TheStrategyLab Price Action Trading (no technical indicators)
Free Chat Room: M.A. Perry a.k.a. wrbtrader (more info about me): & Group Trade Against A Pro Futures Challenge: Reviews: & Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Telephone: +1 708 572-4885 (24/7)
Stocktwits @ (24/7)
Twitter @ (24/7)
TradingView @ (24/7) Our real-time chat room is free, professional and is an excellent source for traders to post real-time price action analysis, real-time trades or talk about other trading related topics. Yet, to gain access to ##TheStrategyLab chat room
you must qualify for access.
The qualification helps to eliminate
drive-by curiosity seekers, trolls and
lazy traders trying to violate our terms of use policy via trying to use the free chat room as a live trading room while having no real intentions of learning/applying WRB Analysis. In addition, it helps to prevent traders from using ##TheStrategyLab when they do not understand the
definition of a WRB, WRB Hidden GAP, key market event (KME), WRB Zone, R/S areas, reaction high/low, swing point price action, strong continuation price action, contracting volatility, expanding volatility, WRB profit targets via WRB Analysis. Also, it ensures that the chat room member understands these price action words/phrases/slang when other members use them in the chat room or at the
TSL Support Forum.
Further, after a trader becomes a user of the chat room...we continue weeding out any trader that decides to
not participate (lurking via not posting trades or market analysis) or decides to troll TheStrategyLab. This helps to prevent lurkers and trolls from trying to use the free chat room as a live trading room (signal calling)...those that violate our terms of use policy are
banned as stated at our
terms of use policy @ --------------------
By the way, the image in this message post represents what many users in the private chat rooms were able to see via
screen sharing...I took a quick screenshot for marketing purposes, for my own private trade journal documentation (other two monitors not shown) and for
verification that I traded on that specific trading day I posted real-time trades in the chat room for those that were
not in the chat room or
not allowed in the
screen sharing for whatever reason with others that were allowed.
I have many images like this of different trading days distributed on different webpages here at my forum and at my website just in case someone says they didn't see any in they didn't even look for them. Currently, I no longer do screen sharing...thanks to unprofessional behavior of trolls that violated my
terms of use policy @ With that said, the forum you're reading now is just for storing the archive chat logs for ##TheStrategyLab. In contrast, the actual support forum for access to ##TheStrategyLab chat room is at the
TSL Support Forum.
Therefore, to gain access to ##TheStrategyLab chat room, please follow the
instructions @ If you have any questions about ##TheStrategyLab chat room, please use the below contact information to contact me.
Best Regards,
M.A. Perry
Trader and Founder of
WRB Analysis (wide range body/bar analysis)
Price Action Only Trading (no technical indicators)

@ or Phone: +1 708 572-4885
Business Hours: 8am - 5pm est (Mon - Fri)
Skype Messenger: kebec2002 questions@thestrategylab.comGo Back To Homepage