As of April 2022...TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading Support Forum has
moved. The forum new location
@ The new location stores everything as the old forum but now includes the chat room logs, private threads, and private trade journals.
Therefore, please join our new location instead of applying for membership here at the old location. Yet, I will keep this old forum location because it's too deeply integrated with the website itself while I slowly integrate the new forum into the website. Yet, I will keep the old forum as a doorway to the new forum location.
The forum move is due to the fact of being "stuck" on old PHP legacy servers and that in itself created navigation problems at this old forum such as problems posting messages et cetera. In contrast, the new forum location is on new up-to-date PHP servers with a new link name.
I'm still doing a lot of coding for the new forum but it is
ready for registration although I won't be advertising the new forum until 2023 when I should have integrated it more with the website by replacing the links for the old forum.
Once again, TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading Forum has a new location
M.A. Perry