Price Action Trading Support Forum

Forum for price action traders that want to learn WRB Analysis basic tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3 prior to purchasing our advance trade methods. Hashtags: #wrbanalysis #wrbzone #wrbhiddengap #priceaction #trading
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 Post subject: DOK 1
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 5:24 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:52 pm
Posts: 7
I have attached my understanding of Ch 1 of the Turtorial.

DOK Turtorial 1.png
DOK Turtorial 1.png [ 33.97 KiB | Viewed 653 times ]
 Post subject: Re: DOK 1
PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 8:09 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 pm
Posts: 4342
Location: Canada

Thanks for the DOK for tutorial chapter 1.

You should now start posting at the forum about your trade signal strategy and then some trade signals that occur near/at any Key Market Event (KME) including talking about any WRB intervals or WRB Hidden GAP intervals that may have occurred at/near the trade signal.

This will help to prepare you for learning tutorial chapters 2 and 3.

Simply, you don’t need to fully understand tutorial chapters 2 and 3 to talk about your trade signals that you’ve been trading in relationship to WRB intervals, WRB Hidden GAP intervals, and Key Market Events (KMEs) that occur near/at the trade signal.

In fact, I do not recommend you begin learning tutorial chapters 2 and 3 until you have posted several charts where your trade signals have been appearing along with highlighting any KMEs, WRB Hidden GAP intervals near/at your trade signals.

Some members have posted in their private threads...quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade journal software of their trade performance to go along with the charts that they've annotated with KMEs and WRB Hidden GAP intervals prior to learning tutorial chapters 2 and 3.

P.S. I don't need to know the details about your trade signal strategy. Instead, annotate charts of your most recent trade signals (entry/exit), show where your recent trades (simulator/real money) have occurred from entry to exit along with highlighting Key Market Events (KMEs) and WRB Hidden GAP intervals that occurred at/near your trade signals.

M.A. Perry

 Post subject: Re: DOK 1
PostPosted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 10:13 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2022 8:52 pm
Posts: 7
Can I just use a simple 2 Moving average strategy...ex: 5 and 20 simple EMA cross for buy or sell? I had to walk away from WRB for a second because for whatever reason, I feel like I need everything restated to understand for ch2 and beyond. Che 1 is all I understand with crystal clarity...

 Post subject: Re: DOK 1
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 6:54 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:06 pm
Posts: 4342
Location: Canada
Tiger7F168 wrote:
Can I just use a simple 2 Moving average strategy...ex: 5 and 20 simple EMA cross for buy or sell? I had to walk away from WRB for a second because for whatever reason, I feel like I need everything restated to understand for ch2 and beyond. Che 1 is all I understand with crystal clarity...

The WRB Analysis Free Study Guide is for traders that have an existing trade signal strategy and for traders that know the basic quantitative statistical analysis of their trade signal strategy prior to using WRB Analysis.

Simply, I don't tell you what trade strategy you should be using. In contrast, you're supposed to tell me what trade signal strategy you've been using, backtesting (hypothetical) results, you should be posting information about your trade performance (simulator or real-money) along with quantitative statistical analysis from a professional trade journal software or basic statistics from your broker trade execution platform...

  • Without the above information from will be impossible for you to determine the merits of WRB Analysis merged with your trade signal strategy.

With that said, I highly recommend you post backtest (hypothetical) trade results, simulation trade results, or real trading results via whatever trade signal strategy you're using. Next, post your results here at the forum prior to learning WRB Analysis. This will be your due diligence to determine the merits of WRB Analysis because you'll have the statistical analysis for comparing your trade performance before and then after WRB Analysis.

Some traders are using WRB Analysis merged with their indicator trade signal strategy while others are using WRB Analysis with price action only trade signal strategies (no indicators) and a few are using WRB Analysis with market breadth (DOM) trading.

Regardless, I don't tell traders what strategy they should be using. Instead, they compare their trade results or hypothetical (backtest) results before/after WRB Analysis to determine if there are any merits to using WRB Analysis with their trade signal strategies...

You know, all that do your due diligence stuff prior to qualifying to purchase the fee-base education content.

Reminder: My responsibility is to help you merge WRB Analysis into whatever trade signal strategy that you have been using in your trading. Your responsibility is to already have an existing trade signal strategy with either hypothetical/backtesting results, simulator trade results, or real money trade results...

Prior to learning (understanding)/application of WRB Analysis with your trade signal strategy.

In fact, someone once asked me here at the forum what's the average duration of trade results that a trader has prior to contacting TheStrategyLab ?

My response was about 6 months of trade results along with a few months of quantitative statistical analysis about the trade performance of those 6 months. Yet, if you're using a new trade signal strategy with only a few weeks of trade results (hypothetical/backtesting, simulator, or real money)...that is OK.

I do not need to know the details of your trade signal strategy. Yet, if you do decide to share the details of your trade signal strategy...I can create a private thread for you so that other traders will not have access to the data or your trade performance information about your trade signal strategy. In contrast, I do need to know if you have a trade signal strategy, how long you've been using your trade signal strategy, recent chart examples of your entry/exit of the trade signals, and recent quantitative statistical analysis of your trade results (hypothetical/backtesting, simulator or real money) for your trade signal strategy.

The above info will allow me to better help you merge WRB Analysis with your trade signal improve the trade performance of your trade signal strategy. That is your responsibility (you must do it) prior to learning (understanding)/applying the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide and then merging it with your trade signal strategy.

  • Simply, do not try to learn the WRB Analysis Free Study Guide without a trade signal strategy and without any statistical information about that trade signal strategy.

Reminder: WRB Analysis is not a trade signal strategy. It is a price action analysis that can work with your trade signal strategy to help improve the performance of your trade signal strategy.

M.A. Perry

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