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 Post subject: ItalianSharp Review / Testimony / Accolade
PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:08 am 
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TheStrategyLab / M.A. Perry
wrbtrader / Price Action Trading
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/wide range bar analysis)
a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): &
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Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 (24/7)

ItalianSharp Review / Testimony / Accolade

Hashtages: #ItalianSharp #Tradingschools #TradersLaboratory

We never ask members for testimonials. Thus, all testimonials are by members that wanted to share their experiences with TheStrategyLab and they received no financial compensation for such. Yet, we do not pretend to be perfect. Further, although most users are satisfied with our resources...we do have a small percentage that are not satisfied. We're OK with that statistics of +80% satisfied users, +10% not satisfied and +10% undecided although we wish every user were satisfied.

Two images below: Accolade (review) by the user name ItalianSharp of WRB Analysis that was posted by the user in the free chat room and the next image is our Daily Broker Profit/Loss Statement from screen sharing along with a direct link to the archive chat log of the entire trading day to show all conversation in the chat room for the posted accolade & broker profit/loss statement. Simply, other users of WRB Analysis post their real-time trades too in the free chat room and some will then post their screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform or broker profit/loss statements in their private threads for documentation too about their trading day.

101306Accolade[1].png [ 68.15 KiB | Viewed 1337 times ]

The image below was taken during screen sharing with other members on the same trading day of the above accolade (review) to verify the above image along with the link below to the archived chat log. I took a quick screenshot during the screen sharing with other members for marketing purposes, for my own private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not shown for security reasons), and for verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for those that were not in the chat room or not allowed in the screen sharing for whatever reason with others that were allowed. In addition, I took the screenshot while in screen sharing on trading days when a user of TheStrategyLab made a positive review (accolade/testimonial) in front of other users during the trading day in which they were able to see trades executed in my broker trade execution platform during the screen share and then see the exact same trades posted in real-time in the free chat room via an auto-script.

Note: Screen sharing is for education & personal documentation purposes only. It is not used as a signal calling trade alert service nor for mentoring (coaching)...we do not offer the latter services.

101306NihabaAshiPnLBlotterProfit[1].png [ 265.91 KiB | Viewed 1093 times ]

Archive Chat Log of the entire trading day that contains ItalianSharp comments @


All fee-base clients have used our free resources (e.g. WRB Analysis free study guide, free support, free chat room) to determine the merits of our resources prior to purchase. In fact, most free users see an improvement in their trading. Further, most traders view WRB Analysis as very easy to understand while a small percentage believe it's too complicated. Remember this...use the free resources and the support is free too without paying a single penny. We hope you see an improvement in your understanding of the markets and/or in your trading itself.

Currently, we're spending a lot of effort on the psychological aspects of trading. Although we offer no services in "trading psychology"...we hope our views and experiences are helpful because it's a very difficult area for most traders to understand and master... it's something that we've now concluded has a big impact on trade results. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us and share your problems with trading because we may have some very useful insight for you.

Note: Our free chat room daily user list, screenshots of screen sharing and accolades (testimonials) are public records for anyone to view. Unfortunately, there's a small group of idiots posting negative commentary via impersonating other members via using their user names at other online locations. We do know who they are, we know what other forums they are members and we do notify the forum owners about these individuals. It's a reason why we choose this particular accolade that contradicts the negative commentary by those impersonating this particular user of WRB Analysis. In addition, we are aware of their IPs, real names and locations. They are pikers, trolls, liars, and a few are hackers and we highly recommend you do not reveal any personal or financial information to these individuals while you're using our resources.

Actually, these impersonators do these things to gain access to a free chat room or live screen sharing for the sole purpose to try to copy / mimic / piggyback our trades !!!

Here's a little more info about ItalianSharp that gave us a positive review even...he was using TheStrategyLab while using indicators, DOM and market profile information as part of his trade methodology. Also, as noted in our review of Emmett Moore Jr. blog, a troll is impersonating ItalianSharp at blog...bad impersonation by the troll considering you can compare the real ItalianSharp's writing style and the way he writes his user name via the caps of the letters I and S in his user name as shown at TradersLaboratory profile and writing style.

ItalianSharp-TradersLaboratory.png [ 682.76 KiB | Viewed 943 times ]

Yet, while he was aware that TheStrategyLab does not use DOM, does not use market profile nor use indicators...we're not aware about the impact of DOM, indicators and market profile had in his trade decisions considering he did not discuss. Simply, we could not help him with his use of indicators and the DOM because he never specifically shared with us how he was using them in his trading with WRB Analysis.

Most of the trouble makers & trolls do not like to see accolades (testimonials) with broker PnL statements (screenshots) from screen sharing like the above. As stated above, it contradicts (with verification) the statements by the trolls impersonating this user of WRB Analysis. The trouble makers & trolls were losing traders prior to TheStrategyLab and then decided to impersonate users that gave a positive review so that the trolls can then post negative comments in hopes they can fool any reader about their negative comments.

Unfortunately for the trolls, I document all reviews by our clients to show their writing style or any verification of trade performance to contradict the impersonators that are really just someone that we've banned in the past.

Summary - Reviewers should always fact check any opinions posted by their readers to verify the opinions prior to allowing it to post via using a simple queue of any messages / complaints. If they don't, the bad publicity & distrust is earned by them when traders like me are able to easily spot impersonators or fake opinions & fake complaints.

Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Image@ Image@
Phone: +1 224 307-4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002

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