Wide Range Body Analysis versus Wide Range Bar Analysis (Click on image to view WRB Analysis Not A Trade Signal) http://www.thestrategylab.com/images/wrb-analysis-not-trade-signal-strategy.png The key difference is that Wide Range
Body Analysis (WRB Analysis) is only a price action analysis from TheStrategyLab that works with your trade signal strategy. Therefore, you need a trade signal strategy to use WRB Analysis. In contrast, Wide Range
Bar Analysis is a trade signal strategy by a different vendor.
Another important difference is that Wide Range
Body Analysis involves using Key Market Events (KMEs) as explained in the
WRB Analysis Free Study Guide whereas users of Wide Range
Bar Analysis are
not concerned with KMEs.
Continuing with the differences involves the
chart settings.
WRB Analysis (Wide Range
Body Analysis) uses
candlestick charts whereas Wide Range
Bar Analysis uses
bar charts.
Therefore, Wide Range
Bar is a term associated with
Bar charts and represents the price area between the High and Low. In contrast, Wide Range
Body is a term associated with
Candlestick charts and represents the price area between the Close and Open.
Thus, whoever created the trade signal strategy called Wide Range
Bar Analysis, puts more emphasis on other areas of the price action that WRB Analysis users do not use in their trading because WRB Analysis is not a trade signal strategy...it's a price action analysis that works with your trade signal strategy. In fact, my first clue that someone is using Wide Range
Bar Analysis instead of WRB Analysis is that the trader does
not mention key market events (KMEs) and
not able to identify
WRB Zones via strong continuation / swing point price actions via the objective rules outlined in the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
Another obvious clue that the trader does not know what he/she is talking about (as in its a very confused trader) is that you'll see the trader posting Candlestick charts while labeling it as Wide Range Bar Analysis. Yet, if the trader insists that he/she is using WRB Analysis...then you should ask that trader to describe the details of their trade signal strategy (entry/exit/stop placement) or name of the trade signal strategy that they're using with WRB Analysis and analyze the trader's description of the KME strong continuation / swing point price action that's being used as a WRB Zone.
Simply, if the trader has no trade signal strategy to use with WRB Analysis...the trader will
not be able to describe a trade signal strategy and its a trader that will find WRB Analysis
In 2014, I started requiring traders to post DOK charts to [verify learning (understanding) the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and post redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in their broker trade platform to verify the application of the WRB Analysis Free Study guide that correlates with their charts so that I can ensure its a trader that's using WRB Analysis...correctly. Traders that verify learning/application of WRB Analysis...is a trader that's using WRB Analysis.
In fact, Wide Range
Bar Analysis users in error will view
all WRB Hidden GAP intervals as WRB Zones
or they do not use WRB Zones. In contrast, WRB Analysis users understand that only certain WRB Hidden GAP intervals will qualify as either a strong continuation price action or swing point price action can be viewed as a WRB Zone while understanding why other WRB Hidden GAP intervals do not qualify as WRB Zones.

Simply, not all WRB Hidden GAP intervals are created equal...only a small percentage of WRB Hidden GAP intervals will qualify as a WRB Zone as explained in tutorial chapter 2 of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
As a reminder, your trade signal via whatever trade method you're using...that trade signal must occur
within (share a price tick) a WRB Zone, you can use WRB Zones as profit targets
or both. This is the minimum requirement of using WRB Analysis. In fact, WRB Analysis can not be used if you do not have a trade signal strategy.
In addition, to properly determine the merits of WRB Analysis...you must know the quantitative statistical analysis of your trade signal strategy
prior to using WRB Analysis and then compare the results of your trade signal strategy versus the results of your trade signal strategy merged with WRB Analysis.
This is the main reason why TheStrategyLab highly recommends you use a
professional trade journal to determine the statistical analysis for your trade performance. Here's an example of one statistical metric.
TheStrategyLab username member
Corentin trade strategy: He prefers to Short failed breakouts in Emini YM Futures and Eurex DAX Futures.

Profit Factor of his Trade Strategy:
Profit Factor of his Trade Strategy merged with WRB Analysis:
2.1 Simply, WRB Analysis improved the performance of his trade signal strategy. Also, his professional trade journal software gives him more statistical analysis metrics that are equally important as
profit factor but I just wanted to mention one specific statistical metric that you could use to determine the merits of WRB Analysis.
Note: Most broker trade execution platforms have basic built-in statistical analysis metrics. If your broker does not...try using professional trade journal software like
antsignals.com or trademetria.com ----------
Another difference between the two is that WRB Analysis puts a lot of emphasis on contracting volatility intervals, WRB intervals, first WRB Hidden GAP interval after a KME, and management of the trade after entry via WRB Analysis...allowing more customized quantitative statistical metrics to be analyzed.
In contrast, Wide Range
Bar Analysis does
not...resulting in having more difficulty in determining which specific component of the trade signal strategy is problematic.
Therefore, one of the biggest use of Wide Range
Bar Analysis involves itself as an independent trade signal resulting in fewer learning steps to be trading. In contrast, WRB Analysis is a price action analysis that you use with your trade signal strategy. Thus, you need to learn your trade signal strategy and learn WRB Analysis. Furthering the contrast between the two that WRB Analysis is
not a trade signal whereas Wide Range
Bar Analysis is a trade signal strategy.
Therefore, do not make the mistake that your price action analysis
or understanding of the price action will be the same in both WRB Analysis and Wide Range Bar Analysis. Yet, bar chart users can apply WRB Analysis to bar charts if they do not want to use candlestick charts.

Thus, if you meet someone that states that TheStrategyLab uses Wide Range
Bar Analysis...you're talking to someone that's clueless and does not understand WRB Analysis nor have used it.
The above is typically confirmed when they post charts of WRB Analysis via the
objective rules from the WRB Analysis Study Guide because their charts will
not mention the
KME's and / or they're
not able to identify the type of WRB Zone.
Just as importantly, if the person insist they used WRB Anlysis...the person should be able to easily post verification via
DOKs and
Redacted Screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform to support any positive / negative opinions they may have about WRB Analysis because its a requirement here
@ TheStrategyLab to use our resources.
In fact, soon DOKs and Redacted Screenshots will be a requirement for purchase to verify the client has properly done their due diligence prior to purchasing via verification of learning / application of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.
With that said, these are two different price action analyses and I'll explain below their key differences.
WRB Analysis aka Wide Range Body Analysis The chart example
below is that of a trader that is properly identifying key components of WRB Analysis. You can see on his chart the type of KME, type of WRB Zone from tutorial chapter 2 and he has a clear understanding of the other key components of the price action analysis involved in WRB Analysis. In addition, this trader has verified his application of WRB Analysis merged with his trade signal strategy via screenshots of timestamp trade fills in his broker trade execution platform...posted in his
private thread.
More chart examples by users of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide that have verified their understanding of WRB Analysis
@ http://www.thestrategylab.com/tsl/forum/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=719(Click on image to view WRB Analysis) http://www.thestrategylab.com/images/wrb-analysis-user-North.png
Created by M.A. Perry in high school in the late 1980s while working with a family member that worked at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). I'm the owner of TheStrategyLab and known online as wrbtrader that uses the foundation of my WRB Analysis.

Analyzes the price reaction to key economic events that I refer to as
key market events also known as KMEs.

Key Variables: KMEs, contracting volatility, WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, and WRB Zones (Trend Continuation price actions and Swing Point price actions)

not be used as a trade signal strategy. Instead, it's used with whatever trade signal strategy you're using. It's purpose is to improve the trade performance of
your trade signal strategies.

No known signal calling trading alert room and I myself ban members when I discover they're trying to use my free chat room for the purpose to copy / mimic / piggyback / replicate trades posted by other members
or myself.

WRB Zones activate s/r levels when price re-enters an open WRB Zone.

volatility analysis that's arguably a better replacement of volume and resolves some of the problems associated with volume analysis.

Initial stop / loss protection and trailing stop management is a very important aspect of WRB Analysis especially protecting profits after reaching WRB pt1.
Wide Range Bar Analysis You'll notice via the two chart examples
below that those traders are
not able to discuss a specific
KME nor able to discuss the
specific WRB Zone from tutorial chapter 2 of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. Just as important, these are traders that have
never posted a verification screenshot of trade fills in broker trade execution platform nor DOK of WRB Analysis.
They do not interact with me (wrbtrader) here at the TSL Support Forum nor do they have a
private thread to post their verification information involving WRB Analysis. The below charts were posted by them at another discussion forum under the title of Wide Range
Bar Analysis but they then
pretended they were using WRB Analysis.
These are traders that represent Wide Range
Bar Analysis and they typically represent the type of traders that I refuse to help learn WRB Analysis because their intention is to
not learn WRB Analysis along with the fact that they're
not able to verify their understanding of a trade method /
not able to verify their trade performance via timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution platform via a trade method.
(Click on image to view Wide Range Bar Analysis) http://www.thestrategylab.com/images/wide-range-bar-analysis-user-FortuneTeller-021821.png 
It's either an automated trading system, mechanical trading system, a
custom indicator or used by someone that believes
in error it's a shortcut to learning WRB Analysis.

Will use candlestick charts instead of bar charts in an effort to hide the fact the trader is using Wide Range
Bar Analysis.

More often than not, the trader views WRB Hidden GAP intervals as directional trade signals as if trying to do
"bar by bar analysis".

Many have created custom indicators of Wide Range
Bar Analysis via the
illusion its WRB Analysis. Almost all of them do not interact with me because they know its
not WRB Analysis.
They're traders trying to find a shortcut around tutorial chapter 2 of the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide.

We're not sure who created this price action analysis but it correlates closely to
Expansion Bar Analysis by trend traders.

Ignores key market events (KME)
or not able to identify (name) the key market event.

Key Variables: Expansion Bar, Trend and Breakout
(Click on image to view Wide Range Bar Analysis) http://www.thestrategylab.com/images/wide-range-bar-analysis-user-easymon1-042221.png 
not involve WRB Zones
and/or not able to identify the specific strong continuation price action / swing point price action that qualified the "
first WRB Hidden Gap interval" as a WRB Zone

not use volatility analysis and prefers to use
volume analysis.

Rarely discussed are initial stop / loss protection and trailing stop management after trade entry. Wide Range
Bar Analysis users do
not protect profits after reaching a profit target.

Hundreds of breakout trading systems, trend trading systems based, custom indicators upon the general concepts of Wide Range Bar Analysis

Many signal calling trade alert rooms using Wide Range Bar Analysis
Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of
WRB Analysis (wide range body analysis)

http://twitter.com/wrbtrader and http://stocktwits.com/wrbtrader Phone: +1 224 307 4434
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002
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