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Forum for price action traders that want to learn WRB Analysis basic tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3 prior to purchasing our advance trade methods. Hashtags: #wrbanalysis #wrbzone #wrbhiddengap #priceaction #trading
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 Post subject: 2nd Question About Tutorial Chapter 3
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 10:45 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:44 am
Posts: 4

The attached chart is from Chapter 3 of the tutorial. The text above it states that "... The first chart below…there is no WRB interval as a c1 or c2. Thus, the range involves the price action between the High and Low of those two particular intervals." My question is, since neither C1 or C2 is a WRB, why is that green zone labeled a "WRB" S/R Zone instead of S/R Zone ?

0312.JPG [ 65.58 KiB | Viewed 581 times ]
 Post subject: Re: 2nd Question About Tutorial Chapter 3
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:25 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 pm
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Location: Canada

There's a new version of chapter 3 that is schedule to be soon released in the WRB Analysis free study guide with that chart you're asking about. That chart is edited (corrected). Simply, you're correct in that the range on that chart is not a "WRB S/R Zone".

Yet, via a more in-depth explanation of the RANGE in the new version...its OK for you to call your trade signals a "S/R Zone".

The new chapter 3 has the following definition of RANGE:

RANGE is the price action between the highest high and lowest low of the intervals involved within the price action of your trade signal and your trade signal intervals must contain a WRB interval or WRB Hidden GAP interval so that the range can be called a WRB Zone.

Yet, if there is a WRB Hidden GAP (unfilled) interval in the price action of your trade signal intervals and the WRB Hidden GAP (unfilled) interval occurs as the last interval (the c1 interval)…it’s your choice to use the WRB Hidden GAP (unfilled) interval as your WRB Zone or you can use the range of all the intervals in the price action of your trade signal as the WRB Zone if they qualified as a swing point or strong continuation price action. Once again, it is your choice of which to use. Once again, it is your choice of which to use.

In contrast, if there’s no WRB interval and no WRB Hidden GAP interval in the price action of your trade signal must then use the first WRB Hidden GAP interval that occurs after the price action of your trade signal intervals as your WRB Zone.

I still use that chart in the new version. Instead, its been edited to explain that the c1 interval and c2 interval did not contain a WRB or WRB Hidden GAP interval as part of the trade signal intervals. Therefore, the trader must use the appearance of the first WRB Hidden GAP interval after the trade signal intervals as the WRB Zone.

Thanks for the question and it gives those reading the Questions or DOKs here at the forum an early peak at the new version that will be released soon. I usually release a new version once per year with clarifications or corrections based upon the questions I get at this forum. Its the main reason why I have a questions section so that I can improve on the presentation of the WRB Analysis free study guide.

P.S. Hopefully by end of year I will have some video of recorded live price action of the tutorial chapters of the WRB Analysis free study guide posted on Youtube. I think it will help with some of the long worded explanations in the free study guide.

M.A. Perry

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