Price Action Trading Support Forum

Forum for price action traders that want to learn WRB Analysis basic tutorial chapters 1, 2 and 3 prior to purchasing our advance trade methods. Hashtags: #wrbanalysis #wrbzone #wrbhiddengap #priceaction #trading
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No new posts WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Study Guide (Questions, Answers & DOKs)

TheStrategyLab WRB Analysis Price Action Analysis Free Study Guide (version 2.5)
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Price Action Trading .pdf / .doc

This thread contains free access to the WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2 and 3 study guide along with being the location for you to post questions about the tutorial chapters contents involving WRBs, WRB Hidden GAPs, key market events (KMEs), or KME WRB Zones after reading the free study guide. In addition, this section is for posting "demonstration of knowledge (DOK)" to qualify for access to other free resources (e.g. ##TheStrategyLab chat room, FVB basic trade signal strategy).

These tutorials are not trade signals nor do they mentor you as a trader. They are designed to improve your understanding of the price action you're trading prior to the appearance of whatever trade signal strategy you're using regardless of you're day trading, swing trading, or position trading. Further, the tutorials can improve your trade strategies performance via merging the tutorials into your trade method. Yet, most users of WRB Analysis are using its price action analysis & trade strategy concepts to design their own trade signal strategies...discretionary, mechanical, or proprietary systems.

Your Key Responsibilities: 1) You must have a trade signal strategy. 2) You must have a quantitative statistical analysis of your trade signal strategy...backtest, simulator, or real money prior to using WRB Analysis Free Study Guide. 3) You must verify your learning (understanding) and application of WRB Analysis Free Study Guide by posting DOKs and redacted screenshots of timestamp trade fills in broker trade execution exceptions.

If you do not do the above responsibilities, you will not be able to determine the merits of WRB Analysis nor will you be allowed to purchase our fee-based resources (purchase qualification since 2014).

Updates: New WRB Analysis price action information, corrections and updates to the current 2014 v2.5 free study guide version for current market conditions is only available to traders that have an active trade journal with screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in broker trade execution platform here in our private thread section or you can just wait for the release of the new version for the free study guide.

Hashtags: #wrbanalysis #wrbzone #wrbhiddengap #volatility #priceaction


Subforums: WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Price Action Analysis (free study guide), Things A Trader Should Know, Formula Writing, Codes and Systems, Chart Storage for Tutorial Chapters 1, 2, 3 and Basic Profit Targets



Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:42 am

wrbtrader View the latest post

No new posts Instructions for Access to ##TheStrategyLab Free Chat Room

TheStrategyLab Free Chat Room
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Price Action Trading Chat Room

##TheStrategyLab free chat room is only for traders (day traders, swing traders, position traders) learning or using concepts of WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Chat room is located on the Libera IRC network and has been FREE since the year 2000 (it's birth). The purpose for the free chat room is for you to use it as a supplemental trade journal to provide critical information to your professional trade journal software to help improve your trade performance and helping you to follow your trading plan.

Therefore, we highly recommend you use the free chat room in combo with a professional trade journal software like,,,,,,, or

These professional trade journal software will do the quantitative statistical analysis for you involving your trade performance so that you can determine on your own, as an independent trader, the strengths & weaknesses of your trading.

Simply, journaling your trading minimizes the risk of ruin.

To qualify for access to ##TheStrategyLab chat room, please review and follow the instructions @ viewforum.php?f=164

##TheStrategyLab is for traders of stocks, futures, exchange traded funds and forex currencies that want to document their trades, share price action market commentaries, ask questions, and learn from other members that are profitable while using WRB Analysis...all in real-time. In addition, traders use our chat room because we have an excellent storage (archive) of the trading chat logs here at the TSL Support Forum going back many years.

Our free chat room has only a 3.0 review rating due to the fact that we ban traders for trying to use our free chat room as a signal calling trade alert room...copy/mimic/piggyback members trades not allowed. The free chat room is for you to post your real-time trades or real-time WRB Analysis. In contrast, if you log in...only lurk (not say anything) must post your screenshots of timestamp trade fills (simulator or real money) in your broker trade execution platform later in your private thread.


Subforum: Trader Profiles



Sun Mar 30, 2014 10:06 pm

wrbtrader View the latest post

No new posts Price Action Trade Strategy - Fading Volatility Breakout (FVB)

TheStrategyLab Free Fading Volatility Trading (FVB) Price Action Trade Strategy
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Price Action Trading Strategy / Course

Do you want FREE access to one of our profitable price action trade signal strategies and it's objective rules from entry to exit along with free support (answering your questions)? Of course, you do and this strategy will help you to learn price action trading without technical indicators along with helping you to determine the merits of our advance trade strategies prior to purchasing our fee-base resources.

To qualify for access to the price action trade strategy called FVB basic trade signal strategy, you must follow the instructions titled "Instructions for Free Access to FVB Trade Signal Strategy" @ viewforum.php?f=89


Subforums: Demonstration of Knowledge (DOK), Trader Profiles



Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:14 am

TuscanSun View the latest post

No new posts @ WRB Zone Alerts

The discussion in this thread will highlight particular WRB Hidden GAPs that are currently having a big impact on the price action involving WRB Zones or Supply / Demand Swap Zones that can be used to look for trade opportunities and/or help manage your trades after entry. Also, we highly encourage you to post your observations of what you're currently watching via WRB Analysis. Further, my own WRB Zone alerts will primarily be posted via tweets on twitter, commentary in the chat room and via charts involving stocks, futures, exchange traded funds or forex currencies.

In addition, any shown charts with green highlighted WRB Zones or Supply / Demand Swap Zones (key changes in supply/demand) are still valid for use until the price action traverses through the zone...use the zones to confirm your trade signals or as profit targets. Simply, WRB Zones and Supply / Demand Swap Zones shown on the charts are not hindsight analysis and they will help you to determine the merits of our WRB Analysis Tutorial Chapters 1 - 12.

Just as important, you must have a trade signal strategy to use with WRB Zones or Supply / Demand Swap Zones because WRB Analysis is not a trade signal. In contrast, its a price action analysis to help you understand the price action prior to the appearance of your trade signals.

Subforums: Stocks, Futures, Forex Currencies, Exchange Traded Funds



Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:59 pm

wrbtrader View the latest post

No new posts @ Trader Talk

Discussion about anything that's trading related involving market psychology, trader psychology, Federal Reserve (FED), European Central Bank (ECB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Eurozone, global breaking news or any thing that you think will impact the markets.

Subforums: Advanced Trader FAQ, New Trader or New Trading Instrument FAQ, @ Market Psychology, @ Trader Psychology, Image Storage



Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:42 am

wrbtrader View the latest post

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