##TheStrategyLab Price Action Chat Room Logs

March 28th - Mon #futures #forex #stocks #trading
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Author:  wrbtrader [ Mon Mar 28, 2022 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  March 28th - Mon #futures #forex #stocks #trading

032822-TheStrategyLab-Key-Markets.png [ 7.01 MiB | Viewed 305 times ]

[09:26:27] * Now talking in #ThestrategyLab
[09:26:38] <@wrbtrader> Good morning
[09:33:24] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4527.50 -> small size
[09:33:34] <@wrbtrader> 1 contract intuition
[09:34:24] <@wrbtrader> Covered Emini ES Short @ 4528.50 --> - 1
[09:35:39] <@wrbtrader> Mixed picture within the Eminis and Eurex futures
[09:35:59] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4531.00 -> small size
[09:36:07] <@wrbtrader> 1 contract
[09:36:19] <@wrbtrader> lets see if Emini ES will catch up with the others
[09:37:10] <@wrbtrader> Exited Emini ES Long @ 4533.00 --> + 2
[09:37:25] <@wrbtrader> early exit...not a WRB pt1
[09:37:54] <@wrbtrader> Emini NQ still leading in its volatility
[09:38:32] <TigerBoy_> gm all
[09:38:44] <TigerBoy_> I no like YM
[09:38:48] <TigerBoy_> off sync
[09:39:24] <@wrbtrader> NQ going Up...YM going down and ES not doing much :)
[09:39:43] <@wrbtrader> same with RTY...not doing much
[09:41:30] <@wrbtrader> A lot of mixed signals
[09:41:55] <@wrbtrader> VIX @ 21,61 and declining
[09:42:02] <TigerBoy_> odd action
[09:42:19] <TigerBoy_> up move while YM move soth inside KEY area
[09:42:25] <TigerBoy_> south
[09:45:29] <TigerBoy_> terriblr action right now I got consecutive loss in both ways :(
[09:50:26] <@wrbtrader> Emini YM ranging near the R area of a Key KME WRB Zone
[09:51:59] <TigerBoy_> yep agreed now ir breaks avove its contracting
[10:08:39] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4540.25 -> small size
[10:08:48] <@wrbtrader> 2 contracts
[10:09:34] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 4540.00 --> - 0.25
[10:09:42] <@wrbtrader> punks :(
[10:17:47] <TigerBoy___> ok I exit here
[10:17:53] <TigerBoy___> take care all see next time
[10:24:07] <@wrbtrader> A lot of long shadow intervals showing up now :(
[10:30:38] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4539.50 -> small size
[10:30:46] <@wrbtrader> 1 contract
[10:32:52] <@wrbtrader> Exited Emini ES Long @ 4536.50 --> - 3
[11:02:15] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4532.25 -> medium size
[11:02:21] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[11:02:26] <@wrbtrader> chasing
[11:02:56] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4535.50 --> - 3.25
[11:03:48] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4536.75 -> medium size
[11:03:52] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[11:03:57] <@wrbtrader> re-entry
[11:07:14] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4534.00 --> + 2.75
[11:07:37] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4534.25 -> medium size
[11:07:49] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[11:07:56] <@wrbtrader> re-entry
[11:09:50] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4533.50 --> + 0.75
[11:18:43] <werner1> no trades here busy with other stuf....take care all
[11:19:23] <werner1> i mean take care mark
[11:19:41] <werner1> see you tomorow
[11:21:19] <@wrbtrader> Ok...take care
[11:21:56] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4537.00 -> medium size
[11:22:02] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[11:23:33] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4533.25 --> + 3.75
[11:24:25] <@wrbtrader> will take a break here...early lunch because I really do not like this price action...too many Long Shadow Intervals
[11:33:18] <@wrbtrader> Shorts Emini ES @ 4529.00 -> medium size
[11:33:33] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[11:33:41] <@wrbtrader> poor entry
[11:37:48] <@wrbtrader> Covered all Emini ES Short @ 4520.75 --> + 8.25
[11:38:31] <@wrbtrader> Ok...was going to take an early lunch until a trade signal showed up.
[11:38:55] <@wrbtrader> Now that the trade is completed...going to lunch...be back later.
[15:40:35] * Now talking in #ThestrategyLab
[15:43:49] <@wrbtrader> Long Emini ES @ 4557.50 -> medium size
[15:43:58] <@wrbtrader> 4 contracts
[15:49:04] <@wrbtrader> Exited all Emini ES Long @ 4561.00 --> + 3.5
[15:49:23] <@wrbtrader> early exit...not a WRB pt1
[15:52:28] <@wrbtrader> now a snapback down to the most recent Up WRB Hidden Gap interval
[15:55:45] <@wrbtrader> Take care and see you tomorrow

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