samwardpa wrote:
WRB and WRB hidden gap.
i use bar charts, and i use the bar (high-low) as a definition for WRB.
Hi samwardpa,
That's a good DOK chart of tutorial chapter 1 that shows the difference between a WRB interval and a WRB Hidden GAP interval.
Also, I like the fact that you're using "bar charts" and you understand that bar charts are associated with the difference between (High and Low) for WRB Analysis even though I myself prefer to use Candlestick charts with the difference between (Open and Close) for WRB Analysis because it helps to differentiate WRB Analysis from another trade method that's called Wide Range
Bar Analysis.
It's been a while since another user has done that.
Wide Range Bar Analysis is a trade signal not associated with TheStrategyLab.
Wide Range Body Analysis (WRB Analysis) is a price action analysis that works with your trade signal strategy.,
M.A. Perry