Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
Phone: +1 708 572-4885
Free Chat Room: Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri) (24/7) (24/7)
##TheStrategyLab (located on the Freenode IRC network) is
free along with being a serious professional trading chat room for traders using
WRB Analysis (e.g. Contracting Volatility, WRBs, WRB Hidden GAPs, WRB Zone, WRB/WRB Hidden GAP profit targets, Key Market Events, Reaction Highs/Lows, Expanding Volatility, WRB Zone, R area of WRB Zone, S area of WRB Zone) by itself or merged with other trade methods to improve the performance of those other trade methods regardless if you're a
position trader, swing trader or day trader. Therefore, you're welcome to use the chat room to ask questions about WRB Analysis, post real-time
price action trading analysis involving WRB Analysis merged with your own trade methods, post real-time trades or talk about general market issues impacting today's price action involving stocks, futures, exchange traded funds or forex currencies. In addition, we welcome all traders (beginners, experience, part-time, full-time) that are merging WRB Analysis with their trade methods or using WRB Analysis to
help develop a better understanding of the price action
(market context) they're trading.
##TheStrategyLab chat room is is primarily designed for you to use as a
trade journal of your WRB Analysis or real-time trades with time stamp you a better understanding of your broker statements from one trade to the next trade when you review your performance numbers on any given trading day in the past. Therefore, if you use our chat room...its
highly recommended you post messages that reflect what you see in the price action on your monitors so that the chat room becomes your
diary to correlate with your broker statements. Therefore, the usefulness of ##TheStrategyLab chat room is determined via
your participation in the chat room.
Also, ##TheStrategyLab chat room is
not designed to be
educational. Simply, members using the chat room are
not there to teach you how to trade and you will
not see me discussing the reasons (strategies) behind my trades within ##TheStrategyLab chat room because those reasons (strategies) are
only discussed with fee-base clients in a different chat room. Yet, if you want ##TheStrategyLab chat room to be educational or more active in discussing whatever it is that you're trading, we highly recommend that you ask trading related questions about your own trading instead of lurking (not saying anything) because your primary purpose is to improve your trading if you're a struggling trader. Therefore, don't join ##TheStrategyLab and then be
silent. To be silent while using ##TheStrategyLab chat room, you'll be wasting a collaboration opportunity for improving your trading and doing such will make ##TheStrategyLab chat room useless to you.
The chat room is only for traders learning or applying concepts of WRB Analysis. In addition, traders that use ##TheStrategyLab are required to post either one WRB Analysis price action commentary involving any key concept from the free study guide, one real-time trade or one general trading related commentary per day they log-in to the chat room. Yet, if the trader decides to post real-time trades (simulator or real-money)...the trades must be clear (not ambiguous) entry price/exit price and position size. Traders that consistently log-in and not post any price action commentary involving WRB Analysis or post ambiguous trades will be KICKED (removed) from the chat room.
With that said, thanks for reading the trades, price action analysis or market commentaries that's below and we highly recommend you make reading of the logs a part of your trading routine because you will sometimes find useful market context information that's critical to understanding
price action trading. To qualify for access to our free ##TheStrategyLab chat room that's located on the Freenode IRC network...please follow the instructions at the TSL Support Forum
@ ##TheStrategyLab Archive Chat Logs Attachment:
022416-Key-Price-Action-Markets.png [ 1.26 MiB | Viewed 348 times ]
click on the above image to view today's price action of key markets Session Start: Wed Feb 24 09:14:09 2016
Session Ident: ##TheStrategyLab
[09:14:10] * Now talking in ##TheStrategyLab
[09:14:10] * Topic is 'Chat room for traders that are using concepts from WRB Analysis to help improve their entry signals, initial stop/loss management, profitable trail stops or profit targets. WRB Analysis free study guide @ ... 119&t=718'[09:14:10] * Set by wrbtrader on Fri Dec 26 09:39:03 2014
[09:14:11] ##TheStrategyLab url is[09:26:23] <Cayden> Goog Morning
[09:26:34] <Sharif>
[09:26:39] <Cayden> KME- 9:45 Flash PMI, 10:00 New Home Sales, 10:30 Crude Oil Inventories
[09:28:39] <Tigerman_____> good morning all
[09:28:46] <xtrader34__> GM
[09:28:52] <Corner> Good morning all
[09:29:03] <Tigerman_____> obviously BIG gap today
[09:29:09] <Senge> Good morning
[09:32:17] <patrader> Open gap on ES regular session
[09:32:39] <patrader> Good morning all
[09:33:51] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1896.00 -> large size
[09:34:02] <wrbtrader> 20 contracts
[09:35:37] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1895.75 --> + 0.25
[09:35:45] <wrbtrader> lucky escape
[09:35:49] <wrbtrader> trade error
[09:43:51] <Cayden> Medium KME in 1 minute Flash PMI
[09:43:59] <Tigerman_____> price in congestion now
[09:46:59] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1893.00 -> large size
[09:47:11] <wrbtrader> 20 contracts
[09:47:13] <wrbtrader> intuition
[09:48:19] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1893.25 --> - 0.25
[09:48:49] <Senge> How do you know whether a volatility spike is related to a KME or not? If it coincides, do you just assume its a KME WRB Zone?
[09:49:09] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1892.50 -> large size
[09:49:17] <wrbtrader> re-entry
[09:49:19] <Sharif> short ES @ 1898.25
[09:49:23] <Sharif> forgot to post
[09:49:30] <Sharif> @945
[09:49:37] <wrbtrader> these trades need to move very fast in my favor to keep me in them...
[09:49:45] <wrbtrader> I have an itchy finger this morning
[09:52:57] <Sharif> long CL @ 30.65
[09:54:13] <patrader> KME Pending @ 10 AM EST- New Home Sales
[09:56:48] <Sharif> trail exit ES @ 1890.75 --> +7.5
[09:57:00] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1891.75 --> + 0.75
[09:59:30] <Sharif> trail exit CL @ --> 30.79 --> +27pt
[09:59:59] <Sharif> correction +0.14
[10:00:20] <xtrader34__> Nice -S
[10:00:25] <wrbtrader> A lot of contraction in the Eminis right now
[10:00:38] <wrbtrader> Its trying to spike now
[10:00:38] <xtrader34__> CL
[10:00:41] <Sharif> thx X
[10:01:22] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1889.00 -> large size
[10:01:32] <wrbtrader> re-entry
[10:01:47] <wrbtrader> These re-entries have been coughing up very little
[10:03:38] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1890.25 --> - 1.25
[10:11:01] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1893.25 -> large size
[10:11:12] <wrbtrader> 20 contracts
[10:11:21] <wrbtrader> trying again
[10:15:25] <wrbtrader> contraction in volatility now just causing too much problems
[10:15:47] <wrbtrader> It's enduring like the last few trading days before a strong movement shows up
[10:19:05] <wrbtrader> It tries to move but its not reaching any WRB pt1 levels
[10:19:45] <Cayden> Crude Oil Inventories at 10;30 east- perhaps that will bust this up-
[10:20:27] <wrbtrader> shallow WRB pt1 reached
[10:20:31] <xtrader34__> 10 am KME had no impact guess everyone is wait for Crude Inventories release
[10:20:50] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1889.25 --> + 4
[10:21:01] <Cayden> nice!
[10:21:15] <wrbtrader> exit early
[10:21:39] <TradeSnake______> Short TF @ 996.8
[10:21:41] <wrbtrader> I wanted a WRB pt2 but needed to take that WRB pt1 to ensure it'll be a profitable trading day for me
[10:21:46] <Cayden> yep- makes sense with this opening rangey action
[10:22:01] <TradeSnake______> Covered TF @ 995.0 --> +1.8
[10:22:03] <Cayden> yep
[10:22:43] <Cayden> 'all birds in the hand' in thisaction
[10:32:45] <TradeSnake______> Volatility spike in Eminis
[10:34:27] <Cayden> crude report kme had something to do with it- me thinks trader snake
[10:35:01] <Cayden> nasty tails both top and bottom and still in CV
[10:59:28] <Sharif> long cl @ 31.09
[11:01:30] <Sharif> trail exit CL @ 31.14 --> +.05
[11:04:02] <Sharif> long CL @ 31.09, re entry
[11:04:46] <Sharif> stopped out @ 31.05 --> -0.06
[11:04:52] <Sharif> punks
[11:05:12] <xtrader34__> pic pocketed
[11:05:25] <xtrader34__> Shakeout
[11:05:32] <Sharif> yep
[11:59:18] <Senge> Long ES @ 1902.75
[12:02:51] <Senge> Exit ES @ 1903 +.25
[12:03:23] <wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 1903.75 -> large size
[12:03:35] <wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[12:04:37] <wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 1905.75 --> + 2
[12:04:39] <wrbtrader> WRB pt1 reached
[12:21:08] <Senge> Long ES @ 1904.75
[12:24:35] <Senge> Exit ES @ 1903.50 -1.25
[13:01:11] <Tigerman_____> take care all
[13:12:47] <wrbtrader> Just got back from a busy lunch afternoon
[13:13:22] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1905.25 -> large size
[13:13:28] <wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[13:17:26] <wrbtrader> WRB Analysis -> - Your use of this chat room implies you're using concepts from WRB Analysis for price action trading to help trade either Stocks, Emini Futures (EMD, TF, ES, NQ, YM), EuroFX 6E Futures, Eurex/Euronext Futures (DAX, ESTX50, FTSE100, CAC40, BUND), Treasury Futures (ZF, ZN, ZB), Oil Futures (Brent, CL, HO, QM), Gold GC Futures, Natural Gas NG Futures, Exchange Traded Funds (DIA, GLD, IWM, OIH, XLE, QQQ, SPY), Hang Seng HSI Futures, NIFTY Futures, Forex Currencies (GbpUsd, EurUsd, EurYen, UsdCad) and other key market price actions.
[13:23:21] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1906.50 --> - 1.25
[13:29:34] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1905.25 -> large size
[13:29:58] <wrbtrader> 20 contracts
[13:30:04] <wrbtrader> re-entry
[13:33:32] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1905.50 --> - 0.25
[13:33:55] <wrbtrader> twice if fights in that area
[13:34:14] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1905.00 -> large size
[13:34:20] <mtntrader___> Wrbtrader, I think you came back from lunch too soon.
[13:34:23] <wrbtrader> re-entry
[13:34:38] <mtntrader___> A lot of chop still.
[13:35:26] <wrbtrader> speed in the price action trying to increase suddenly
[13:40:54] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1905.00 --> 0
[13:40:58] <wrbtrader>
[13:48:13] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1904.50 -> large size
[13:48:21] <wrbtrader> 20 contracts
[13:48:30] <wrbtrader> sneaky little booger
[13:55:46] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1908.00 --> - 3.5
[13:56:09] <wrbtrader> that range was mean reverting with TF
[13:56:26] <wrbtrader> Emini TF slowed down while ES picked up speed
[13:56:56] <wrbtrader> Emini TF still within the mean
[14:01:18] <Cayden> interestin contrast ES to NQ on 2 minute
[14:04:42] <wrbtrader> ES retraced back again to the prior range...scary
[14:05:45] <wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 1906.50 -> large size
[14:06:07] <wrbtrader> re-entry
[14:06:56] <wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 1907.25 --> - 0.75
[14:08:29] <wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 1908.75
[14:08:44] <wrbtrader> Emini TF now above its range
[14:09:38] <wrbtrader> WRB pt1 reached
[14:09:49] <wrbtrader> need to now decide for a WRB pt2
[14:09:58] <wrbtrader> nevermind...just did it for me
[14:13:29] <wrbtrader> WRB pt2 reached but now having problems staying insync
[14:15:10] <wrbtrader> Exited 1/2 Emini ES Long @ 1914.25 --> + 5.5
[14:15:37] <wrbtrader> Exited Remainder Emini ES Long @ 1914.50 --> + 5.75
[14:22:40] <wrbtrader> still moving again
[15:39:20] <wrbtrader> Just got back in from some more snow blowing...
[15:39:33] <wrbtrader> Big snow storm here
[15:40:04] <mtntrader___> Been cold up that way too, hasn't it?
[15:40:38] <wrbtrader> Actually, I think the weather has been a little warmer than normal.
[15:40:45] <wrbtrader> At least that's what it feels like
[15:41:10] <wrbtrader> If so...we should have a few more snow storms as it usually does in trying to catch up
[15:47:04] <wrbtrader> The weather alert here was for extreme freezing rain.
[15:47:33] <wrbtrader> Instead, the temperature dropped further enough to a big snow storm instead of freezing rain
[15:47:40] <wrbtrader>
[15:48:47] <mtntrader___> Glad you have a snow blower.
[15:53:34] <wrbtrader> Yeah...the street plows come often and keeps plowing in my driveway...they've come now every 3 hours
[15:54:29] <wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 1925.75 -> large size
[15:54:36] <wrbtrader> 10 contracts
[16:02:35] <wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 1928.25 --> + 2.5
[16:02:50] <wrbtrader> WRB pt1 reached
[16:03:05] <wrbtrader> tough trading day with all the weather distractions
[16:03:14] <wrbtrader> Take care all and see all tomorrow
[16:03:28] <mtntrader___> Take care, and thanks.
[16:06:34] <Cayden> thank you Have a nice one
Session Close: Thu Feb 25 00:00:00 2016
##TheStrategyLab (located on the Freenode IRC network) is
free and is a serious professional trading chat room involving
WRB Analysis in which any trader
(position trading, swing trading, day trading) can use the chat room to post their trades or commentaries about stocks, futures, exchange traded funds or forex currencies. Simply, you don't need to be a client of to use the chat room nor do you need to be a
price action trader (no indicators) because some members use indicators while others do not. Yet, the only requirement is that you want to learn
WRB Analysis.
Therefore, we welcome
all traders that want to learn about
WRB Analysis regardless if they are beginners or experience traders in
price action trading.
The purpose of ##TheStrategyLab is that it's designed to be a
trade journal for documentation purposes only so that members can have a time stamp archive of trades and market commentaries of each trading day so that they can better understand their broker statements from one trade to the next trade when they review their performance numbers on any given trading day.
Further, members are not obligated to educate nor help other members but members are encourage to ask questions about any trades or market commentaries that's posted by others because sometimes the answers contains useful trading tips.
In addition, our primary job in the
free chat room is to moderate the room (keep the peace) because with so many members using different trade signal methods along with different opinions about the market...debates or arguments can easily flare up without moderating. In addition, our presence in the chat room is to ensure it's a
spam free chat room during trading although these archived chat logs may contain advertisements for guest visitors.
Commonly discussed trading instruments from stocks, futures, exchange traded funds and forex currencies:
CME Emini Futures EMD, ES and NQ
ICE Emini TF Futures (formerly CME ER2)
CBOT mini-sized Dow Futures YM
Eurex Index Derivatives (futures) DAX and DJ Euro Stoxx50
Eurex Fixed Income Derivatives (futures) BUND, BOBL and Schatz
Euronext Futures FTSE-100 and CAC-40
CME Futures EuroFX 6E and EC
Treasury Futures T-Notes ZT, ZN, ZF and T-Bonds ZB
Forex Currencies Gbp/Usd, Eur/Usd, Eur/Yen, Usd/Cad, Xau/Usd and Xag/Usd
Exchange Traded Funds VXX, DIA, IWM, QQQ, SPY, BGU, FAS, FAZ, TNA, OIH, XLE and GLD
NYMEX Energy Futures Light Crude Oil CL, Brent Crude Oil BRN, e-miNY QM and Natural Gas NG
COMEX Metal Futures Gold GC, mini-Gold YG, Copper HG and Silver SI
Hang Seng Index Futures HSI and mini-Hang Seng MHI
Also, to prevent the usual mix-up about our different chat rooms, most of our fee-base clients do not use chat rooms just like most retail traders do not use chat rooms. Yet, the few clients that do use chat rooms, our fee-base clients are discussing market analysis or
price action only trade signals via concepts from our strategies in the
private chat rooms called
##VolatilityTradingTSL or
##WRB_Analysis and they're not allowed to do such in ##TheStrategyLab.
Reminder, our
Terms of Use (TOU) Policy is a must read to prevent any misunderstandings along with revealing that ##TheStrategyLab is a serious professional
price action trading chat room and we expect members to act
professional. Also, these logs may have been edited (rarely) to remove any messages that a member has complained to me via private message that they consider a particular commentary to be inappropriate, offending or too far in the off topic area that's a distraction when the commentary was posted.
Note: chat logs saved (timestamp) from Québec, Canada in eastern daylight time Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of
WRB Analysis (wide range body/wide range bar analysis)
Price Action Trading
@ or Phone: +1 708 572-4885
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002