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 Post subject: Rebuttal to Valforex - The Manipulative Review Scam
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:27 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 pm
Posts: 4342
Location: Canada
TheStrategyLab / M.A. Perry
wrbtrader / Price Action Trading
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)
a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): &
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Hashtag: #valforex #cyberscam

Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)

The Strategy Lab Review: The Manipulative Review SCAM by

I'm going to make quick work of this scam review website that's really just a seller of scam bitcoins robotic trading systems and scam binary options/cryptocurrency robotic trading systems that uses get-rich marketing tactics. Yet, eventually, I'll update this message post about #Valforex scam reviews with embedded images (facts) as I did about @

Also, please read the review of TheStrategyLab by several months earlier before Valforex and then read the review again by Valforex. You'll notice the similarities between the two reviews to come to the conclusion that TradingSchools are secretly affiliated / partner or Valforex only copied what stated earlier about TheStrategyLab and then Valforex intentionally added more false narratives in an effort to look like they are independent of Tradingschools.

My point, I nor any other user of WRB Analysis had a conversation (telephone, email nor chat room) with #Valforex but we did catch them (banned them) for trying to spam our free forum with their scam automated trading systems.

Yet, I strongly suspect the two scam review sites are affiliated / partner with each other considering both are strongly interested in automated trading systems & custom indicators that include marketing such types of trading systems. Also, both claim to be a quant prior to getting into the review business. To be clear, only had a one-time telephone conversation with TheStrategyLab...not Valforex although Valforex pretends / gives an illusion it had a conversation with us.

Why should I care about a scam review site like Valforex ?

It's disturbing that websites / blogs are reviewing others while recommending or marketing their own automated trading systems and proprietary custom indicators...doing exactly the same as those they're reviewing via not able to verify the trade performance of the automated trading systems and custom indicators they're marketing.

In addition, TheStrategyLab does not and never has offered services in automated trading systems & custom indicators...the services that Valforex markets / advertise / recommends & reviews.

They do this while being evasive (moving from place to place) while trying to conceal other online activities on the global dark web via radical anonymity that offers them extreme privacy and protection from the surveillance of authoritarian governments. Simply, put up a blog that's public and pretend it's helping others while recommending products / services associated with others all while the reviewer has associations on the global dark web to conceal their criminal activities.

It's a growing underground marketplace that sophisticated criminals, felons use to traffic drugs, stolen identities, stolen (hacked) financial data, stolen copyright protected education resources, and other illicit products / services under the façade that they are here to help protect you.

Global Dark Web - For individuals living under oppressive regimes that block large parts of the internet or punish political dissent, the global dark web is a lifeline that provides access to information and protection from persecution. In freer societies, it can be a critical whistle-blowing and communication tool that shields people from retribution or judgment in the workplace / community.

Unfortunately, the same privacy and anonymity via the global dark web that delivers protection from tyrants and targeted advertisements also make the global dark web a springboard for crime. It can only be accessed through encrypted anonymizing proxy networks. Those proxies use cryptography and lots of relays in order to make servers and endpoints difficult to track...helping to facilitate cyber-crime.

Simply, it's also an infrastructure commonly used for an underground criminal economy that's the #1 enemy to the financial industry and other business industries.

In fact, these individuals commonly use VPNs, rented IP addresses, false identities, pings / malware in emails sent to you including bragging about such while requesting access to your financial data. They will rarely request the info to be mailed to them because it will reveal (expose) their real address and put a face on the person requesting access to the financial data.

This is the primary reason why you should never share any private financial info with felons or suspected felons that request access to your trading accounts / financial data especially the ones that brag about having associates in other countries.

Therefore, this rebuttal (review) is more of a warning to other scam review sites, trolls that if you come to my website, forum, or free chat room and violate my terms of use policy...I will ban you (without warning). Next, I will write a public message post about you like I've done here about Valforex and for anyone to review the scam habits of these types of review websites / blogs.

My favourite sites to read about the global dark web security issues are Cybercrime Magazine @ and Dark Matters Blog @

Hashtags: #valforex, #cyberscam, #fraud #darkweb #cryptocurrencies #binaryoptions #troll
Keywords: valforex, warren ouma, Nigeria, Kenya, fraud, cyber scam, scammer, con artist, troll

Image Lets Get Started (Review of Valforex)

(click on image to see Valforex registration @ TheStrategyLab)

I first heard of Valforex when they joined our forum here @ Free Support Forum. They were using a Nigerian IP address with a Canada Yahoo email address of in an effort to look like they're from Canada. They then spammed our forum about their robotic trading systems. In fact, they posted a total of 7 messages here @ TheStrategyLab, and every one of those messages involved marketing / advertising robotic trading systems and proprietary custom indicators at our forum without our permission.

I sent them several private messages to stop the spamming at our forum along with sending them the same warning messages to their bogus Canada Yahoo email address. In addition, they were notified via private messages and email that TheStrategyLab has a strict anti-spam policy and that they were in violation of our terms of use policy that will result in them receiving a permanent ban.

Yet, keeping to my motto, I took a peek at reviews of Valforex by others and then compared them with my own experience with Valforex. They too had discovered the name of the owner and Linkedin profile @ He's very evasive...the same about the scam products he promotes. Its more than just a scam by him...its outright fraud and not worth the time hiring investigators to locate him to serve them with papers to appear in court for a libel / defamation lawsuit especially with the fact he's located in Nigeria, Kenya or he could just be a front man for someone else.

The latter above, the scary aspect is that he may just be the front man for fraud by someone else as typical with these types of cyber scams involving putting the face / name of an African man on these types of internet frauds when in reality its someone from North America, Vietnam, Korea, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Panama or Philippines. It's the main reason why it's so difficult to arrest & prosecute these individuals to hold them accountable for their cyber fraud.

Warren Ouma (owner of Valforex) peddling their own scam robotic trading systems and scam automated cryptocurrency / binary trading systems while bashing their competition. Yet, we're not their competition but they decided to bash us because of the fact that we banned them from TheStrategyLab months prior to their review. Simply, their review is only a retaliation...nothing more. Thus, the below review by someone was dead on about this con artist...

Scammers with fake reviews - Aug 29, 2018

Scammers with fake reviews.
The biggest joke is that he peddles his own products yet has NO trading track record, NO broker statements to prove his skills, and NO evidence of being published anywhere other than his own website.

Review @

They refused to stop posting messages with spam about their scam robotic trading systems including nor responding (no replies)...they were then banned. I will post a copy of one of their spam messages at a later date when I can locate the message from our spam quarantine trash can.

Valforex registration profile at TheStrategyLab @

You'll notice their registration date here @ TheStrategyLab in the above image was Wednesday, May 26th, 2017 via the Nigerian IP address of and they were last active (banned) on Thursday, July 6th, 2017. Yep, Valforex was banned about 36 days for spamming robotic trading systems after joining this forum via a Nigerian IP address.

(click on image to see Valforex Nigeria IP Address)

We never had any email exchanges with Valforex. They never communicated with us via telephone nor Skype. We've never had any other type of interaction with Valforex except here at our own forum to ask them to stop spamming their scam robotic trading systems during the times they posted messages here at TheStrategyLab. Yet, it was comical that they used a email address to use as their email address in their registration here @ TheStrategyLab as if we would forgive them for their spammer / scammer / fraud behavior because I have a residence here in Québec City, Canada.

We're not the forgiving type considering we've been exposing these frauds since 2005 especially the ones hiding behind the façade as a review blog / website.

Anyways, Valforex never used any resources here @ TheStrategyLab except to join this free support forum and they will never be allowed again to join our free support forum for violation of our terms of use policy @

Valforex Nigeria IP Address via Info IP Sniper @

Valforex then posted October 5th 2017 a review of TheStrategyLab in retaliation to our banning them from our website...their review of TheStrategyLab was about 3 months after we banned Valforex for violation of our terms of use policy. We've highlighted in red circles with labels the lies in these images of the review by Valforex towards TheStrategyLab in their review article @ or

This is not new to TheStrategyLab...many trolls, spammers, and review websites associated with scam automated trading systems usually do retaliate against TheStrategyLab after we've exposed them and then banned them from our resources. This is something we've often seen since 2005....nothing worth thinking about beyond this message post and other single message posts about others using automated trading systems for their cyber frauds.

These retaliation reviews are typically like the following as stated by Valforex review of TheStrategyLab because they could not enter our free chat room or they were banned before they could even sneak their way into our free chat room...

(click on image to see TheStrategyLab members posting real time trades)


Image Archive Chat Log @

Image Qualification for access to the free chat room @

Warren Ouma (Valforex) said about TheStrategyLab - What you find inside this chat room is a list of people who spend their time talking to each other. They do not call out trades. This chat room does not have any live trading activities going on. We do not even understand why it’s there in the first place. Probably that’s what people should get for free. But it also speaks volumes concerning what this service will give you if you end up paying for the trading manual.

This is a crude experience, to be honest. With no live trading or proof that M.A Perry is a successful trader, one is entitled to ask questions or ignore the service altogether.

Here's a snippet image of the above quote by Warren Ouma taken from the actual review @ as also seen further below in the screenshot of the entire review.

Go ahead, take a closer look at the above screenshot of our free chat room. Didn't Warren Ouma say that traders using TheStrategyLab...including myself via the they comment that they do not call out trades ? The screenshot and hundreds more clearly show Mr. Ouma as a liar. Also, he does not mention the fact that TheStrategyLab does not offer a signal calling trade alert service that has a guru telling others what to trade, when to buy and when to sell.

They Do Not Call Out Trades

TheStrategyLab free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room...we have never advertised our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room. Members of the free chat room are posting their real-time trades as a supplement trade journal to go along with their broker statements. Simply, the primary purpose of our free chat room is to be a trade journal for your trades.

No member nor TheStrategyLab will tell you what to trade, when to buy nor when to sell because it's only a chat room. Thus, the phrase "they call out trades" is associated with a signal calling trade alert room. This is one of the obvious lies of many that are written by Valforex to fit their manipulating narrative of TheStrategyLab.

Therefore, TheStrategyLab does not call out trades to be copied / piggyback / mimicked / replicated because members and I post real-time trades for our trade journal to go along with our redacted screenshots of trade fills in our broker trade execution platform in our private trade journal.

In addition, we have a well-known reputation for removing (ban) traders that try to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room. I guess Warren didn't get the memo about that considering he was never a user of our free chat room because all users of the free chat room are notified prior to entry that I will ban any trader that I suspect is trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room. :mad:

Further, at the time of his review including the months prior to his gain access to the free chat room you needed to verify your learning / knowledge of WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and verify your recent trade performance. In addition, all members of the free chat room are notified to post their real-time trades or post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform in their private thread at the forum prior to enter into the free chat room.

I guess Valforex didn't get the memo about that too. Image

Continuing with his disinformation, he mentions our trading manual in the above quote. The trading manual that Valforex talks about has not been available since 2005 and it was only applicable to Hang Seng HSI futures, Eurex DAX futures, Treasury ZB futures, Emini ER2 futures, and Euronext CAC40 futures. A trading manual that contains 18 daily broker statements with 2 different screenshots of timestamp trade fills in the broker trade execution platform with screenshots of the chart configurations at the time of each trade for an entire month of trading involving the trading manual for each of the trading days of one particular month of trading in 2005 via WRB Analysis.

In addition, these trolls are stating I said the trading manual is applicable for all markets. The reality (the facts), the trading manual was only applicable to the above specific trading instruments and only applicable to market conditions of 2004 - 2005. Just as important, the trading manual has nothing to do with the free chat room...a chat room that has always been free for any trader that has learned (verified via DOKs) the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

By the way, the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide was included in the trading manual and it did contain charts of other markets used in the correlation analysis and inter-market analysis for the above-mentioned trading instruments in 2005. Just as important, the trading manual contained my broker statements & redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform.

Famous Troll Review Quotes about TheStrategyLab

Image Emmett Moore Jr. @ is famously quoted...not a morsel of evidence. Image

Image Warren Ouma @ Valforex is famously quoted in the image that's posted further below representing the review of TheStrategyLab...Mr. Perry appears to have traded for several months without losing a single trade. How is this possible ?

The above quotes by the review frauds is beyond funny. Image

It never happen Mr. Warren Ouma (Valforex). Thus, there's no need for you to create the illusion about me as a legendary trader (not a single losing trade for several months) while you're unable to post any verification from my public archive chat logs that could prove you're correct for the readers of your review... the reader will then discover how easily you create fake news because the longest I've ever gone without a losing trade was 3 trading days and that only occurred twice since year 2002 when members wanted me to post my traders in real-time instead of only posting broker statements.

Public Archive Chat Logs @ and the archive chat logs for the year 2017 @ considering the review was done October 5th 2017. Further, if you're can review the chat room logs for year 2005 @

Seriously, I've never had more than 3 trading days without a single losing trade because you stated I went several months without a single losing trade. Go ahead, post an update to your review with the specific months & years that I had not a single losing trade for several months.

Liars like you will not be able to verified your statements. Thus, there will be no update with links to the archived chat logs that show such occurring as you stated.


Note: Year 2005 is a key year for our free chat room. It's the year when TheStrategyLab banned several members for posting spam links to their automated trading systems & custom indicators including harassing members that used WRB Analysis in their trading when the members posted verification (broker statements) of their trade performance...these verified members were also part of our test group of traders allowed early access to new trade strategies.

Yet, the trolls that harassed our verified members...the trolls used VPNs, rented IP addresses, and impersonations of other members.

Thus, it was very difficult (took several months) to clean the free chat room of these problematic spammers. Further, it's the same year our forum was hacked soon after the bans when the forum was located on ezboard. Today, we're better at vetting new members that want access to our free resources and fee-base resources as a result to what occurred in 2005.

Crazy, unprofessional online activities by these trolls for just a free chat room to be around traders that used WRB Analysis after the trolls discover that the trading manual was no longer for sale after only selling 5 copies...all in Europe...the plot now thickens.


The purpose for the free chat room is for users of WRB Analysis to use it as a trade journal of their real-time trades and real-time market analysis to go along with the screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform that they post later in their private threads. Yet, our free chat room does not replace nor supplement using professional trade journal software that gives members quantitative statistical analysis about their trading.

Valforex review is comical...seriously...he states about TheStrategy that they do not call out trades. As you can see via the above screenshot of our chat room (we have hundreds of screenshots like these for each trading year since 2002 that our members do in fact post their real-time trades, real-time WRB Analysis, and real-time general market comments.

Extending the laugh...Warren Ouma of Valforex intentionally does not want you to know that we do not offer a signal calling trade alert service...never have and that we ban traders for trying to use our free chat room to mimic / copy / piggyback the real-time trades posted by our members or myself in Valforex effort to increase the fake news. Also, he does not want you to know that we have proven that signal-calling trade alert services are not highly replicable to contradict the illusion that review websites present to their readers about those partner with the review blog. A review blog that receives financial compensation for the 4 - 5 star ratings they give to those that are partners with the review blog.

Users of WRB Analysis are not required to use the free chat room but they are required to use a professional trade journal software for their quantitative statistical analysis of their trading performance although its something every trader should be doing as a habit to self-help their own trading.

Why would these trolls / frauds like Warren Ouma @ Valforex and Emmett Moore Jr. @ go to such great length to create disinformation, misinformation, fake news or whatever about TheStrategyLab ???


Strangely, Emmett Moore Jr. (a person that is white) @ and Warren Ouma (a person that is black and lives in Africa) @ Valforex uses similar sentences, similar disinformation, similar misinformation, similar review tactics in their review of TheStrategyLab and similar review tactics in their review of others.

Yet, Emmett Moore Jr. has never posted a review about Valforex...never mentions the name of any scam robotic trading systems promoted/marketed by Valforex in any of his reviews. Thus, he doesn't say anything negative about Valforex...a blog that is littered in promoting scam automated (robotic) cryptocurrencies/binary options trading systems. Thus, Valforex should be a rich source for to do reviews.

In fact, Emmett Moore Jr. of is flatter by their plagiarism but the reality is that Emmett Moore Jr. thinks it's flattering when Valforex adds in more disinformation & misinformation. Simply, Emmett Moore Jr. is giving Valforex a free get out of jail card for every scam automated/robotic trading system being promoted at Valforex blog.

Image What are the similarities between Warren Ouma and Emmett Moore Jr. ?

Both use the façade as a review blog. Both were banned from our resources due to violation of our terms of use policy (e.g. using fake identities, trolling, marketing automated trading systems & custom indicators) prior to their reviews of TheStrategyLab. Both are not able to post verification of their own trading performance to gain access to our free services. Both are very evasive and changing residence addresses multiple times to prevent legal action...both worked prior occupation as sales and self-appointed quant although the latter was not for an institutional trading firm.

(click on image to see Emmett Moore Jr. Awareness of Valforex)

I know what you may be thinking...Emmett Moore Jr. @ does not know about Valforex which would then imply he does not know about all of the scam automated (robotic) trading systems & custom indicators being marketed and recommended @ Valforex. Surely, Emmett Moore Jr. would see all those scam robotic trading systems being marketed there...right ?

In fact, Valforex markets many scam robotic trading systems...not one has come under the scrutiny of blog.

Yet, clearly, the image of a quote by Emmett Moore Jr. from his own blog shows that he knows about Valforex, In fact, my clients have searched blog for any reviews of the scam robotic trading systems being marketed / recommended by Valforex...they could not find a negative comment nor review by Emmett Moore Jr. about the scam automated (robotic) trading systems & custom indicators being marketed @ Valforex...nothing...other than that comment by Emmett Moore Jr. in the screenshot above that shows him stating that he's flattered.

Maybe these strange similarities are because Valforex is just very good at plagiarism...copying Emmett Moore Jr's work or maybe they are working together considering Emmett Moore Jr. openly admits at his review blog that he has associates in other countries that help him to infiltrate trade rooms ???

Another strange coincidence, Warren Ouma of Valforex is located in either Nigeria or Kenya, Africa. Why then does Valforex email (registration info here at this forum) they tried to send spam/scam messages about their robotic trading systems to some of our users...the email trail traveled through the same Cloudfare servers (California, U.S.A.) as email trail of Emmett Moore Jr. of ???

Think about this very carefully, two different located in California and the other located in Africa...their email trails travel through the same Cloudfare servers in California. In comparison, I'm located in Québec, Canada and my emails travel through servers in Québec, Canada.

In 2012, we set up with our host to quarantine any emails that travel through Cloudfare servers out of California, U.S.A. in which you'll be surprised at which of those quarantine emails have malware & pings. Reminder, Emmett Moore Jr. brags at his review blog about putting codes in emails that allow him to watch you in real-time if you click on the email...he's really talking about hijacking your webcam.

In contrast, when our other users send messages to each other here @ TheStrategyLab...their message trail travels through the country servers of their own country. For example, a user in Spain sends a private message here @ TheStrategyLab to another user located in Brazil...the message IP address trail starts in Spain...not California, U.S.A.

The same was true for all of our other members. Their email trail begins in the country they're located and then ends in the country of the receiver...never traveling through Cloudfare servers in California, U.S.A. In fact, our host quarantines all emails traveling through Cloudfare (California) servers since 2012 due to a problem we have with a hacker that likes to put pings / codes / malware in what he refers to as anonymous emails. Emmett Moore Jr. of uses exactly the same reference "anonymous emails" at his own blog including stating something very similar to the hacker we knew...the emails are embedded with links that allow him to watch in real-time as the emails are opened or deleted.

This is one of the reasons why we refer to Emmett Moore Jr. as a hacker in our review of in which you do not want a partnership with someone running around on the internet bragging about their hacker like behavior while at the same time being a SEC felon that went to prison for fraud and other illegal activities.

(click on image to see Emmett Moore Jr. Admit Indirectly to Spying via Emails)

Emmett Moore Jr. at his own blog refers to these emails he sends to those he reviews as the "The Lion" because he states that if you do not respond (reply) to these emails...there will be a negative consequence. Seriously, he's stating you will have negative consequences if you do not open his emails that are embedded with pings, codes, and links that allow him to watch you in real-time or maybe he's implying if you do not reply to his automatically get a negative review.

I'm not can read Emmett Moore Jr.s own comments about "The Lion" emails @ in which he sends emails to people with links in the emails that allows him to watch you in real-time.

That implies he's using malware links to hijack your webcam like some kind of a pervert so that he truly can watch you. Crazy, he brags about it on his own blog and not one single reader calls him out for these cyber-crime behaviors.

Think again if you believe it's not possible to hijack your webcam by a hacker that wants to watch you in real-time or access your private / personal information on your the below links about webcams !!!






Simply, these two frauds / trolls / hackers are most likely secret associates of each other...working together to extend their fraud around the world. Seriously, read the review blog...not even the replies by the few active readers make any references to the scam robotic trading systems being marketed @ Valforex while they both share the commonality of disliking Dr. Dean Handley.

Image Associates of these Scam Review Websites

(click on image to see an honest review of Valforex)

Trolls and pretend traders that commonly associated with these review sites are from Vietnam, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Panama, and the Philippines but the review websites are run by someone living in the U.S...someone that hide their scam / fraud activities via associates from the mentioned countries.

Both have openly stated in several different reviews that they have "associates" or working with others in other countries (e.g. Reyna from the Philippines that works with Emmett Moore Jr. to do illegal screen recordings to go along with Emmett Moore Jr. doing illegal telephone recordings - both a violation of wiretapping laws).

Another commonality, they all promote scam automated trading systems & custom indicators while not showing any screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform by themselves nor by any user of the scam systems that's being promoted / advertised.


This website simply slams EVERY other forex training provider out there (even the good ones) and uses it as a platform to peddle their own goods, which are substandard, to say the least.

What is ironic is this guy, who slates every one even sells his own products, yet he has:
1. NO trading track-record,
2. NO testimonials
3. NO broker statements to prove his skills,
4. NO any evidence of being published anywhere other than his own website (he claims to have been published via

Avoid at all costs. Valforex is a double scam operation.

Review @

(click on image to see Valforex retaliation review after we banned them)

Its important to remember that TheStrategyLab does not sell robotic / automated trading systems nor involved with cryptocurrencies and binary options. In addition, we're not a broker nor are we partner with any products that's a competitor of Valforex products.

Instead, not mentioned by Valforex in their review of TheStrategyLab...

Image Free chat room for traders using key concepts from WRB Analysis and wanting a timestamp environment as a trade journal (not a signal calling trade alerts room)

Image Live screen share meeting for qualified users of WRB Analysis

Image WRB Analysis Free Study Guide for traders to determine the merits of WRB Analysis

Image Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB) free trade strategy for traders to determine the merits of TheStrategyLab trade strategies if they do not have their own to use with the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide

Image Advance WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters for traders with their own trade signal strategies

Image Volatility Trading Report (VTR) trade signal strategies for traders with no trade signal strategies

Simply, Valforex is unable to identify the services nor resources that are offered @ TheStrategyLab outside complaining about our free chat room after we banned them from our forum, website & free chat room. It's an obvious fact because when you read again Valforex review of TheStrategyLab...Warren Ouma of Valforex does not mention any of our resources above except for the free chat room without saying it's not a signal calling trade alert room and that we ban anyone trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room.

In fact, as stated in this message post and all over the website...the free chat room is for users of WRB Analysis to post their real-time trades as a trade journal, screen sharing for users of WRB Analysis, private threads for users of WRB Analysis to post screenshots of trade fills (simulator or real money) in their broker trade execution platform and we offer fee-based trading courses called Advance WRB Analysis & Volatility Trading Report (VTR).

Valforex instead reviews our free chat room and mentions our trading manual although it does not mention the trading manual only sold a few personal friends, its in French and has not been sold since year 2005.

Simply, it's obviously not a review...its a retaliation review because we banned them from our website & forum when they tried to spam our members with their scam products in their failed effort to gain access to our free chat room. The other strong possibility, its a review copied from Emmett Moore Jr. of or Warren Ouma of Valforex is secretly partner with Emmett Moore the reader will be the judge to determine if this is just a clever fraud by these types of individuals in the review business.

Seriously, if you're going to post a review of a vendor...why would you not mention the name of the services offered by the vendor Image

Think about that very carefully along with the fact that Valforex does not mention the name WRB Analysis (the foundation of our trade method) in their review.

I'm flabbergasted by Warren Ouma of Valforex because he made a boneheaded move via posting one of my redacted screenshots from live screen share meeting that shows trade fills in my broker trade execution platform next to correlated trades posted real-time in the free chat room...contradicting what he wrote in his review.

<<<<< click on image to see Valforex boneheaded move

It's funny because when Emmett Moore Jr. stated there's not a morsel of evidence of trade performance...he was at least smart enough not to post any of my redacted screenshots in his negative review nor show my calendar with direct links to archive chat logs of trades posted in real-time by users of WRB Analysis.

Red Circle Highlight A - Scam review site states they were justified. It's like a subliminal message in which they really are saying they were justified to make a fake review after we banned them.

Red Circle Highlight B - Scam review site uses false info/incorrect price and trading manual (hardcover) that has not been in existence since 2005. The false info was posted by when in reality...Valforex is proving their association with vendor that's trying to market scam robotic trading systems.

Red Circle Highlight C - We highlighted the statement in error.

Red Circle Highlight 1 - We do not use any robotic trading system and we do not use any automation. We use discretionary trade methods that are backtested and our members post their quantitative statistical analysis via a professional trading journal along with broker statements. Members that do not post the required info to use our services...we ignore them and they are vetted out of the website.

Red Circle Highlight 2 - My home address is not anyone's business. I'm a citizen to two countries and a legal resident of another country. I own a home (birth home) in France that I inherited when my grandparents died. I was educated in the U.S. (midwest) and then after college...I served in the U.S. military. I own a home and other properties in Canada where I'm raising a family.

Other than private life is no one's business.

Red Circle Highlight 3 - TheStrategyLab primarily markets/advertise by word of mouth and at our own website. We do not primarily market on StockTwits. You can easily verify that this is another fraud (disinformation) by Valforex via reviewing our messages on Stocktwits @

The only thing you'll see at Stocktwits is our user name correlation to wrbtrader (that's us) and website name (allowed by StockTwits) to be in our profile. As for the individual marketing nor advertising...just price action discussions. In fact, we rarely post at Stocktwits. Simply, we do not actively post at Stocktwits and the rare times we do post...we're only talking about general market news or specific price actions in the markets.

Strangely, its a similar tactic that Emmett Moore Jr. @ tried to do via pointing out that we advertise our fee-based resources on Twitter @ when in fact that the fraud is that they both try to get rid of anyone that's either a competitor of the products they do promote or someone that has exposed their cyber fraud.

Valforex Twitter @

Red Circle Highlight 4 - Our members post their real-time trades in a timestamp-free chat room...public logs for transparency. Also, our members post their redacted broker statements and quantitative statistical analysis via 3rd party professional trade journal software in their private threads. Prior to the private threads, our members post their broker statements at a public forum thread from December 2008 to June 2011 @

Further, qualified members do screen sharing here @ TheStrategyLab with wrbtrader...members can see each other place trades in their broker trade execution platform and then see the same trades posted in the free chat room. Many screenshots are posted all over the website.

TheStrategyLab does not offer a signal call service (trade alert service) nor do we offer any automated cryptocurrency / binary trading systems. Thus, no sure what Valforex meant by "no live charts" as if they were looking for someone to show them their real-time charts before we banned Valforex ???

The reality, what's the connection between Emmett Moore Jr. and Valforex ???

Red Circle Highlight 5 - Valforex states we do not call out trades. Yet, they do not tell their readers that members of the free chat room and myself are posting real-time trades in a free chat room. There's no head trader in the free chat room telling others what to trade, when to buy, and when to sell because the free chat room is not a signal calling trade alert room service.

Valforex, does not tell its readers that we ban traders that attempt to use our free chat room to mimic / copy / piggyback / replicate trades posted by members or myself. Simply, there's no one in the free chat room calling out trades because that's a phrase associated with signal calling trade alert rooms.

Also, it's obvious that Valforex didn't do their research because we also in fact have live screen sharing in which members so that they can see my broker trade execution platform as trades are occurring...its two way...not one way. Thus, I can see the member's screens too and only a few members from the free chat room are qualified to access the live screen share meeting.

More importantly, users of WRB Analysis are required to post redacted screenshots of trade fills in their broker trade execution platform in the private thread of their trades that they post in the free chat room to prevent losing access to the free chat room. This requirement is the primary reason why so many traders are angry about this requirement and it results in TheStrategyLab having low membership.

We're OK with only a handful of members in the free chat room because we're concerned about the quality of members...not quantity.

Red Circle Highlight 7 - Valforex states our trading record dates back a couple of years. Yet, in other statements, they incorrectly quote "my earnings" since 2002. That would imply I have a track record of more than a couple of years.

In fact, let's be more precise. I strongly believe our free chat room is the longest-running chat room...we've been available since 2002 and TheStrategyLab is the only vendor that its clients are posting redacted screenshots to verify trade performance and verify the merits of the trading method.

Valforex clients of their products: They do not post real-time trades, do not post screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade execution platform, do not post broker statements, do not post DOKs to show they understand the product...they do not because the products are a fraud.

There are more red highlights after #7 on the image link above but we won't bother with them because it's just too obvious their lying...trying to create false narratives. Simply, not worth a rebuttal such as the #10 red highlight in which Valforex states I trade from the comfort of my home.

To be precise, I trade from my home office because I'm a retail trader. Where would they think a retail trader will trade from...picnic bench in the backyard ?


Valforex is a scam review website that markets/advertise scam robotic trading systems that do not post any live trades and does not post any broker statements. Worst, they join forums like TheStrategyLab to try to market their stinking crap in our own backyard. Its offensive to be reviewed by someone that you never had any communication with, they do not mention the name of your services and then they show your redacted screenshots of trade fills in broker trade execution platform that correlates with the trades posted in the free chat room...screenshots that we capture in live trading while doing live screen share meeting with many users of the free chat room.

The above paragraph sums up my disgust in Warren Ouma of Valforex and I sincerely hope this review (rebuttal) to Valforex serves as a warning to any other reviewer that uses such fraudulent review tactics. If you do, we will expose you and write about you.

They retaliated with a scam review aimed @ TheStrategyLab after we had banned them from our forum & website. They go to great lengths to hide their identities via different names and secret partnerships. Not sure what their real identities are but we're warning our readers to avoid (stay away) from using any of the services/resources by Valforex and this message post is a warning to any other fake review website/blog that's really just a vendor trying to market/advertise their scam robotic trading systems.

For the record...TheStrategyLab does not offer any robotic trading systems, no automated system trading systems and we do not offer any trading platforms even though Valforex categorizes us as such. Further, we have no services involving binary options, cryptocurrencies. All of such that Valforex has reviewed us about.

Maybe a coincidence, Valforex email trail of the spam messages travel through servers...same as I discover about the other review website name and same email trail that a few past trolls were using.

Valforex Whois Info with CloudFlare @

That's a very strange combination...Valforex joins our forum via a Nigerian IP address but their spam messages here at the forum had traveled through servers in the U.S. and London, England. None of the spam message posts by Valforex travel through Nigeria or anywhere thru Africa. Simply, they are obviously hiding their identity while posting spam messages all over the world...a violation of our terms of use policy...banning them was our way of holding them accountable for breaking our terms of use policy.

Yet, prior to banning Valforex from our forum...I research my database of any current clients or free users of TheStrategyLab that had IP addresses near the city of the IP address of Valforex. That's when I discover the IP address of a past user from Nigeria with connections with business partners in Australia. It's possible they're using a fake IP address from Nigeria when they really are from Australia although the website is registered through a business in Canada...with a yahoo Canada email address. Further, their IP address is associated with two scam reseller websites that steal copyright-protected education content and then resells it cheaply. One of those scam reseller websites has taken our WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and reselling it between $20 - $50 dollars.

Amazingly, the Valforex user name that we banned...someone name Warren @ Valforex retaliates several months later via doing a fake review of TheStrategyLab without having any discussions with us about our services. In fact, our only interaction with Valforex was informing them they are banned for posting spam at our forum from through several different Cloudflare servers located around the world...revealing they are in fact hiding their real identities via resources like VPNs & rented IP addresses.

Why hide if you're not a selling scam robotic trading systems and you're not a scam review website ?

I'll post more info later about the manipulative review scam by Valforex when I have time but I won't make it as long-winded as the review I did about

The manipulative scam review by Valforex about TheStrategyLab @

Most recent review by someone about Valforex as a review scam website @

The complaint about Valforex by the guy at the above link is basically saying:

* Valforex has NO trading track record for the robotic trading systems they are promoting
* Valforex has NO testimonials or track-record by users of the robotic trading systems
* Valforex has NO broker statements to prove his skills

Yet, he should have stated the following facts about Valforex:

* Valforex has NO real money broker statements of the hypothetical scam robotic trading systems that they are advertising
* Valforex has NO real money timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform
* Valforex hides behind VPNs and rented IP addresses to hide their identity and location

Also, there are many more complaints about Valforex that we will post later when we have more time to talk about their scam website. I will then make more images and store them here at TheStrategyLab of what others are saying about Valforex just in case those comments disappear one day or are moved to another location. Thus, they will forever be stored here at TheStrategyLab.

M.A. Perry


Valforex Nigeria IP Address @

Valforex Forum Trader Profile @

Valforex Fake Review of TheStrategyLab @

Valforex Whois Info @

Valforex Scammer @

Valforex Scam Review Site @

Valforex Trader Profile TheStrategyLab Registration @

Valforex Consumer Complaints @

Valforex Binarobot Scam @


Image Rebuttal to Mr. Emmett Moore Jr. via Review @

Image The Strategy Lab: Valforex - The Manipulative Review Scam @

Image TheStrategyLab Review @

Image Where did wrbtrader go? | Elite Trader @

TheStrategyLab / M.A. Perry
wrbtrader / Price Action Trading
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/wide range bar analysis)
a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): &
Image@ Image@

Youtube @
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TheStrategyLab @
Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)

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