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 Post subject: Where did wrbtrader go? | Elite Trader
 Post Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 6:43 pm 
Trader / Forum Admin

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M.A. Perry a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): http://www.thestrategylab.com/wrbtrader.htm & http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6
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Where did wrbtrader go? | Elite Trader


His last post at ET was Sept 16, 2016 I believe. His website has not been updated since Sept 13, 2016 it looks like. Anyone know where he went to or whatever?

Comment: November 16th Wednesday 2016

Reply by Baron - Elitetrader.com Founder

Hard to say. He had some pretty outrageous claims on his website so he could have ran into some issues with that.

Update: It's later revealed in 2020 - 2021 that FortuneTeller is a racist troll although not a concerning issue with me. The concerning issue is that via private message...he specifically states he uses TheStrategyLab resources but publicly to the Elitetrader.com forum he states he's never used TheStrategyLab resources.

Strangely, he has created several threads about me (wrbtrader), started a thread about Wide Range Bar Analysis in which he mistakenly thought was WRB Analysis, started two threads about Emmett Moore Jr. / Tradingschools in which he negatively / criticized Emmett Moore Jr. / Tradingschools. FortuneTeller also reactivated a very old inactive educational thread about Trading Hammer patterns that I created many years ago at the request of a few members and a moderator at Elitetrader.com

His racism involves his racist attitude towards ethnic minorities although he specifically targets those that are black. He knows I'm 1/2 French and 1/2 Lakota and he know I reside in the French province of Canada called Québec. In addition, he knows I do not share the same political views with him and he's been temporary banned once from Elitetrader.com for his racist views.

Most importantly, he easily confuses WRB Analysis with Wide Range Bar Analysis but later states he does not use WRB Analysis but has his own trade method @ https://www.elitetrader.com/et/threads/so-what-does-everyone-think-about-wide-range-bar-analysis.354496/

The above threads he started after he learned I'm not a Trump supporter. In fact, he stated he would retaliate about my political views...retaliate via starting negative threads about WRB Analysis / TheStrategyLab / wrbtrader.


Regardless, the message by Baron seems odd...

Hard to say. He had some pretty outrageous claims on his website so he could have ran into some issues with that.

Baron is talking as if he's been to my website and saw outrageous claims made by me (wrbtrader) and clients of TheStrategyLab.

Oddly, later in the thread by FortuneTeller...Baron would state the following in a reply to traderob (formerly known as roberk)...

...I certainly wouldn't be a very good reference considering that I have no idea how he trades, what he trades, seen his statements, nothing...

baron-wrbtrader-elitetrader.png [ 105.85 KiB | Viewed 811 times ]

Thus, why did Baron bother to initially comment about something he later admits he knows nothing about ???

Seriously, Baron initially states "He had some pretty outrageous claims on his website..." and then stated later in the same thread in a reply to traderob (formerly known as roberk)...he states (suggest / imply) he has not been to TheStrategyLab website nor has he seen any statements...nothing.

Baron's initial comments is exactly what I'm talking about involving misinformation and misleading statements because if/when someone else reads them...they will assume in error that such is true especially comments made by the owner of a popular trader forum.

where-did-wrbtrader-go-free-chat-room-support.png [ 253.59 KiB | Viewed 793 times ]

Also, Gotcha explains why chat logs of realtime trades, realtime price action analysis and thoughts from trade to trade are arguably more important than broker statements eventhough he doesn't mention the fact that I do post images of trade fills in my broker trade execution platform and users of WRB Analysis do in fact post their broker statements.

Regardless, the demands by the review blog troll name Emmett Moore Jr. for access to my trading accounts and the demands by the troll (politics poster) name traderob to post my verification info at EliteTrader.com will always be denied considering these two have never posted a real time trade, never shown images of real money trade fills in their broker trade execution platform, never shown their broker statements after recommending signal call trade alert services and has never apologize for making misleading statements & lies that I market my website or services at Elitetrader.com

Simply, I do not cater to people that post misinformation, misleading information and lies. Instead, I ignore any requests by them.

Just as importantly, I do not post my real time trades at EliteTrader.com, I do not post my images of timestamp trade fills in my broker PnL statements at EliteTrader.com and I will never post my monthly broker statements at EliteTrader.com especially when they are requested by the troll named traderob (former user name as roberk) until Baron makes it a requirement for all members of EliteTrader.com to do the same.

Something else to think about, I only post my verification of my trading here at my own forum...not at the forum of someone else when the person making the request does not post his/her own verification anywhere online.


Yet, another member had notified Baron about my hospitalization in October 2016 including telling Baron about the hospitalization message on the front page (home page) but Baron would later denied being notified after he made the above comment "...pretty outrageous claims...".

By the way, those outrageous claims that Baron is talking about are at the below links:

Image Real-Time trades by Users of TheStrategyLab since 2002 @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewforum.php?f=20

Image TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) Performance Record @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewforum.php?f=147

Image Broker Statements & Broker PnL Statements by Users of TheStrategyLab @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewforum.php?f=10

Image Rebuttal to Mr. Emmett Moore via TheStrategyLab.com Review @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3167

Image Review of Emmett Moore Jr. Tradingschools @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/emmett-moore-jr-tradingschools-review.htm

Image The Strategy Lab: Valforex - The Manipulative Review Scam @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3676

Image TheStrategyLab Review about WRB Analysis @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/thestrategylab-reviews.htm

Image ItalianSharp Review / Testimony / Accolade @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=3182

Image Testimonials (Accolades) and Reviews of TheStrategyLab (wrbtrader) @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/Accolades.htm


Now go to EliteTrader.com and compare Baron's very quick comments about wrbtrader to his own behavior to marketsurfer over the past many years...a trader that has NEVER posted a broker statement, banned multiple times and then reinstated along with using dozens of multiple aliases, VPNs & rented IP addresses.

marketsurfer is (was) a personal friend of Baron.

The reality is that a very sad human being via the name Emmett Moore Jr. (an ex-con and convicted fraud that stole millions of dollars from his victims - destroying their financial lives) with a review website is being read/believed by Baron. In fact, Baron himself would state at Elitetrader.com why don't I just give Emmett Moore Jr. my monthly broker statements along with stating there's no verification whatsoever...nothing as if he agrees with Emmett Moore Jr...

Ignoring TheStrategyLab users real time trades, ignorning users daily/weekly/monthly broker statements, ignoring my own daily PnL statements, ignoring my own real time trades and ignoring the screen sharing between members & myself...that see each other trades posted in the broker trade execution platform and then see the same trades being posted in the free chat room during the screen sharing.


Note: Baron states in another thread that he's raising the standard at Elitetrader.com about verification of sponsors at his forum. I specifically asked how will he do that ?

Baron responded via saying he now requires a sponsor to use his real name. frustrated

Now I know how marketsurfer became a sponsor of Elitetrader.com because he publicly discusses his real name at Elitetrader.com while never posting any broker statements to give merit to the information in his book...a book that Baron himself gives a recommendation on Amazon.com while marketsurfer trade calls at Elitetrader.com mainly resulted as losing trades including marketsurfer last posted trade call (trade in Emini YM futures) resulted in huge loss in which Baron later closed the thread that the trade call was made in at the request of marketsurfer.

Oddly, marketsurfer is a failed quant and failed fund manager that refers to his proprietary trading system via the name "price drivers".

What's going on with these "failed quants" like Emmett Moore Jr., marketsurfer and many others (retail or professional) @ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-11/equity-quants-reel-from-worst-run-in-8-years-as-aqr-takes-hit?u and https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-10/quant-funds-that-chase-trends-are-this-year-s-biggest-losers


Think about it carefully, if I posted monthly or yearly broker statement while they are ignoring the above verification...they will ignore (not believe) my monthly & yearly broker statements. More importantly, they do not post their own real-time trades, no daily PnL statements by them, no monthly/yearly statements by them and no screen sharing...

Now who really are not posting verification whatsoever ?


Where did wrbtrader go ?

The below message was posted by me (wrbtrader) with a direct link on the home page (front page) of the website, forum and chat room to the messasge after I returned home from the hospital and before starting my extensive rehab to alert users of TheStrategyLab about recent events involving surviving a near death experience @ http://www.thestrategylab.com/ftchat/forum/viewtopic.php?f=161&t=2461

Message to alert all FTCHAT log members and forum visitors that I've been absent from the website since mid September due to a serious illness that resulted in me being hospitalized. Basically I had the pneumonia that resulted in my blood pressure dropping to a very dangerous level after I fainted at the hospital...it became septic in my body.

I was initially in a coma from the pneumonia that had become septic but was then put in an induced coma for almost 2 1/2 months because of organ failure. The coma was to protect me from going into cardiac arrest and to prevent further damage to my kidneys and other organs like my lungs that weren't working properly. Then after after coming out of the coma, I got a serious infection in the hospital called the C. Difficile bacteria that resulted in me being quarantine because the bacteria was extremely dangerous. Basically, I had stay in the hospital (not allowed to fly home) until the infection was resolved.

After the hospital, I did rehab due to the coma causing muscle atrophy in my arms and legs. Rehab was suppose to last one year and I was initially schedule to be at the rehab facility for about 6 months but I only did one month due to my fast recovery that astounded the doctors.

I've now completed rehab and back at home...body working good. Doctors calling it a miraculous recovery considering 4 million people die every year from pneumonia with symptoms less than mine. The pneumonia I had became extremely dangerous because it went septic (sepsis)...spread very fast to my organs, causing enough damage that the organs begin to shut down (stop working)...often leading to death.

One day I had a small cough with some chest congestion like any other cold. The 2nd day I woke up with a fever/chills and a few hours later I'm in a coma...that's how fast it occurred with very little symptoms or symptoms like any other cold I've had in my life. Odd thing to remember from my life & death experience...there's a vaccine for the pneumonia. :(

I will return to trading late January (New Year) or early February 2017.

I wish all good trading, good health and please ask your doctor about getting an immunization shot against the pneumonia. I never knew such was available but will get one myself when my physician approves of such because I never want to get the pneumonia again considering there's like 13 strains of it.

M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Image@ http://twitter.com/wrbtrader or http://stocktwits.com/wrbtrader

Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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