Range Bar Analysis. More info @ WRB Analysis versus Wide Range Bar Analysis

Image Once again, our free chat room is free...there's no fee and will never require a fee. If you want access to our free chat room...just follow the registration / qualification instructions at the above link.
##TheStrategyLab free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room and if you log in to try to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate the trades of other members or myself...its a violation of our terms of use policy and you'll be banned.

The free chat room is here for you to use as a trade journal of your own trades so that you can add critical info about your trading day later to your private thread that stores your broker statements, screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform and quantitative statistical analysis because a trade journal adds the missing pieces of the puzzle that your broker statements can not put together about your trading.

I'm very outspoken against traders that mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades of other members or myself as first discussed @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/102406FuturesTrades.htm and after that. The no mimic / no copy policy is stated in all welcoming emails for new members of the free chat room and then again via private message to specific members I become suspicious of violating this no mimic / no copy of trades rule in our terms of use policy.

It's very simple, vendors that offer a signal calling trade alert services that allow others to mimic / copy / replicate their trades...its a flawed business model because of the problems with cognitive decision-making process of traders. Worst, lazy traders will then search the internet for free resources as a substitute to replace paying for signal calling trade alert rooms...one of the reasons why Stocktwits is so popular.

March 13th Wednesday 2019 @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/download/file.php?id=5896

The redacted screenshots are then stored in my private (not public) trade journal and some are then posted at the website (forum) just in case someone says they didn't see any verification or not invited to the screen sharing. In addition, the daily image of my chart configurations, quantitative statistical analysis, key KME WRB Zones that I'm following are only stored in my private trade journal in combo with my thoughts about the price action in the free chat room provide me with many pieces to the puzzle for profitable trading.
Every WRB Hidden GAP interval you see, only a few will qualify as a WRB Zone. Every WRB Zone that you see...only a few will qualify as a Key KME WRB Zone. Education content for Key KME WRB Zones is only shared with active fee-base clients that have posted verification of their understanding/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and the Advance Tutorial Chapter 4 education content.

Also, screenshots (images) of my broker PnL statement were public for anyone to review until July 11th, 2018. Yet, I randomly post each month in different areas of the website a few screenshots (images) of my center widescreen monitor that shows trade fills in broker trade execution platform side by side with the image of the same timestamp posted trades in the free chat room to verify that the trades posted in the free chat room were in fact taken in my broker platform for those, not a member of the free chat room, not a member of screen sharing while curious about the merits of WRB Analysis.

Further, if you're a user of WRB Analysis...you know it's a price action analysis of volatility and that it's not a trade signal...it's an analysis. Thus, as you will review the chat logs here at the archive chat log storage forum, you will often see me talk about the volatility to help keep my focus and guide me throughout the trading day. - wrbtrader review

Image Verification of Trade Performance @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=383

Image wrbtrader Performance Record (broker PnL statements) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=147

Note: My quantitative statistical analysis and charts setup on my monitors are only stored in my private thread as of May 2007. All screenshots were taken during screen sharing with other forum members. To view some of these screenshots...you need to qualify as a verified user of WRB Analysis via DOKs and Screenshots of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform...info posted in your thread all while posting your real-time trades in the private chat room that correlate to the trade fills in your screenshots.

You'll then see how difficult it is to do such consistently as I've been doing it since 2002. Actually, I was lazy in documenting my trading for many years until 2010 when I decided a lot of traders were benefiting from these screenshots, free chat room, screen sharing, and then later bashing my trading because I refused to share more about my trading or refused to mentor anyone.

Image Today, most of the trolling of TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) is because I refuse to share details about how I'm using WRB Analysis to those that are not professional, immature, racists against ethnic minorities and refuse to entertain their ignorance about the importance of Key Market Events (KME) in WRB Analysis.

Simply, I only share details of my trading and trading tips via WRB Analysis with active members of TheStrategyLab free support forum that have verified their learning/application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide...the foundation of WRB Analysis.

Remember, my trading is part science, part art and part psychology. Sharing my trade strategies involves the part science. In contrast, the part psychology and part aspect of trading is your responsibility because I offer no education resources involving the part psychology / part art. It's also the reason why I've never offered a mentoring program because mentoring involves all of that (science / psychology / art).

Simply, you can not duplicate my trading because you only have access to some of my trade strategies and you do not have access to how I integrate psychology / art of trading into my trade strategies because I'm a discretionary trader that uses a rule-base trade methods...the application of the same trade strategies changes as volatility changes from day to day.

The tools are here @ TheStrategyLab. Verify your trading here @ TheStrategyLab and you'll have more access to how I trade for a living although there's no guarantee you can use the info to improve your own trading.

Image Members Trade Journals using WRB Analysis (broker PnL statements, quantitative statistical analysis & DOKs) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=117

Image WRB Analysis Members Old Performance Record (broker statements only) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewforum.php?f=10

Image Forum Users not using WRB Analysis Performance Record (broker PnL statements, quantitative statistical analysis) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=349

Note: TheStrategyLab members (users of WRB Analysis) trade journals are now in the private threads section as of July 2011 for security & privacy reasons whereas prior it was located in the old public thread section here at the FTCHAT Support Forum (registration not required to view users broker statements).

Simply, members verified the merits of WRB Analysis via their real-time trades in the free chat room, images of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform and quantitative statistical analysis. Further, if you're a user of WRB Analysis or you're just someone that wants to test key concepts of WRB Analysis with your trade signal strategy...contact us and we'll set up a private thread for you to post your statistical analysis results with supporting images of trade fills in broker trade execution platform (simulator or real money). - Review of TheStrategyLab


##TheStrategyLab is primarily designed to be only a real-time trade journal for documentation purposes of your real-time trades and/or real-time WRB Analysis so that users of the chat room can have a real timestamp archive of their trades and market commentaries of each trading day. These chat logs will give users a better understanding of their screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform or broker statements from one trade to the next trade when they review their performance numbers on any given trading day while comparing the timestamps of these chat logs with any market commentary they may have made about any specific trade.

Although this is a real-time chat room that has members posting real-time trades and/or real-time WRB Analysis...this is not a signal calling trading alerts room (live trading room) with a guru telling you what to trade, when to buy and when to sell for you to mimic/copy/piggyback trades. In fact, we commonly ban traders that try to use our free chat room as a live trading room to mimic/copy/piggyback trades by other members. Therefore, it's highly recommended that you read our terms of use policy prior to joining our free chat room to prevent any misunderstandings.

Terms of Use Policy @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/House-Rules.htm

Be aware that if you join our chat room and you do not post real-time trades, you do not post real-time WRB Analysis or you log in and just be silent (lurk)...you will be warned, removed, or banned depending upon other variables involving your activity at the forum and your IP address trail as it navigated our website.

Members of our chat room are not going to teach you how to trade. Thus, there's no mentoring in our free chat room...its a free chat room with traders using the chat room to document their trades and thoughts in real-time about the markets & WRB Analysis. Yet, there's education provided but only at the forum about WRB Analysis and members' post their DOKs, brokerage statements and quantitative statistical analysis of their trading in their private threads at the forum.

To learn how to trade is your responsibility because it involves many variables that are only self-learned and that can not be taught online. In fact, we strongly believe that successful trading can not be taught online...it must be done in person (side by side) in live trading from the mentor's trading account and then followed by in the student's trading account.

Continuing, if you're serious about your trading and just looking for a free chat room to talk about the markets, document your real-time trades, without spammers, without B.S., without someone peddling their trading products, without trolls, and without individuals hiding their real locations via VPNs & rented IP addresses...then get help with your trading in the associated forum private threads...keep reading and then join.

Yet, if you're just trolling the internet or looking for affiliations, partnerships, or a place to vent...stop here and don't read further...we don't want you at our forum, free chat room nor website.


Users of the free chat room must post their real-time trades and real-time market analysis to aid in proper documentation of their trading whenever they need to review their trading routine of the past market condition to be able to adapt for future market conditions. In fact, on any given trading day in the past...my own documentation shows me what charts I was looking at while I was trading, what KME's I was monitoring for that trading day, what personal distractions I had during the trading day, what price actions I was zooming in on along with other critical areas of trading...I can see what was occurring in my trading day on any given trading day. These are things my broker statements alone will not reveal. That's why I keep a daily trade journal to maintain all the information that my broker statements do not maintain.

Regardless, the most important purpose for the image is to show traders they can document their trades or analysis via their charts and trade fills in their broker trade execution platform for their own personal trade journals in combo with market summaries. Just as important, its documentation of the configuration of their charts with broker trade execution platform...valuable information than just looking at numbers in broker statements alone.

Yet, if you want ##TheStrategyLab chat room to be educational or more active in discussing whatever it is that you're trading, we highly recommend that you ask trading related questions about your own trading instead of lurking (not saying anything) because your primary purpose is to improve your trading if you're a struggling trader. Therefore, don't join ##TheStrategyLab and then be silent. To be silent while using ##TheStrategyLab chat room, you'll be wasting a collaboration opportunity for improving your trading, and doing such will make ##TheStrategyLab chat room useless to you.

With that said, you're not require to use the free chat room as a trade journal to get help with your trading because we understand most traders are uncomfortable with using chat rooms. Instead, as recommended by some users of WRB Analysis to use the free chat room in combo with a 3rd party professional trade journal services such as tradebench.com, edgewonk.com, tradervue.com, tradingdiarypro.com, stocktickr.com, journalsqrd.com, tradingdiary.pro, mxprofit.com or trademetria.com because these professional trade journal software will do the quantitative statistical analysis for you involving your trade performance so that you can determine on your own the strengths & weakness about your trading.

Yet, if you don't want to use the chat room and prefer to post images (screenshots) of timestamp trade fills in your broker trade execution platform, post your quantitative statistical analysis via any of the recommended 3rd part professional trade journal software in your private thread...that's ok too. Therefore, you have many choices. You can use our chat room (you maintain your own statistics) as a trade journal or you can use professional trade journal services to do the work for you and then post your results in your private thread...the latter is a better option because chat rooms can be a distraction with members trading different trading instruments in comparison to another member.

The most common trading instruments you'll see discussed in ##TheStrategyLab real-time chat room are Gold GC futures, Crude Oil CL futures, Emini ES futures, Emini RTY (TF) futures, Emini NQ futures, Emini YM futures, Eurex DAX futures, Forex EurUsd, QQQ, SPY, IWM, DIA, and VIX. In addition, we welcome traders of other trading instruments that are listed @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/TradingInstruments.htm

##TheStrategyLab is not a signal calling trade room and we do not offer a signal calling trade alert service. Simply, do not waste your time in pretending you can review or analyze the chat room as if it's a signal calling trade alert room. In addition, the free chat room is not a mentor (coaching) service. Therefore, do not join the chat room with the hope that someone will be able to mentor you in the chat room because chat rooms are not suitable for mentoring (teach someone how to trade).

By the way, its impossible for you to follow (mimic/copy/piggyback) my trades or the trades posted by users of the free chat room for the following reasons...

1) These are real trades or simulator trades (depending upon the trader posting the trades) and not signal calls (trade alerts). Thus, the trades you see posted in the chat room by different users are only posted after (within 3.2 - 7.2 seconds) the confirmation received in the broker trade execution platform depending upon the member posting trades. Now you know why we prefer to see screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform instead of broker statements because most brokers do not send out the statements until late at night.

Regardless, the typical signal call trade alert room has one guru trader posting trades (often hypothetical) along with instructing members what to trade, when to buy/sell, and instructions on stop placement.

2) Our chat room requires participation to maintain its usefulness. Therefore, you will never see the real-time trades fast enough to mimic/copy the trades from among commentaries by other members. Simply, you can't get similar trade fills on the entries, exits, and position size.

3) Members of TheStrategyLab do not want others trying to mimic/copy their trades because they know that most traders that do mimic/copy without permission...usually aren't respectful and give nothing back in return to the chat room usefulness.

In fact, traders that try to use our free chat room as a live trading room (signal call trade alert room) that our chat room is not...they tend to be those that refuse to properly document their own trading (no backtesting, no daily broker PnL statements, no professional trade journal software for their quantitative statistical analysis).

The first clue to identifying these types of traders is when they break their silence in the free chat room and announce they don't understand the trades by other users when in fact they themselves have not posted any real-time trades in the free chat room nor images of timestamp trade fill in their trade execution platform or broker statements in their private threads.

Don't be a lazy trader. Yet, if you're looking for a live trading room (signal call) to tell you what to trade, when to go Long & Short...please go elsewhere and do not hang out in our free chat room because we do not offer that type of service.

4) We often use IP address scanning in real-time of users in the chat rooms to identify trolls and potential spammers...these individuals are never allowed in the screen sharing. Further, we're often away from the chat room during the trading day due to personal reasons (e.g. doctor's appointment, transporting the kids to/from school, rest, and so on). Yet, our computers are always logging the real-time trades & market commentaries of users while we're away.

5) To legally operate a signal calling chat room to prevent getting into trouble with regulatory agencies...the signal-caller and chat room must operate within the guidelines of those regulatory agencies. That's another reason why our chat room is free and mimicking (copying) someone's trades is not allowed in ##TheStrategyLab...we avoid all the legalities (headaches) via not offering a signal calling trade alert service.

Do not attempt to mimic the trades of any trader in ##TheStrategyLab chat room. If we suspect you've joined ##TheStrategyLab to try to use it as a signal calling trade alerts room in an effort to piggyback (mimic or copy) someone's trades, you will be banned...no exceptions and no warnings.

Yet, if you meet someone that tells you (recommends to you) that there's a signal calling trade alert room that you should try because you can highly replicate the signal calls...

You must ask for verification via a trade log of the signal calls and screenshots from any client of that service with timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform that correlates to the signal calls in the trade room. Anything else is not verification that the signal calling trade alert room is not highly replicate.

Remember, you do not need to verify if the signal-caller is trading with real money. Instead, you must verify that the client (the user) of the signal calling trade alert service is able to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate the signal calls in the trade room.


Once again, ##TheStrategyLab is free and designed to be only a trade journal for documentation purposes only so that members can have a real time stamp archive of trades and market commentaries of each trading day so that they can better understand their broker statements from one trade to the next trade when they review their performance numbers on any given trading day. Simply, if you're attempting to use ##TheStrategyLab as a signal call chat room...you're using ##TheStrategyLab for the wrong reasons and the chat room is not suitable for you.

In addition, we welcome all traders with their own methods of price action or indicators via different trading styles that are merged with concepts from WRB Analysis to help keep the chat room diversified...posting trades, price action analysis, or market commentaries. Yet, if you're looking for education specifically involving trade methods of TheStrategyLab that we call WRB Analysis...you must first download and learn our WRB Analysis free study guide at a different forum @ TSL Support Forum * http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=119 prior to asking any questions about the trades, price action analysis or market commentaries posted by wrbtrader (owner of TheStrategyLab) in ##TheStrategyLab. WRB Analysis Tutorials will help you to understand some of the key price areas (WRB Zones) that I'm looking for trade opportunities within along with learning how to use volatility analysis to help with position size management and trade management after entry.

With that said, thanks for reading the archived chat logs and we highly recommend you make reading of the logs a part of your trading routine because you will sometimes find useful trade information not discussed anywhere else online nor in any books.

Reminder, our Terms of Use (TOU) Policy is a must-read to prevent any misunderstandings along with revealing that ##TheStrategyLab is a serious professional trading chat room and we expect members to act professional. Also, these logs may have been edited (rarely) to remove any messages that a member has complained to me via private message that they consider a particular commentary to be inappropriate, offending, or too far in the off-topic area that's a distraction when the commentary was posted.

Note: All logs regardless to their location at TheStrategyLab.com website are eastern standard time.

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Price Action Only Trading (no technical indicators)
Image@ http://twitter.com/wrbtrader or http://stocktwits.com/wrbtrader

Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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