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 Post subject: Trading Classic Chart Patterns
PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:29 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 pm
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Trading Classic Chart Patterns by Thomas Bulkowski - The below information (description and table of contents) about this book for traders is not written by and it's recommended you do your own research to determine if this is a book you want to purchase considering there's much more to this book than just statistical research or application of classic chart patterns. In addition, be aware that our WRB Analysis Tutorials do improve the performance of many of the patterns discussed in this book and we have no affiliation with the book author.

Last of all, just be aware that many of the patterns discussed in this book can easily be found amongst free discussions at other websites, forums, blogs, twitter et cetera. Unfortunately, most of the discussions about these patterns are either inaccurate, incomplete, misleading along with falling short of giving an adequate trading plan that's required to apply these patterns profitably. Thus, choose carefully whom you decide to learn or collaborate with about these patterns considering everyone is hiding behind an anonymous user name resulting in no accountability about what they say.


In his follow-up to the well-received Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns, Thomas Bulkowski gives traders a practical game plan to capitalize on established chart patterns. Written for the novice investor but with techniques for the professional, Trading Classic Chart Patterns includes easy-to-use performance tables, vivid case studies, and a scoring system that makes trading chart patterns simple. This comprehensive guide skillfully gives investors straightforward solutions to profitably trading chart patterns. Trading Classic Chart Patterns also serves as a handy reference guide for favorite chart patterns, including broadening tops, head-and-shoulders, rectangles, triangles, and double and triple bottoms. Filled with numerous techniques, strategies, and insights, Trading Classic Chart Patterns fits perfectly into any pattern trader's arsenal. Thomas N. Bulkowski (Keller, TX), an active investor since 1981, is the author of the highly acclaimed Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns as well as numerous articles for Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities. Trained as a computer engineer, Bulkowski worked for over a decade at Tandy Corporation. Prior to that, he worked on the Patriot air defense system for Raytheon. New technology and the advent of around the clock trading have opened the floodgates to both foreign and domestic markets. Traders need the wisdom of industry veterans and the vision of innovators in today's volatile financial marketplace. The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market's ever changing temperament and have prospered-some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice trader, professional or somewhere in-between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future.

Table of Contents

Part One: Getting Started.
Down Trendlines.
Up Trendlines.
Support and Resistance.
Stops, Bats, and Selling
Common Trading Mistakes
Part Two: Chart Patterns Reference Section.
Broadening Tops.
Double Bottoms.
Double Tops.
Head-and-Shoulders Bottoms.
Head-and-Shoulders Tops.
Scallops, Ascending.
Scallops, Descending.
Triangles, Ascending.
Triangles, Descending.
Triangles, Symmetrical.
Triple Bottoms.
Triple Tops.
Statistics Summary and Analysis.
Glossary and Methodology.

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